Title Uloga NKG2D u razvoju, homeostazi i efektorskim funkcijama NK stanica : doktorski rad
Title (english) The role of NKG2D in development, homeostasis and effector functions of NK cells
Author Biljana Zafirova
Mentor Bojan Polić (mentor)
Committee member Stipan Jonjić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sabina Rabatić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivica Pavić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine Rijeka
Defense date and country 2010-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Basic Medical Sciences
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 611 - Anatomy
Abstract Cilj istraživanja:
NKG2D aktivacijski receptor je izražen na svim NK stanicama, gd T limfocitima, aktiviranim i
memorijskim T limfocitima i makrofazima. Spada u receptore C-tipa slicne lektinima. NKG2D je
bitan aktivacijski receptor NK stanica djelujuci kao sensor kojim NK stanice prepoznaju stanice
izložene stresu, kao što su virusom inficirane ili transformirane stanice koje ispoljavaju NKG2D
Cilj ovog rada je inaktivirati mišji NKG2D receptor kako bi mogli izucavati njegovu ulogu u
razvoju, aktivaciji i homeostazi NK stanica in vitro i in vivo. Stoga smo razvili mišji soj u kojem
ne dolazi do izražaja NKG2D receptora uvodenjem mutacije u Klrk1 gen.
Iako je NKG2D izražen i na prekursorima NK stanica (NKP) nije poznato ima li ovaj receptor
ulogu i u razvoju NK stanica. Glavni cilj doktorskog rada je istražiti moguce posljedice
nedostatka NKG2D receptora na razvoj, homeostazu i efektorske funkcije NK stanica.
NKG2D deficitnog miša sam napravila ciljanom mutacijom Klrk1 gena u embrionalnim
maticnim stanicama koje su izolirane iz C56BL/6 mišjeg soja. Protocnom citometrijom i raznim
funkcionalnim testovima sam analizirala razvojne subpopulacije NK stanica. Testirala sam i
efektorske finkcije NKG2D deficitnih NK stanica u modelu MCMV infekcije. Rezultati:
Napravila sam vektor za ciljanu mutaciju Klrk1 lokusa koji je i sekvencioniran. Bruce4
embrionalne maticne stanice sam transfecirala i pikirala nakon pozitivne (G418) i negativne
(ganciklovirom) selekcije, te sam ih analizirala na prisutnost homolognih rekombinanti Southern
blot metodom. Odabrala sam dva klona koja su prolazno transfecirana plazmidom pIC-Cre koji
producira Cre rekombinazu kako bi se izbacila neoR kazeta. G418 osjetljive kolonije su
mikroinjicirane u blastociste cime je u konacnici napravljan NKG2D deficitni mišji soj.
U ovom radu pokazujem dvojnu ulogu NKG2D receptora u fiziologiji NK stanica, od kojih je
jedna regulatorna djelujuci na razvoj, homeostazu i preživljavanje NK stanica, dok je druga
efektorska funkcija. Zamijecene posljedice nedostatka NKG2D receptora su: a) brža proliferacija
NK stanica, b) promjena velicine subpopulacija NK stanica i c) pojacana podložnost apoptozi.
Kako je i ocekivano, NKG2D deficitne NK stanice su znatno slabije aktivirane tumorskim
stanicama koje ispoljavaju NKG2D ligande, cime je potvrdena njegova važna uloga u
efektorskim funkcijama. Klrk1 -/- miševi pokazuju vecu NK posredovanu otpornost na MCMV
infekciju što je posljedica nemogucnosti regulacije NK stanica.
Ovo istraživanje otkriva novu, dosad nepoznatu ulogu NKG2D receptora u fiziologiji NK
stanica. Prvi put je pokazano koristeci geneticki modificirani mišji model da NKG2D ima važnu
regulatornu ulogu u razvoju NK stanica, kontrolirajuci njihovu proliferaciju homeostazu i
Abstract (english) Objectives:
NKG2D is an activating receptor expressed on different cells like NK cells, T cells and
macrophages. It belongs to the C-type lectin-like family of receptors and interacts with H60,
Rae1 and Mult1 ligands. NKG2D is a potent activating receptor on NK cells which acts as a
molecular sensor for stress exposed cells expressing NKG2D ligands such as virally infected or
tumor transformed cells. The aim of this work is to inactivate mouse NKG2D receptor in order to
study its role in the development, activation, and homeostasis of NK cells in vitro and in vivo.
Therefore, we have developed NKG2D deficient mouse strain after introducing mutations in
Klrk1 gene by gene targeting. Although NKG2D is expressed on NK cell precursors (NKPs), it is
not known whether NKG2D has the role in NK cell development. Therefore, our major goal was
to investigate possible consequences of NKG2D-deficiency on the development, homeostasis and
effector functions of NK cells.
I have generated NKG2D-deficient mice by targeting the Klrk1 locus in ES cells derived from
C57BL/6 mouse strain (Bruce 4). In this work I used flow cytometry analysis as well as different
functional assays to analyse developmental NK cell subpopulations. I also tested effector
functions of NKG2D-deficient NK cells in MCMV infection model. Results:
Targeting vector for Klrk1 mutation was constructed and sequenced. Bruce 4 (C57/BL6) ES cells
were transfected and picked up after positive (G418) and negative (gancyclovir) selection and
screened for homologous recombinants by Southern blotting. Two clones were transiently
transfected with pIC-Cre expressing vector to expel neoR cassette. G418 sensitive colonies were
microinjected in blastocystas. NKG2D deficient mice mutant was made.
Here I provide evidence for dual role of NKG2D in the physiology of NK cells: one, rather
regulatory, implicated in their development, homeostasis and survival, and other, important for
exerting their effector functions. We observed the following consequences of NKG2D deficiency
on the NK cell development and homeostasis: a) faster division of NK cells, b) perturbation in
size of NK cell subpopulations and, c) their augmented sensitivity to apoptosis. As expected,
NKG2D deficient NK cells were considerably less responsive to tumor cell targets expressing
NKG2D ligands, thus confirming the important role of NKG2D for exertion of their effector
functions. However, Klrk1 -/- mice showed an enhanced NK cell-mediated resistance to MCMV
infection as a consequence of NK cell dysregulation.
Our study reveals a novel, yet unknown function of NKG2D in NK cell physiology. We have
shown here for the first time, using genetically engineered mouse model, that NKG2D plays an
important regulatory role in NK cell development, controlling proliferation, homeostasis and
survival of NK cells.
Embrionalne maticne stanice
Ciljana mutacija gena
Cre/loxP rekombinacijski sustav
NKG2D deficitni miš
Razvoj NK stanica
Keywords (english)
Embryonic stem cells
Gene targeting
Cre/loxP recombination system
NK cell development
NKG2D deficient mice
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:188:020153
Project Number: 0062005 Title: Proizvodnja i karakterizacija mišjih mutanti za NKG2A i NKG2D gene Leader: Bojan Polić Jurisdiction: Croatia Funder: MZOS
Project Number: TP01-006201 Title: Manipulacija mišjih gena in vivo Leader: Bojan Polić Jurisdiction: Croatia Funder: MZOS
Project Number: 062-0621261-1271 Title: Uloga NKG2D u razvoju, homeostazi i efektorskim funkcijama imunološkog sustava Leader: Bojan Polić Jurisdiction: Croatia Funder: MZOS
Study programme Title: Biomedicine Postgraduate (doctoral) study programme Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biomedicine i zdravstvo (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biomedicine i zdravstvo)
Catalog URL https://libraries.uniri.hr/cgi-bin/ucat/unilib.cgi?form=D1120728067
Type of resource Text
Extent 157 str.
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
Terms of use
Public note Pohranjen je cjeloviti tekst rada bez slika.
Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka Library
Created on 2017-01-19 18:19:46