Title Geokemijske značajke sedimenata područja Novigradskog mora
Title (english) Geochemical characteristics of sediments of the Novigrad sea area
Author Željka Fiket MBZ: 254954
Mentor Goran Kniewald (mentor)
Committee member Mladen Juračić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Vladimir Bermanec (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Delko Barišić (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 129652
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Science (Department of Geology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2014-01-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Natural Sciences Marine Science
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 55 - Geology. Meteorology. Hydrology 502/504 - Environmental science. Conservation of natural resources. Threats to the environment and protection against them
Abstract Novigradsko more uvučeni je zaljev Jadranskog mora u čijem se sjeveroistočnom dijelu ulijeva rijeka Zrmanja tvoreći visokostratificirani estuarij. Istraživanje geokemijskih, sedimentoloških i mineraloških značajki sedimenata šireg područja Novigradskog mora provedeno je u svrhu određivanje podrijetla materijala, uvjeta taloženja te prirodnih i antropogenih faktora utjecaja na sedimentaciju u Novigradskom moru. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da je sastav recentnih sedimenata Novigradskog akvatorija određen prvenstveno prirodnim čimbenicima, iako sporadično nalazimo i utjecaj antropogenog djelovanja. Sastav istraživanih recentnih sedimenata, osim geološkom podlogom, hidrodinamskim uvjetima i biogenom produkcijom, uvjetovan je i fizikalnokemijskim procesima koji reguliraju donos otopljene i partikulatne faze rijekama Zrmanjom i Karišnicom te koagulacijom donešenog koloidnog materijala duž gradijenta saliniteta. Materijal donešen rijekom Zrmanjom dijelom se taloži na ušća rijeke u Novigradsko more dok se neistaloženi materijal u suspenziji odnosi dalje i taloži u dubljim dijelovima bazena. Reoksidacija metalnih oksida na granici voda-sediment čini sedimente Novigradskog mora mjestom odlaganja metala. Zatvorenost bazena i ograničena izmjena vode s Novigradskim morem uvjetuje u Karinskom moru pojavu suboksičnih uvjeta. Većina materijala donešena rijekama Zrmanjom i Karišnicom zadržava se na području Novigradskog i Karinskog mora. Sastav sedimenata rijeke Zrmanje upućuje na utjecaj tvornice Jadral i prijenos materijala iz njezine neposredne blizine u vodeni sustav rijeke Zrmanje vjetrom. Sastav površinskih i pridnenih voda istraživanog područja odražava geološku i hidrogeološku podlogu, dok je raspodjela u vodenom stupcu uvjetovana salinitetom i remobilizacijom elemenata iz sedimenta u vodeni stupac.
Abstract (english) Novigrad Sea is a small bay of the Adriatic Sea in which northeastern part Zrmanja River discharges and forms highly stratified estuary. Investigation of geochemical, sedimentological and mineralogical characteristics of sediments of wider area of the Novigrad Sea was conducted in order to determine the origin of the material, the deposition conditions as well as natural and anthropogenic factors of influences on sedimentation in the Novigrad Sea. The results showed that the composition of the Novigrad Sea sediments is primarily
determined by natural factors, although sporadically we find the impact of anthropogenic activities. Composition of the investigated sediments is influenced by geological background, hydrodynamic conditions, biogenic production as well as the physico-chemical processes that govern the yield of dissolved and particulate phases of the Zrmanja River and Karišnica River and coagulation of colloidal materials along the salinity gradient. Material brought by Zrmanja River partly deposits on the mouth of the river in the Novigrad Sea while the material in suspension deposits in the deeper parts of the basin. Reoxidation of metal oxides at the water-surface interface makes Novigrad Sea sediments place of trace element disposal. Most of the material brought by River Zrmanja and River Karišnica deposits within the Novigrad Sea and the Karin Sea area. The composition of the Zrmanja River sediments indicates the impact of the ex-alumina factory Jadral and transfer by wind of the material from its immediate proximity to the water system of the Zrmanja River. The composition of surface and bottom water of the Novigrad Sea area reflects the geological and hydrogeological background, while the distribution of trace elements in the water column is determined by salinity and remobilization of elements from the sediment into the water column.
elementi u tragovima
geokemijske značajke
Karinsko more
Novigradsko more
rijeka Zrmanja
Keywords (english)
geochemical characteristics
Karin Sea
Novigrad Sea
trace elements
Zrmanja River
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:217:938539
Study programme Title: Interdisciplinary doctoral study in Oceanology Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje prirodnih znanosti, polje interdisciplinarne prirodne znanosti (znanost o moru) (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje prirodnih znanosti, polje interdisciplinarne prirodne znanosti (znanost o moru))
Type of resource Text
Extent 309 str. ; 30 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Public note Rad je izrađen na Institutu Ruđer Bošković, Zavodu za istraživanje mora i okoliša u Zagrebu, u sklopu interdisciplinarnog doktorskog studija oceanologije na Geološkom odsjeku, Prirodoslovno-matematičkog fakulteta u Zagrebu.
Repository Repository of the Faculty of Science
Created on 2017-11-22 14:17:17