Naslov Motivacija hrvatskih višejezičnih studenata za učenje romanskih jezika
Naslov (engleski) Croatian Multilingual Students’ Motivation For Learning Romance Languages
Autor Loreta Šimunić
Mentor Sandra Mardešić (mentor)
Mentor Marijana Alujević (komentor)
Član povjerenstva Zrinka Jelaska (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Član povjerenstva Stela Letica Krevelj (član povjerenstva)
Član povjerenstva Andrea-Beata Jelić (član povjerenstva)
Ustanova koja je dodijelila akademski / stručni stupanj Sveučilište u Zagrebu Filozofski fakultet Zagreb
Datum i država obrane 2022-06-01, Hrvatska
Znanstveno / umjetničko područje, polje i grana HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI Filologija
Univerzalna decimalna klasifikacija (UDC ) 811.13 - Romanski jezici 37 - Obrazovanje
Sažetak Motivacija za učenje stranoga jezika ima značajnu ulogu u ovladavanju stranim jezikom jer pruža početni poticaj potreban za početak učenja i sustavnu potporu osobi koji uči određeni jezik. Premda je često spominjana, motivacija je u suštini složen i eklektičan konstrukt, koji su brojni istraživači pokušali definirati i predstaviti u okviru raznih teorija i modela. Međutim, glavnina svjetskih motivacijskih istraživanja usmjerena je na engleski jezik pa se stoga ovo doktorsko istraživanje usmjerilo na strane jezike osim engleskoga (STRAJEN). Cilj je ovoga doktorskog istraživanja utvrđivanje primjenjivosti konstrukta Inojezični motivacijski pojam o sebi (IMPOS) s proširenjima Sadašnje stranojezično ja (SASTRAJ) i Idealno višejezično ja (IVIŠAJ) u istraživanju motivacije studenata za učenje romanskih jezika (talijanskoga, španjolskoga i francuskoga jezika) u hrvatskomu sveučilišnom kontekstu. Ovim su se istraživanjem nastojali utvrditi odgovori na pitanja o postojanju: (1) jezično specifičnoga Idealnoga stranojezičnog ja; (2) razlike između Sadašnjega i Idealnoga stranojezičnog ja i njezine moguće povezanosti s motiviranim jezičnim ponašanjem; (3) povezanosti motiviranoga jezičnog ponašanja s iskustvom učenja; (4) Idealnoga višejezičnog ja i njegove potencijalne povezanosti s motiviranim jezičnim ponašanjem. Rezultati istraživanja potvrdili su primjenjivost konstrukta Inojezični motivacijski pojam o sebi (IMPOS) s proširenjima Sadašnje stranojezično ja (SASTRAJ) i Idealno višejezično ja (IVIŠAJ) u istraživanjima motivacije za učenje romanskih jezika hrvatskomu kontekstu na sveučilišnoj razini. Nadalje, istraživanjem je potvrđena prikladnost instrumenta pod nazivom Upitnik za istraživanje motivacije za učenje stranih jezika na sveučilišnoj razini. Kod studenata talijanskoga i francuskoga jezika utvrđeno je postojanje jezično specifičnoga samovodiča Idealno stranojezično ja, a kod studenata španjolskoga jezika ta hipoteza nije potvrđena, a razlog tomu su kontekstualni čimbenici (zastupljenost španjolskoga jezika kroz neformalne sadržaje). Studenti na završnim godinama studija imaju manju razliku između Sadašnjega stranojezičnog ja (SASTRAJ) i Idealnoga stranojezičnog ja (ISTRAJ) u odnosu na studente na početnoj godini studija kod kojih je ta razlika veća. Suprotno očekivanjima, studenti ulažu više truda što je manja razlika između njihova SASTRAJ-a i ISTRAJ-a, a razlog tomu su također kontekstualni čimbenici (neupoznatost s visokim zahtjevima studijskih programa, koja dovodi do demotiviranosti na početnoj godini studija). Rezultati istraživanja potvrdili su da studenti koji imaju pozitivniji stav prema učenju ciljnoga stranog jezika ulažu više truda u učenje stranoga jezika. Hrvatski studenti romanskih jezika imaju razvijeno Idealno višejezično ja (IVIŠAJ), a studenti talijanskoga i francuskoga jezika koji imaju razvijeniji IVIŠAJ ulažu više truda u učenje ciljnoga stranog jezika u odnosu na one studente koji imaju manje razvijen IVIŠAJ. Isto nije utvrđeno kod studenata španjolskoga jezika, a razlog su tome već navedeni kontekstualni čimbenici.
Sažetak (engleski) Foreign language learning motivation has a significant role in second language acquisition because it offers the initial impetus necessary for initiating the learning as well as the systematic support to a foreign language learner. Despite its common occurrence in daily communication, motivation is a rather complex and eclectic construct which lead various researchers to offer numerous definitions, theories and models in order to present its complexity. The majority of the global motivational research is focused on English so this doctoral research focused on languages other than English (LOTEs). The aim of this doctoral research is to confirm the applicability of the L2 Motivational Self System (L2MSS) with the addition of Current L2 Self and the Ideal Multilingual Self in researching the students’ motivation to learn Romance languages (Italian, French and Spanish) in Croatian university context. This research set out to inquire about the existence of: (1) the language specific Ideal L2 self; (2) the difference between the Current L2 Self and the Ideal L2 self as well as its possible connection with the motivated language learning behaviour; (3) the connection of the motivated language learning behaviour and the language learning experience; (4) the Ideal L2 Self and its possible connection to the motivated language learning behaviour. Having examined the four research questions, the research set out to verify the following hypotheses: (1.) Research participants will have a language specific Ideal L2 self for each foreign language they are learning. (2.1.) The difference between the Current L2 Self and the Ideal L2 self will be smaller at the finial years of language study than at the initial years of language study. (2.2.) Motivated language learning behaviour will be smaller with the decrease in the difference between the Current L2 Self and the Ideal L2 self. (3.) Language learning experience will be connected to the motivated language learning behaviour. (4.1.) Research participants will have a developed Ideal Multilingual Self. (4.2.) Research participants’ Ideal Multilingual Self will be connected to the motivated language learning behaviour. The doctoral research was conducted by applying the mixed methods approach. Namely, by applying a convergent parallel mixed methods approach, both qualitative and quantitative data were gathered at the same time. The results were presented and analysed separately, but qualitative data were used in the discussion to offer additional insight into the quantitative data. There were 29 participants who compiled their language biography for the purposes of the qualitative research. For the purposes of the main quantitative research, the questionnaire was piloted with 118 students of German. Upon adapting the questionnaire, the main research was conducted with 665 students of Italian, French and Spanish. Having taken into consideration the difference among these languages in the Croatian context, the results obtained with the three groups of participants were analysed separately. The research results confirmed the applicability of the L2 Motivational Self System (L2MSS) with the addition of Current L2 Self and the Ideal Multilingual Self in researching the students’ motivation to learn Romance languages in Croatian context at the university level. The results confirmed the validity and the reliability of the Questionnaire for researching motivation to learn Romance languages at a university level in the Croatian context. Upon analysing the obtained data, it was established that the students of French and Italian have a language specific Ideal L2 self. Despite learning Italian and French at the university level, their Ideal English Self was stronger than their Ideal Italian Self and Ideal French Self. Therefore, the first hypothesis was confirmed for these two groups of participants. This hypothesis was not confirmed with the Spanish language students and the difference in the results can be explained with contextual factors (the presence of Spanish via informal content in the Croatian context). In accordance with the hypothesis 2.1., the students at the final years of language study have a smaller difference between the Current L2 Self and the Ideal L2 self than the students who are at the beginning of their language study. Contrary to hypothesis 2.2., the students with a greater the difference between the Current L2 Self and the Ideal L2 self are more involved in motivated language learning behaviour. This can be explained with contextual factors (a lack of knowledge regarding the high university level demands which leads to the demotivation at the beginning of the language studies). The results indicated that the students who have a more positive language learning experience demonstrate more readiness to invest time in motivated language learning behaviour. This confirmed the third hypothesis. Croatian students have a developed Ideal Multilingual Self. This result confirmed the hypothesis 4.1. The French and Italian language students with a more developed Ideal Multilingual Self demonstrate more readiness to invest time in motivated language learning behaviour than the students with a less developed Ideal Multilingual Self. Therefore, the hypothesis 4.2. was confirmed for these two groups of participants. However, this hypothesis was not confirmed with the Spanish language students and the difference can be explained with the aforementioned contextual factors.
Ključne riječi
Inojezični motivacijski pojam o sebi (IMPOS)
Idealno stranojezično ja (ISTRAJ)
Sadašnje stranojezično ja (SASTRAJ)
Idealno višejezično ja (IVIŠAJ)
iskustvo učenja stranoga jezika
motivirano jezično ponašanje
strani jezici osim engleskoga (STRAJEN)
Ključne riječi (engleski)
Ideal L2 Self
Current L2 Self
Ideal Multilingual Self
language learning experience
motivated language learning behaviour
languages other than English (LOTEs)
Jezik hrvatski
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:131:182785
Studijski program Naziv: Glotodidaktika Vrsta studija: sveučilišni Stupanj studija: poslijediplomski doktorski Akademski / stručni naziv: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti (dr. sc.)
Vrsta resursa Tekst
Opseg 242 str.
Način izrade datoteke Izvorno digitalna
Prava pristupa Otvoreni pristup
Uvjeti korištenja
Repozitorij ODRAZ
Datum i vrijeme pohrane 2022-07-06 09:31:31