Title Povezanost tjelesne aktivnosti studentica, samoprocjene zdravlja i zadovoljstva tjelesnim izgledom
Title (english) The relationship between students physical activity level, self-perceived health status and body image satisfaction
Author Jelena Alić MBZ: 307975
Mentor Renata Barić (mentor)
Committee member Marjeta Mišigoj-Duraković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivan Prskalo (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Darja Maslić-Seršić (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 180364
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Kinesiology Zagreb
Defense date and country 2015-03-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Kinesiology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 613 - Hygiene. Personal health and hygiene. Dietetics. Occupational diseases. Addictions. Sexual hygiene 796/799 - Sport
Abstract Uvod: Tjelesna neaktivnost postaje sve veći javno zdravstveni globalni problem, unatoč dobro poznatim zdravstvenim, psihološkim, društvenim i ekonomskim dobrobitima tjelesne aktivnosti (TA). Ostvarivanje preporučene razine TA uz navedene dobrobiti, može doprinijeti i boljem samopoštovanju i zadovoljstvu tjelesnim izgledom (ZTI). Stoga je cilj ovog istraživanja bio utvrditi razinu TA studentica te relacije između TA, subjektivne procjene zdravlja, samopoštovanja i ZTI.
Metode: U svrhu prikupljanja podataka provedeno je anketiranje na prigodnom uzorku 312 zadarskih studentica pri čemu su korišteni: Međunarodni upitnik tjelesne aktivnosti, Upitnik zdravstvenog statusa, Rosenbergova skala samopoštovanja i Stunkardova skala percepcije tjelesnog izgleda slikovnim podražajima; dodatna pitanja o dobi i navici konzumiranja cigareta, te su provedena morfološka mjerenja tjelesne mase i visine.
Rezultati: Medijan ukupne razine TA studentica iznosi 64,75 MET- sat/tjedan, a najviša energetska potrošnja ostvaruje se u domeni aktivnosti u kućanstvu (16,17 MET- sat/tjedan), te hodanjem (26,67 MET- sat/tjedan). U ukupnom uzorku identificirano je 38,46% nedovoljno aktivnih (NA) zadarskih studentica. U slobodno vrijeme tjelesno su aktivnije studentice normalne uhranjenosti i pretile od pothranjenih i prekomjerno uhranjenih te studentice koje ne puše u odnosu na one koje puše. Studentice s dovoljnom razinom TA značajno rjeđe izvješćuju o tjelesnoj boli nego nedovoljno aktivne (NA) studentice. Razina TA je povezana s nekim subjektivnim pokazateljima zdravlja, najveća pozitivna povezanost dobivena je za ukupnu TA i mentalno zdravlje, dok je TA na poslu i u kućanstvu negativno povezana s nekim sastavnicama zdravlja. Boljem mentalnom zdravlju i vitalnosti doprinosi veća TA u slobodno vrijeme. DA i NA studentice ne razlikuju se po samopoštovanju niti prema iskazanom ZTI. TA značajno korelira sa samopoštovanjem i ZTI, te doprinosi objašnjavanju samopoštovanja.
Zaključak: Studentsko razdoblje, kao zadnja stepenica sustavnog odgojno obrazovnog procesa, unutar kojeg je moguće ciljano intervenirati na povećanje tjelesne aktivnosti, daje brojne mogućnosti djelovanja na promjenu zdravstveno nepoželjnog ponašanja (tjelesne neaktivnosti) s ciljem da navike vezane uz provođenje TA postanu trajna svojina mladih. Intervencije su nužne kako bi se povećala TA studentica, a posebice onih koje puše ili su prekomjerno uhranjene.
Abstract (english) Introduction: Despite the well-known health, psychological, social and economic benefits of physical activity (PA), physical inactivity is a growing public health problem worldwide. Apart from the above mentioned benefits of regular physical activity, meeting the recommended levels of physical activity can contribute to a better self-esteem and body image satisfaction.The aim of this study was to determine the level of university students physical activity and to explore relations between physical activity, self-perceived health status, self-esteem and body image satisfaction.
Methods: Survey data collection was conducted on a sample of 312 female students from the University of Zadar. Physical activity level was assessed using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ)- long form, self-perceived health status was assessed using the Medical Outcomes Study Short Forms (SF-36) questionnaire, self-esteem was assessed using the Rosenberg self-esteem scale (RSES), and body image satisfaction was assessed using the Stunkard's figure rating scale (SFRS). In addition, students level of nutrition was estimated by body mass index (BMI), smoking status was rated by asking questions about the smoking habits.
Results: Total score of physical activity level was calculated by summing the activity in four domains: work-related PA, transport-related PA, domestic PA and leisure-time PA. The students median total PA was 64.75 MET- hour / week, and the highest energy consumption was achieved in the domestic PA domain (16.17 MET- hour/week) and walking (26.67 MET- hour/week). The proportion of physically inactive female students from Zadar was 38.46%. Students with healthy body mass index, and obuse students were more likely to be physically active in their free time, than those underweight and overweight. Also, non-smokers were more active in their spare time compared to smokers. Mann Whitney U test was used to evaluate the differences between students who reach the recommended physical activity level and those who do not rech that level. Adequate physicaly active students felt less physical pain than low active. The Spearmans rank correlations indicate that the level of PA is associated with some subjective indicators of health. The largest positive correlation was obtained for the total PA and mental health, while the PA at work and domestic PA were negatively associated with some components of health. Better student's mental health and vitality contributes to higher PA in leisure-time. Student's self-esteem and body image satisfaction do not differ whether they meet current PA guidelenes for health or not. Furthermore, the student's PA correlated with self-esteem and body image satisfaction. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that students' PA may contribute to the explanation of their self-esteem.
Conclusion: The transition from adolescence into young adulthood represents a unique developmental period that can have a significant effect on the adaptation and maintenance of health behaviors such as reaching recommanded levels of physical activity. The evidence on the positive relationship of PA with health indicators, self-esteem and body image satisfaction can potentially be used to support evidence-based promotion of PA in a university setting, and as a hypothesis for future longitudinal studies on such potential causal relationships. To get a more comprehensive insight in that relationship, future studies should not only analyze total PA levels but also domain-specific PA levels. Interventions aiming to increase students' PA, should particulary target those who smoke or are overweighted.
tjelesna aktivnost
samoprocjena zdravlja
zadovoljstvo tjelesnim izgledom
Keywords (english)
physical activity
self-perceived health status
body image satisfaction
university students
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:117:082354
Study programme Title: postgraduate doctoral study of kinesiology Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje kineziologija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje kineziologija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb
Created on 2017-01-11 12:44:43