Title Kulturno-antropološka analiza narativa o iskustvu liječenja u javnozdravstvenom sustavu Republike Hrvatske
Title (english) Cultural-anthropological analysis of narratives about the experience of healthcare treatment in the public healthcare system of the Republic of Croatia
Author Marija Vukšić
Mentor Lucija Šimičić (mentor) MBZ: 242995
Mentor Olga Orlić (komentor) MBZ: 289933
Committee member Senka Božić-Vrbančić (predsjednik povjerenstva) MBZ: 277851
Committee member Mislava Bertoša (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 254445
Committee member Tanja Bukovčan (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 257123
Granter University of Zadar Zadar
Defense date and country 2024-04-11, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Ethnology and Anthropology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 316 - Sociology
Abstract U 21. stoljeću, kao posljedica potrošačke kulture, dostupnosti informacija na internetu, razvoja prava pacijenata i porasta broja udruga za prava pacijenata, očekivanja javnosti naspram liječnika i javnozdravstvenog sustava stalno rastu, a također ih se i sve učestalije kritizira (Coulter i Magee, 2003). U europskim zemljama, zbog sve većeg udjela starog stanovništva te stalnog porasta cijena lijekova i medicinske opreme, javnozdravstveni je sustav sve opterećeniji, a to se odražava i na kvalitetu zdravstvene skrbi (Coulter i Magee, 2003). Prateći razvoj bioetike i prava pacijenata, koji intenzivno započinje osamdesetih i devedesetih godina prethodnog stoljeća (Maehle, 2011; Steinkamp et al., 2007), u središte pažnje istraživanja o javnozdravstvenim sustavima dolazi odnos između liječnika i pacijenata te je to tema i ovoga rada. Rad počiva na metodološkom pristupu etnografije pojedinačnog što znači da se u radu daje glasovima i osobinama sugovornika da dođu to izražaja te time izbjegava njihovo poopćavanje (Abu-Lughod, 1991: 154). Osim toga, riječ je i o etnologiji bliskoga (Peirano, 1998; Potkonjak, 2014) jer autorica istraživanje provodi na njoj poznatom terenu u gradu u kojem je odrasla i u kojem živi te u zdravstvenom sustavu u kojem je i sama sudionicom. Cilj je rada prikazati i analizirati komunikacijske strategije, odnose moći i društvene vrijednosti koje dolaze do izražaja kroz iskustva odnosa između liječnika i pacijenata u javnozdravstvenom sustavu Republike Hrvatske. Pri analizi, autorica kritički primjenjuje koncepte kapitala, habitusa i polja francuskog sociologa Pierrea Bourdieua da bi istražila koji sve kapitali i habitusi utječu na odnose, položaje i iskustva sudionika u polju medicinske prakse te kako se moć reproducira i gdje se očituje. Osim obuhvaćanja suvremenog društvenog konteksta i kulturnih vrijednosti reproduciranih u javnozdravstvenom sustavu, u svojoj analizi autorica promišlja procese neoliberalizacije i internalizacije neoliberalnih vrijednosti sudionika u polju medicinske prakse te načinu na koji ti procesi utječu na njihova iskustva bolesti i liječenja. Upravo zbog toga, posebna važnost u analizi pridaje se narativima o bolesti i liječenju jer se u narativima rekonstruirana iskustva isprepliću sa širim društvenim kontekstom i okruženjem, a narator se pozicionira unutar odnosa moći (Hunt, 2000).
Abstract (english) In the 21st century, as the consequence of consumer culture, the availability of information on the Internet, the development of patients' rights and the increase in the number of associations for patients' rights, public expectations towards doctors and the public healthcare system are constantly increasing (Coulter and Magee, 2003). In European countries, due to the growing number of the elderly and the rising costs of medicines and medical equipment, the public health system is overburdened and this is negatively affecting the quality of health care (Coulter and Magee, 2003). Along with the development of bioethics and patients' rights that began intensely in the eighties and nineties (Maehle, 2011; Steinkamp et al. 2007), the relationship between doctors and patients has become the focus of healthcare-oriented research and is also the topic of this thesis. The thesis presents and analyses communication strategies, power relations and social values that come to the fore in the relationships between doctors and patients in the public healthcare system of the Republic of Croatia. One of the methodological approaches used in this thesis is the ethnography of the particular, which means that the voices and characteristics of the interlocutors are heard and represented, thereby avoiding generalization (Abu-Lughod, 1991: 154). This thesis is also a type of the anthropology at home (Peirano, 1998; Potkonjak, 2014) because the author conducts the research on familiar grounds in the city where she grew up and lives, and in the healthcare system in which she herself is a participant. The aim of the study is to explore communication strategies, power relations, and social values that emerge through the experiences of interactions between doctors and patients in the public health system of the Republic of Croatia. The author uses Pierre Bourdieu’s theoretical concepts of capital, habitus and field to explore which capitals and habitus influence the relationships, positions, and experiences of participants in the field of medical practice, as well as how power is reproduced and where it is manifested. In addition to encompassing the contemporary social context and cultural values reproduced in the public health system, the analysis relies on rethinking the processes of neoliberalization and their internalization among participants in the field of medical practice, as well as on how these processes affect their experiences. Because of this, special importance is given to narratives of illness and healing, as experiences reconstructed within narratives intertwine with the broader social context and environment, while the narrator positions themselves within various power relations (Hunt, 2000).
javnozdravstveni sustav
odnosi moći
Keywords (english)
public healthcare system
power relations
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:175055
Promotion 2024
Study programme Title: Humanities Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, odgovarajuće polje (određeno matičnom strukom) (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, odgovarajuće polje (određeno matičnom strukom))
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository University of Zadar Institutional Repository
Created on 2024-05-14 07:39:45