Title Odnosi populacija sitnih glodavaca kao rezervoara prirodno-žarišnih zoonoza u šumskim ekosustavima obične bukve (Fagus sylvatica L.) u Republici Hrvatskoj
Title (english) Relationship between populations of small rodents as reservoirs of natural-focal zoonoses in forest ecosystems of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) in Republic of Croatia
Author Linda Bjedov
Mentor Josip Margaletić (mentor)
Committee member Boris Hrašovec (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology Zagreb
Defense date and country 2015-07-06, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Forestry
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 630 - Silviculture. Afforestation. Felling. Logging
Abstract Obična bukva (Fagus sylvatica L.) u Hrvatskoj ima najveći areal, najzastupljenija je vrsta na obraslom šumskom zemljištu i pojavljuje se u velikom broju šumskih zajednica. Urod bukvice bilježi se kao bitan faktor porasta populacije sitnih glodavaca. Sitni glodavci poznatisu prijenosnici niza zaraznih bolesti opasnih za zdravlje čovjeka, uključujući hanta viruse i leptospire. Ciljevi ovog istraživanja su praćenje populacija sitnih glodavaca, utvrđivanjeodnosa zatupljenih vrsta sitnih glodavaca i njihovih zoonoza u bukovim šumama. U okviru rada obavljen je izlov u periodu od 2011. do 2014. godine na ukupno 7 lovnih ploha raspoređenih na dva lokaliteta (NP Plitvička jezera i PP Medvednica). Ulovljene jedinke obrađene su na prisutnost hanta virusa i leptospira. Na lovnim plohama izmjereni su različitistanišni parametri i urod bukvice. Ulovljene jedinke determinirane su na nivou vrste, određenim je spol, dob, reproduktivni status i izmjereni morfometrijski parametri. Rezultati ovogarada pokazali su da u bukovim šumama dominiraju žutogrli šumski miš i šumska voluharicate da zajedno čine 99 % ulova. Brojnost sitnih glodavaca karakterizirale su povišene vrijednosti u 2012. godini i visoka brojnost ("mišja godina") u 2014. godini, dok je 2011. i2013. godinu karakterizirala niska brojnost. Urod bukvice na lovnim plohama NP Plitvičkajezera zabilježen je povišen u 2011. godini i obilan u 2013. godini iz čega proizlazi da je urodu navedenim godinama povezan s povišenom brojnosti sitnih glodavca u 2012. i 2014. godini.Izmjerom stanišnih parametara pokazalo se da šumskoj voluharicu pogoduju površine natkrivene pomlatkom, dok žutogrli šumski miš ne pokazuje značajne preference za mjerene stanišne parametre. Prostorna rasprostranjenost žutogrlog šumskog miša i šumske voluharice pokazala je simpatrijski odnos ovih vrsta glodavca. Kod obrađenih glodavaca potvrđena jeprevalencija 3 vrste hantavirusa. Puumala (PUUV) je zastupljena u 50 % jedinki šumske voluharice, Dobrava (DOBV) u 5 % žutogrlog šumskog miša i hanta virus Seewis (SWSV) ujednoj od dvije ulovljene jedinke šumske rovke. Dobivena su i dva izolata leptospiraserološke skupine Australis, genomske vrste Leptospira interrogans i serološke skupinePomona, genomske vrste Leptospira kirschneri. Analizom morfometrijskih parametaranađene su razlike dužina repa i dužina zadnjeg stopala šumske voluharice ovisno o lokalitetu.Kod žutogrlog šumskog miša također je dobivene na razlika u dužini repa između lokaliteta.Iz podataka utvrđujemo pozitivnu vezu između količine jesenskog uroda bukvice te porastapopulacija sitnih glodavaca, porasta prevalencije hantavirusa i epidemije mišje groznice ugodini nakon obilnog uroda.
Abstract (english) The European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) is at present considered to be the mostcommon economically important and wiedspread tree species in Europe. In contrast to othertree species and economically important species in Croatia European beech has the largestareal and can be found in variety of plant communities. Beech forests represent biotope fordifferent plant and animal species including small mammals (rodents). As the most speciousand widely distributed mammalian group, rodents are the wildlife reservoir for manyzoonoses which can infect humans and other wildlife. Pathogens can be transmittedhorizontally via direct or indirect contacts to host species and humans. Rodent outbreaks tendto follow years with increased seed production of oak and beech. Many authors have linkedfluctuations in abundance of rodent reservoirs with increase of human zoonotic infections. Inforests the most. Aim of this research is monitoring of small mammal populations and theirzoonosis including hantaviruses and leptospira species, rodent species interactions, theirspatial distribution and habitat use. At two locations (National park Plitvice lakes and Naturepark Medvednica) seven trapping plots were set, each containing 1 or 2 grids size 100m x100m (100 traps). Rodent capturing was done from year 2011 until 2014 in summer andautumn. Trapped rodents were screened for hantaviruses and leptospira species. Their sex, ageand reproductive status was determined, body mass and morphometry was measured. Ongrids in National park Plitvice lakes microhabitat parameters were collected for each trapposition as well as yearly beech seed production. Results show two dominant rodent speciesyellow-necked mouse (Apodemus flavicollis) and bank vole (Myodes glareolus) in beechforests of National Park Plitvice and Nature Park Medvednica. Both species make 99 % oftotal captures. Remaining 1 % is made of two common shrews (Sorex araneus), one edibledormouse (Glis glis) and one vole from genus Microtus. Rodent abundance showed increasein year 2012 and outbreak in year 2014 measuring on one grid max abundance of 45animals/ha, whereas year 2011 and 2013 had lowest abundance. Beach mast was reported foreach year by counting the amount of beech seeds on the ground at each trap position on 1 m2surface. In 2011 there was slight increase in beech seed production reported in comparison toyear 2012 and 2014. In year 2013 beech seed production was the highest with mean beechseeds/m2 23x higher than in year 2012. From the rodent abundance and beech mast data wesee the trend of mast years being followed with high rodent abundance. Microhabitatparameters measured for each trapping grid showed that bank voles are positively associatedwith tree sapling cover. For yellow-necked mouse there was no association found withVIIImeasured microhabitat parameters. Spatial distribution of two dominant rodent species didntshow any difference. No correlation was found between yellow-necked mouse and bank voleoccurrence within grids. In beech forests of National Park Plitvice lakes and Nature ParkMedvednica 3 different hantaviruses were found within their typical rodent host species:Puumala (PUUV) in bank voles (Myodes glareolus), hantavirus Dobrava (DOBV) in yellowneckedmouse (Apodemus flavicollis) and Seewis (SWSV) in common shrew (Sorex araneus).Highest infection rate was found in bank voles with 50 % of Puumala positive individuals.Dobrava was found in 5 % of trapped yellow-necked mouse. From two trapped commonshrews one was positive to Seewis and makes first molecular evidence of shrew-borne Seewisvirus in Croatia. From two yellow-necked mouse males 2 different leptospira species wereisolated: Leptospira interrogans (serovar Australis) and Leptospira kirschneri (serovarPomona). For same two males dual infections were found with listed leptospira species andDobrava virus. Highest proportion of hantavirus positive rodents was found in year 2014when their abundance was also reported highest. Between both locations significantdifference was found in tail and hind foot length of bank voles, being longer in National ParkPlitvice lakes. Tail length of yellow-necked mouse was also found longer in National ParkPlitvice lakes compared to ones from Nature Park Medvednica which indicates possible localadaptations. From this data the connection of beech mast year and rodent abundancefollowing next year as well as high infection rates of rodents is confirmed. In same years withincreased rodent abundance there was high number of human HFRS cases (hemorrhagic feverwith renal failure syndrome) which confirms the influence of beech mast on rodent abundanceand increasing human cases.
sitni glodavci
bukove šume
Keywords (english)
small rodents
beech forests
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:108:023301
Study programme Title: POSTGRADUATE UNIVERSITY DOCTORAL STUDY PROGRAMME OF FORESTRY Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biotehničkih znanosti, polje šumarstvo (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biotehničkih znanosti, polje šumarstvo)
Type of resource Text
Extent 191 str.
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Repository University of Zagreb Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology
Created on 2017-01-12 14:17:29