Abstract | Disertacija istražuje kljucna obilježja apsorpcijskog kapaciteta pretpristupnih programa
Europske unije (EU) u Republici Hrvatskoj s ciljem prepoznavanja potrebnih aktivnosti koje bi
ojacale njegovu ulogu u korištenju EU sredstava iz strukturnih fondova. Istraživanje kljucnih
cimbenika apsorpcijskog kapaciteta sagledava se iz perspektive analize obilježja korištenja
pretpristupnih programa u Hrvatskoj u tijelima državne uprave, ali i na osnovi primarnog
istraživanja kljucnih odrednica apsorpcijskog kapaciteta na županijskoj razini buduci da su
županije razina na kojoj ce se odvijati najveci dio aktivnosti vezanih uz korištenje EU
strukturnih fondova pristupanjem Hrvatske u clanstvo Europske unije.
U teoretskom dijelu rada sagledavaju se kljucni teorijski koncepti koji cine okvir analize
apsorpcijskog kapaciteta. Apsorpcijskom kapacitetu pristupilo se iz dva teorijska diskursa,
jednom koji polazi od spoznaja koje nudi efikasnost razvojne pomoci u teoriji razvoja te drugom
koji koristeci se analizom teorije višerazinskog upravljanja predstavlja podlogu za objašnjenje
apsorpcijskog kapaciteta i cimbenika njegovog prilagoavanja u cilju ucinkovitog korištenja
EU strukturnih fondova. Analiza istraživanja koncepta apsorpcijskog kapaciteta u teorijama
ekonomike razvoja pokazala je da se radi o cimbeniku koji utjece na smanjenje ucinkovitosti
nakon odreene razine primljene pomoci, odnosno da postoji granica apsorpcijskog kapaciteta.
Istraživanje problema apsorpcijskog kapaciteta za korištenje EU programa pomoci i njihovih
glavnih cimbenika ukazalo je na postojanje ogranicenja na strani potražnje i na strani ponude.
Na strani ponude rijec je o makroekonomskom ogranicenju, financijskom ogranicenju i
administrativnom ogranicenju apsorpcijskog kapaciteta, s tim da upravo administrativno
ogranicenje predstavlja najvecu prepreku ostvarivanju potencijalnog apsorpcijskog kapaciteta,
odnosno da stanje administrativne sposobnosti predstavlja najvažnije ogranicenje i cini gornju
granicu apsorpcijskom kapacitetu korištenja EU programa pomoci.
Iskustva drugih zemalja clanica Europske unije predstavljaju relevantno polazište za
istraživanje apsorpcijskog kapaciteta pretpristupnih programa u Hrvatskoj. Stoga je analizirano
korištenje sredstava pretpristupnih programa i modeli provedbe u zemljama Srednje i Istocne
Europe clanicama EU iz 'prvog vala proširenja' (odnosno EU-8) i drugog vala proširenja (EU-
2, odnosno Bugarske i Rumunjske). Analizom je utvrena važnost institucionalnog okvira i
kadrovskog potencijala te financijskog upravljanja pretpristupnim programima za jacanje
apsorpcijskog kapaciteta, pri cemu je potvreno da je u uvjetima decentralizirane provedbe u
navedenim zemljama apsorpcijski kapacitet iskljucivo nadležnost nacionalne vlade, a da je
stanje u sustavu državne uprave od relevantnog znacaja za apsorpcijski kapacitet.
Analizom sustava korištenja sredstava i utjecaja koji apsorpcijski kapacitet ima na uspješnost
korištenja EU pretpristupnih programa te istraživanjem na koji nacin apsorpcijski kapacitet
pretpristupnih programa odreuje apsorpcijski kapacitet strukturnih fondova dokazane su i
postavljene pomocne hipoteze rada. Provedeno kvantitativno istraživanje s ciljem ocjene apsorpcijskog kapaciteta temeljilo se na strukturiranom upitniku na cijeloj populaciji (svim županijama u Hrvatskoj) i prikupljeni su za
sve jedinice populacije. Analiza obilježja apsorpcijskog kapaciteta na županijskoj razini
pokazala je da su visoke ocjene dobili cimbenici institucionalne podrške, organizacije i
upravljanja. Korelacijska analiza kljucnih cimbenika apsorpcijskog kapaciteta potvrdila je da postoji
povezanost izmeu apsorpcijskog kapaciteta i iskorištenosti programa pomoci Europske unije
u Hrvatskoj, cime je dodatno potvrena osnovna hipoteza rada. Istraživanje se bazira na
ekonometrijskoj analizi kojom je, na osnovi ocijenjenih parametara lineariziranog
multiplikativnog modela korištenja sredstava pretpristupnih programa, potvrena osnovna
hipoteza rada o povezanosti apsorpcijskog kapaciteta i korištenja programa Europske unije, pri
cemu je utvreno da su varijable odgovornosti i iskustva zaposlenih najvažniji elementi
apsorpcijskog kapaciteta na županijskoj razini. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this dissertation is to analyze key determinants of the absorption capacity of the
European Union (EU) pre-accession programs in Croatia with the ultimate goal of identifying
the required actions that would improve the absorption capacity for the usage of the EU
Structural Funds. Research on key factors of the absorption capacity has been analyzed from
the perspective of the implementation of the EU programs within the bodies of the state
administration, as well as at the municipal level. Municipalities were included in the research
because of the crucial role they will play with regard to the utilization of the Structural Funds
that will be available in Croatia as of the date of EU membership.
The theoretical part of this dissertation consists of the overview of the main theoretical concepts
that frame the analysis of the absorption capacity. The concept of the absorption capacity has
been researched from the two theoretical perspectives: the first approach is placed within the
theories of development and is based upon research into aid effectiveness; the second approach
uses the concepts of the theory of multi-level governance in order to explain the crucial factors
for the effective utilization of the EU Structural funds.
Within the theories of economic development, the concept of absorption capacity is seen as a
constraint to the efficient use of aid funds, particularly after a certain level of aid. With regard
to the absorption capacity of the EU funds and its main determinants, the analysis revealed two
main issues that influence the absorption capacity, which stem from supply and demand. On
the supply side of the absorption capacity there are several recognized factors, including macroeconomic,
financial and administrative aspects. The administrative absorption capacity presents
an obstacle in the achievement of the overall potential of the absorption capacity and, as such,
it is considered the most significant constraint; it represents the upper limit of the absorption
capacity of the EU financial assistance.
The experiences of other EU Member States provide a relevant base for research into the
absorption capacity of the EU pre-accession programs in Croatia. Therefore, the
implementation models of pre-accession programs were examined, along with the absorption
of funds in Central and Eastern European Countries from the so-called “first wave” of
enlargement (EU -8) as well as the “second wave” of enlargement (EU -2, namely Bulgaria and
Romania). The research determined the importance of institutional framework, human
resources and financial management of the pre-accession programs as key prerequisites for
increasing absorption capacity. In the case of decentralized implementation systems within the
examined countries, the research also confirmed that the absorption capacity was the exclusive
responsibility of the central government, and that the most relevant factor for the absorption
capacity was the state of the public administration.
Based on the analysis of the implementation system of funds and the relevant factors that
influence the absorption capacity of the pre-accession programs, which define the absorption
capacity of the Structural Funds, the additional hypothesis of the dissertation was tested. In
order to assess the absorption capacity, quantitative analysis was conducted in the form of a
survey that was based on a structured questionnaire for the entire population (all municipalities
in Croatia). With a full response rate, the overall analysis of the characteristics of absorption
capacity at municipal level revealed that each applicant gave high ratings to factors such as
institutional support, organization and management.
Regression analysis, which was conducted in order to identify the key factors of absorption
capacity, confirmed that there is high correlation between the absorption capacity and the usage
of the EU pre-accession programs. Therefore, the primary hypothesis of this dissertation was
additionally supported. Econometric analysis – with estimated parameters of multiple linear
regression models – was conducted in order to test the primary hypothesis of the dissertation,
as well as to further confirm the correlation between the absorption capacity and the usage of
the EU pre-accession programs. The main parameters of the absorption capacity at a municipal
level were identified as the responsibilities and experience of employees. |