Author Marijeta Vitez Pandžić
Mentor Boris Ljubanović (mentor)
Mentor Bosiljka Britvić - Vetma (komentor)
Committee member Zvonimir Lauc (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dario Đerđa (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Renata Perić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Law Osijek Osijek
Defense date and country 2018, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law Administrative Law and Administration
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 342 - Public law. Constitutional law. Administrative law
Abstract Cilj ove disertacije sveobuhvatna je analiza upravno pravnih aspekata ishođenja građevinskih i uporabnih dozvola u Republici Hrvatskoj. Temeljna istraživačka problematika disertacije usmjerena je na analiziranje nedostataka u provođenju upravnih postupaka ishođenja građevinskih i uporabnih dozvola gdje utvrđeni nedostatci mogu dovesti do neučinkovitosti ovih posebnih upravnih postupaka. Predmet istraživanja ovoga rada odnosi se na primjenu propisa kojima je regulirana gradnja na razini Europske unije, položaj i rang Republike Hrvatske u odnosu na zemlje članice Europske unije glede regulatornih sustava upravnog građevinskog prava te ishodišta i posljedice utvrđenih nedostataka u upravnom postupku ishođenja građevinskih i uporabnih dozvola u RH. Iz definiranog cilja, problema i predmeta istraživanja postavljene su istraživačke hipoteze čije se dokazivanje provodilo pomoću proučavanja i analize: primarnih publikacija i opće normativnih akata (Republike Hrvatske, zemalja članica Europske unije i Europske unije), sudske prakse (Suda Europske unije, Europskog suda za ljudska prava, upravnih sudova, Visokog upravnog suda RH i Ustavnog suda RH), istraživanja Svjetske banke i OTB Resarch Institute for the Built Environment, Delft, Nizozemska te provedbe empirijskog istraživanja. Istraživanje anketiranjem provodilo se na dvije skupine ispitanika. Prva skupina bili su arhitekti, članovi Hrvatske komore arhitekata, a druga skupina ispitanika bili su pročelnici odnosno zaposlenici nadležnih županijskih i gradskih upravnih odjela jedinica lokalne i područne (regionalne) samouprave (uključujući i njihove ispostave) koji izdaju građevinske i uporabne dozvole. Odgovori ispitanika podvrgnuti su raznim vrstama kvalitativne, kvantitativne i kauzalne analize i sinteze. Podatci su analizirani upotrebom deskriptivne statistike, a razlike u odgovorima dvije skupine ispitanika analizirane su pomoću odgovarajućih statističkih testova. Ostale metode koje su upotrijebljene u svrhu dokazivanja postavljenih hipoteza jesu: analiza i sinteza, indukcija i dedukcija, apstrakcija i konkretizacija, komparativna metoda, povijesna metoda, metoda deskripcije, metoda kompilacije, metoda promatranja, a prilikom analize pravne regulative korištena je gramatička, logička i teleološka metoda tumačenja. Upotrebom istraživačkih metoda utvrđeno je da se u zemljama Europske unije mogu identificirati učinkovitiji regulatorni sustavi upravnog građevinskog prava. Zatim, obzirom na skupinu ispitanika pročelnika odnosno zaposlenika nadležnih županijskih i gradskih upravnih odjela (uključujući i njihove ispostave) nije jasno i u potpunosti utvrđeno da razvojem upravnog građevinskog prava u RH, nisu pojednostavljeni postupci ishođenja građevinskih i uporabnih dozvola dok s obzirom na skupinu ispitanika arhitekata isto jest potvrđeno. Primjenom istraživačkih metoda utvrđeno je i da postupci ishođenja građevinskih i uporabnih dozvola u RH, nisu u potpunosti usklađeni s odredbama Zakona o općem upravnom postupku te s izvorima prava koji uređuju upravni postupak na razini EU te sukladno tome, utvrđeni su nedostatci upravnog postupanja koji vode prema neučinkovitosti takvih posebnih upravnih postupaka. S obzirom na utvrđeno, u Zaključku rada, prikazuju su preporuke za poboljšanja koje se odnose na prijedloge normativnih poboljšanja de lege ferenda te na institucionalna odnosno (organizacijska) poboljšanja samoga sustava.
Abstract (english) The objective of this thesis is a comprehensive analysis of legal aspects of obtainment of construction and operating licences in the Republic of Croatia. The fundamental research focus of the thesis is aimed at an analysis of deficiencies in performance of administrative procedures concerning obtainment construction and operating licences where the determined deficiencies may lead to inefficiency of these special administrative procedures. The subject of this paper concerns application of construction regulations at the level of the European Union, the position and the rank of the Republic of Croatia in comparison to the European Union Member States in respect of the construction administrative law regulatory systems, and the origin and consequences of the determined deficiencies in the administrative procedure concerning obtainment of the construction and operating licences in the Republic of Croatia. Research hypotheses were set on the basis of the defined objective, the problem and the subject of research proven through studies and analyses of primary publications and general normative acts (of the Republic of Croatia, of the European Union Member States, and of the European Union), case-law (of the European Court of Justice, the European Court of Human Rights, administrative courts, the High Administrative Court of the Republic of Croatia and the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia), research performed by the World Bank and the OTB Research Institute for the Built Environment, Delft, the Netherlands, and performed empirical research. Research survey polls were performed on two groups of subjects. The first group consisted of architects, members of the Croatian Chamber of Architects, and the second group consisted of heads and/or employees of competent county and city level administrative departments of the local and regional self-government units (including their subordinated offices) which issue construction and service licences. Poll responses were subjected to various types of qualitative, quantitative and causal analyses and syntheses. The data was analysed using descriptive statistics and the differences between the responses provided by the two groups of subjects were analysed using appropriate statistical tests. Other methods applied in order to prove the established hypotheses were: analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, abstraction and specification, the comparative method, the historical method, the method of description, the method of compilation, the method of observation, and, in the course of the analysis of the legal regulations, grammatical, logical and teleological methods of interpretation were used. Using the research methods, it was determined that more efficient construction law regulatory systems may be identified in the European Union Member States. Furthermore, considering the group of surveyed heads and employees of competent county and city administrative departments (also including their branch offices), it is not clear or fully determined that development of administrative construction law in the Republic of Croatia has not led to simplification of procedures for obtainment of construction and operating licences, but the same was confirmed in relation to the group of surveyed architects. By application of the research methods, it was also determined that the procedures for obtainment of construction and operating licences in the Republic of Croatia have not been fully aligned with provisions of the General Administrative Procedures Act and the sources of law regulating the administrative procedure at the EU level. Accordingly, deficiencies of the administrative procedures, leading towards inefficiency of such special administrative procedures, have been determined. Considering the determined circumstances, the Conclusion of the paper provides recommendations for improvements concerning proposed normative improvements de lege ferenda and institutional and/or organisational improvements of the system.
građevinska dozvola
uporabna dovola
nedostatci u upravnom postupanju
posebni upravni postupci
općenormativni akti
upravno područje gradnje
Keywords (english)
construction licence
operating licence
deficiencies in the administrative procedure
special administrative procedures
general normative acts
administrative field of construction
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:132:775029
Study programme Title: Law - Postgraduate Doctoral University Study Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti iz područja društvenih znanosti, znanstveno polje pravo (doktor/doktorica znanosti iz područja društvenih znanosti, znanstveno polje pravo)
Catalog URL
Type of resource Text
Extent 478 str. ; 30 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Repository Repository of Faculty of Law in Osijek
Created on 2018-10-02 08:40:58