Title Autoetnografski elementi u audiovizualnim zapisima o Domovinskom ratu u sjevernoj Dalmaciji
Title (english) Autoethnographic Elements in Audiovisual Recordings on the Homeland War in Northern Dalmatia
Author Ivana Rupić
Mentor Jadran Kale (mentor) MBZ: 216432
Committee member Sanja Potkonjak (predsjednik povjerenstva) MBZ: 257314
Committee member Tihana Rubić (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 297116
Committee member Sanja Puljar D'Alessio (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 219891
Granter University of Zadar Zadar
Defense date and country 2023-06-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Ethnology and Anthropology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 39 - Cultural anthropology. Ethnography. Customs. Manners. Traditions. Way of life
Abstract U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji istražuju se autoetnografski elementi u audiovizualnim zapisima o Domovinskom ratu na području sjeverne Dalmacije od 1991.-1995. godine. Za analizu audiovizualnih zapisa izabrana je analiza vizualnog diskursa koja posvećuje više pozornosti pojmu diskursa koji je artikuliran kroz različite vrste vizualnih slika (kao i druge vrste izražavanja). U radu se audiovizualni zapisi proučavaju kao osobni doživljaji rata ispričani kroz kadrove emocija, sjećanja uvijek uronjeni i neraskidivo vezani uz društveno-kulturni i politički kontekst toga vremena, a autoetnografski elementi prepoznaju se u motivima i načinima prikaza društvene zbilje iz kojih prepoznajemo doživljaje i emocije rata. Kao što je „nova etnografija“ inzistirala na autorskoj vidljivosti u tekstu, tako je rat donio različite interpretacije i reinterpretacije življenja ratne svakodnevice stvarajući plodno tlo autoetnografskim istraživanjima i progovaranjima potičući kreativne procese poput snimanja ratne stvarnosti. Kroz vlastito iskustvo rata progovarati o drugima i sebi bila je i potreba, ali većina autora je to smatrala i svojom dužnošću, a upravo u autoetnografskom istraživanju polazište je osobno istraživačevo iskustvo u procesu spoznavanje kulture što olakšava lakoću, dubinu i veću trajnost istraživanja. Kroz pregled razvoja autoetnografskog i autobiografskog istraživanja vidljivo je da istraživanje društvene zbilje kroz osobno istraživačevo iskustvo kao polazište susrećemo i kod autoetnografije i autobiografije koje se nalaze u istraživačkom i žanrovskom suodnosu. Prikazanim konceptima kolektivnog i kulturnog sjećanja ukazalo se na različitost razmišljanja i poimanje važnosti sjećanja kao složenog odnosa iskustva pojedinca i zajednice prema doživljavanju i tumačenju njihove prošlosti. Razvoj vizualne tehnologije omogućio je stvaranje vizualnih zapisa većem broju ljudi, tako su profesionalni snimatelji i snimatelji amateri zabilježili zaokupljenost svojim ranjenim mjestima, krajolicima, težinom ratnog življenja, strahovima i izgonom iz vlastitog, a u ovom radu na to gledamo i kao kreiranje novih prostora i izgradnju novih identiteta, ali i kao vizualnu prezentaciju sebe i svoje zajednice kroz kreativnost i stvaralaštvo. Najveći broj audiovizualnih materijala snimatelja amatera za ovaj rad konzultirano je na internetskim platformama. Za potrebe ovog rada korišteni su i audiovizualni zapisi iz više izvora: od privatnih arhiva, Hrvatskog memorijalno-dokumentacijskog centra Domovinskog rata, različitih internetskih platformi, Arhive HRT, arhive TV Vodica, Nacionalne i sveučilišne knjižnice do Hrvatskog filmskog saveza.
Abstract (english) The scope of this doctoral dissertation is to explore autoethnographic elements in audiovisual recordings of the Homeland War in the area of northern Dalmatia between 1991 and 1995. For the analysis of audiovisual records, the analysis of visual discourse was chosen, which pays more attention to the concept of discourse articulated through various types of visual images (as well as other types of expression). This work examines audiovisual recordings as personal experiences of war told through frames of emotions and memories, always immersed and inextricably linked to the socio-cultural and political context of the time. Autoethnographic elements therein are acknowledged in the motives and ways of presenting social reality, from which experiences and emotions of war can be discerned. Just as the "new ethnography" insisted on the author's visibility in the text, so the war brought with it various interpretations and reinterpretations of everyday life at wartime, thus creating fertile ground for autoethnographic research and voices, while encouraging creative processes such as capturing the reality of war. To talk about others and oneself through one's own experience of war was not only a need, but most authors also considered it their duty. It is precisely in the autoethnographic research that the researcher's personal experience in the process of learning about culture represents the starting point, which results in more lightness, greater depth and durability of such a research. Through an overview of the development of autoethnographic and autobiographical research it is evident that researching social reality through the researcher's personal experience as a starting point can be found in autoethnography and autobiography, correlated in terms of both research methods and genre. The concepts of collective and cultural memory are presented so as to highlight the diversity of thinking about and perceiving the importance of memory as a complex relationship between the experience of an individual and that of a community in the way they see and interpret their past. The development of visual technology has enabled the creation of visual records for more people. Both professionals and amateur cameramen have therefore been able to record their focus on their places of hurt, on landscapes, hardships of life at war, but also on their fears and on the expulsion from their own homes. In this work we see it also as creating new spaces and building new identities, but also as a visual presentation of oneself and of one’s community through creativeness and creativity. Most of the audiovisual materials of amateur cameramen encompassed by this work have been accessed via online platforms. For the purposes of this paper, audiovisual recordings from several sources were used: from private archives, from the Croatian Homeland War Memorial and Documentation Center, from various Internet platforms, from the Croatian Radiotelevision archives, the TV Vodice archives, the Croatian National University Library to the Croatian Film Association.
audiovizualni zapisi
Domovinski rat
sjeverna Dalmacija
Keywords (english)
audiovisual recordings
Homeland War
northern Dalmatia
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:897503
Promotion 2023
Study programme Title: Humanities Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, odgovarajuće polje (određeno matičnom strukom) (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, odgovarajuće polje (određeno matičnom strukom))
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository University of Zadar Institutional Repository
Created on 2023-10-26 10:41:25