Title Virusna regulacija aktivnosti NK-limfocita: uloga inhibicijskih LY49 receptora : doktorski rad
Author Marina Babić Čač
Mentor Stipan Jonjić (mentor)
Mentor Astrid Krmpotić (komentor)
Committee member Daniel Rukavina (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Alemka Markotić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Toni Valković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Stipan Jonjić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Astrid Krmpotić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine Rijeka
Defense date and country 2011-11-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 616 - Pathology. Clinical medicine
Abstract Cilj istraživanja
Regulacija NK-stanicnog odgovora tijekom rane infekcije mišjim citomegalovirusom (MCMV)
rezultat je fine ravnoteže meu signalima koji dolaze od aktivacijskih i inhibicijskih receptora
ispoljenih na njihovoj stanicnoj površini. Kako bi zaobišli antigensku prezentaciju i
prepoznavanje od strane limfocita CD8+ T, MCMV kodira proteine kojima regulira ispoljavanje
molekula MHC I na površini inficiranih stanica. Meutim, smanjeno ispoljavanje molekula MHC
I na površini stanice trebalo bi dovesti do „missing self“1-posredovanog prepoznavanja
inficiranih stanica od strane stanica NK. Usprkos tom obilježju rane citomegalovirusne infekcije,
vecina laboratorijskih mišjih sojeva ne uspijeva kontrolirati akutnu infekciju. Naša je hipoteza da
MCMV po infekciji stanica ispoljava molekule kojima veže inhibicijske receptore Ly49 i na taj
nacin inhibira funkciju stanica NK.
Cilj ovog rada je karakterizirati mehanizme kojima mišji citomegalovirus izbjegava rani NKstanicni
odgovor posredovan „missing self“-prepoznavanjem te utvrditi ulogu „missing self“-
prepoznavanja u in vivo kontroli citomegalovirusne infekcije i utjecaj na razvoj specificnog CD8
T-limfocitnog odgovora. Metode
Za potrebe ovog rada uhodala sam test reporterskih stanica koje ispoljavaju inhibicijski receptor
Ly49A te testirala njihovu aktivaciju, pracenjem ispoljavanja GFP-a pomocu protocne
citometrije, nakon ko-kultivacije sa virusom inficiranim stanicama kako bi odredila virusni
gen/gene odgovoran za vezanje ovog receptora. Funkcionalnim testovima i protocnom
citometrijom analizirala sam fenotip i funkciju stanica NK po infekciji miševa WT MCMV-om
ili Dm04 MCMV-om. Standardnim testom virusnih cistina ispitala sam sposobnost raznih mišjih
sojeva u kontroliranju WT MCMV-a ili Dm04 MCMV-a te ulogu stanica NK.
Pokazala sam kako ligacija inhibicijskog receptora Ly49A putem kompleksa m04/MHC I
ispoljenog na površini inficiranih stanica rezultira: (i) protekcijom WT MCMV-inficiranih
stanica od NK-posredovanog specificnog ubijanja, (ii) smanjenom proliferacijom stanica NK in
vivo, te (iii) slabom kontrolom virusnog titra in vivo 3 dana po infekciji u miševa haplotipa H-2k i
H-2d. Virusni model „missing self“-prepoznavanja koristila sam u ispitivanju uloge jakosti NKstanicnog
odgovora u formiranju CD8 T-limfocitnog odgovora te pokazala kako u BALB/c
miševa snažan NK-stanicni odgovor ne utjece na ucinkovitost CD8 T odgovora i to
najvjerojatnije zbog ocuvanja broja i funkcije konvencionalnih dendritickih stanica. Naposljetku,
definirala sam tri nova aktivacijska receptora Ly49: Ly49P, Ly49L i Ly49D2, specificna za
prepoznavanje MCMV-inficiranih stanica putem kompleksa m04/MHC I i dodatnog virusnog
Ovaj rad pokazuje novi citomegalovirusni mehanizam izbjegavanja NK-stanicnog odgovora i to
ispoljavanjem kompleksa koji ligira inhibicijski NK-stanicni receptor te inhibira proliferacijski
kapacitet stanica NK i kontrolu virusnog titra in vivo. Takoer, po prvi puta pokazuje fiziološku
ulogu „missing self“-posredovanog prepoznavanja u kontekstu virusne infekcije. Istovremeno,
ukazuje na postojanje aktivacijskih receptora Ly49, specificnih za isti kompleks.
Abstract (english) Objectives
Regulation of NK cell response in acute mouse cytomegalovirus (MCMV) infection is dependent
on the fine balance of signals coming from activating and inhibitory receptors expressed on their
cell surface. In order to sidestep antigen presentation and recognition by CD8+T cells, MCMV
encodes immunoevasion proteins that downmodulate the expression of MHC class I on the
surface of infected cells. However, by lowering interactions and triggering through inhibitory
Ly49 receptors, this process makes infected cells prone to „missing-self“-mediated killing by NK
cells. In spite of that, most of the laboratory mouse strains are not capable of controlling the acute
MCMV infection. My working hypothesis was that this mechanism has evolved to prevent NK
cell activation and killing by restoring ‘self’ signature and allowing the engagement of inhibitory
Ly49 receptors by their natural ligands.
The objective of this thesis was to characterize mechanisms which MCMV utilizes to avoid early
„missing self“-dependent NK cell response and to determine the role of „missing self“-mediated
recognition during in vivo control of MCMV infection and its influence on specific CD8 T cell
For the purpose of this disertation I established an assay with reporter cells expressing inhibitory
Ly49 receptors. Activation of reporter cells was followed by GFP expression using flow cytometry, after co-cultivation with MCMV infected cells in order to determine the viral gene(s)
responsible for the ligation of this receptor.
I used functional tests and immunophenotyping to analyse the phenotype and function of NK
cells after infection of mice with WT or Dm04 MCMV. Standard plaque assay was used to
determine the ability of various mouse strains to control infection with WT MCMV or Dm04
MCMV and the role of NK cells.
The data show that the ligation of inhibitory Ly49A receptor by m04/MHC I complex results in:
(i) protection of WT MCMV infected cells from NK cell-mediated killing, (ii) impaired
proliferation of NK cells in vivo and (iii) weak control of the virus titer in vivo 3 days post
infection in mice of H-2k i H-2d haplotype. I used the viral model of „missing self“-mediated
recognition in determining the role of the strong NK cell response in shaping the adaptive
immune response and demonstrated that in BALB/c mice the strong NK cell response does not
influence the efficacy of the CD8 T cell response. This is most likely due to the preserved
number and function of conventional dendritic cells. Finally, I identified three novel MCMVspecific
activating Ly49 receptors: Ly49P, Ly49L i Ly49D2, which recognize infected cells via
m04/MHC I complex and an additional viral factor.
This thesis presents a novel mechanism employed by mouse cytomegalovirus, aimed to avoid
NK cell response by expressing a protein complex to ligate inhibitory Ly49 receptor, inhibit the
proliferative capacity of NK cells and the ability to control virus titer in vivo. This study is the
first evidence for the physiological role of the „missing self“-mediated recognition in the context
of viral infection. At the same time it points to the 3 activating Ly49 receptors specifically
recognizing the same m04/MHC I complex.
imunološki nadzor
izbjegavanje imunološkog nadzora
mišji citomegalovirus
priroena imunost
receptori Ly49
stanice NK
Keywords (english)
innate immunity
Ly49 receptors
mouse cytomegalovirus
NK cells
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:188:774338
Project Number: 062-0621261-1263 Title: Molekularni mehanizmi citomegalovirusnog izmicanja imunološkom nadzoru Leader: Stipan Jonjić Jurisdiction: Croatia Funder: MZOS
Project Number: 062-0621261-1268 Title: Uloga imunosubverzivnih citomegalovirusnih gena u latenciji Leader: Astrid Krmpotić Jurisdiction: Croatia Funder: MZOS
Study programme Title: Biomedicine Postgraduate (doctoral) study programme Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biomedicine i zdravstvo (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biomedicine i zdravstvo)
Catalog URL https://libraries.uniri.hr/cgi-bin/unilib.cgi?form=D1121018062
Type of resource Text
Extent 146 str.
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka Library
Created on 2017-01-19 18:34:28