Title Deminutivi i augmentativi kao evaluativna sredstva u njemačkom i hrvatskom jeziku (na primjeru mrežnih komentara izborne kampanje)
Title (english) Diminutives and Augmentatives as Evaluative Means in German and Croatian (Based on Internet Comments on Election Campaign)
Author Marija Perić
Mentor Anita Pavić Pintarić (mentor) MBZ: 266665
Committee member Aneta Stojić (predsjednik povjerenstva) MBZ: 287905
Committee member Gordana Čupković (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 243331
Committee member Helga Begonja (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 337192
Granter University of Zadar Zadar
Defense date and country 2021, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 811.112.2 - German language
Abstract Deminutivi i augmentativi evaluativna su sredstva koja su česta u izražavanju negativne evaluacije tj. negativnog stava. Cilj ove doktorske disertacije je izraditi model za kontrastivnu analizu upotrebe deminutiva i augmentativa u njemačkom i hrvatskom jeziku te utvrditi sličnosti i razlike u njihovoj upotrebi u sklopu evaluacije i verbalne agresije. Korpus istraživanja obuhvaća komentare čitatelja na političku kampanju 2017. (parlamentarni izbori u Njemačkoj i lokalni izbori Hrvatskoj) u
... More novinama Der Spiegel i Večernji list. Teorijski dio ove disertacije obuhvaća tri velika poglavlja: jezik novih medija, emocije i evaluaciju i deminutive i augmentative. U poglavlju Jezik novih medija izložene su razlike između usmene i pisane komunikacije kao i karakteristike jezika novih medija. Definicija emocija i teorije evaluacije, uključujući i pejorativnost, objašnjeni su u poglavlju Emocije i evaluacija. Poglavlje Deminutivi i augmentativi obuhvaća njihovu tvorbu, značenje i funkcije. Iz ta tri poglavlja proizlazi predmet istraživanja ove disertacije: deminutivi i augmentativi kao evaluativna sredstva i jezik novih medija, tj. komentari čitatelja na političku kampanju. Iz analize ove disertacije proizlazi model za kontrastivnu analizu upotrebe deminutiva i augmentativa u njemačkom i hrvatskom jeziku za izražavanje negativnih stavova i sastoji se od četiri etape analize deminutiva i augmentativa: analiza tvorbe i analiza osnove deminutiva i augmentativa, analiza upotrebe deminutiva i augmentativa za negativnu evaluaciju te kao napad nekog aspekta pojedinca, grupe ili situacije. Prva etapa analize je određivanje tvorbe deminutiva i augmentativa. Razlučuje se tvore li se deminutivi i augmentativi prefiksacijom, sufiksacijom ili slaganjem. Druga etapa analize je analiza osnove deminutiva i augmentativa, tj. imenice od koje se oni tvore. Te imenice podijeljene su u 22 semantičke kategorije: (1) Somatizmi (SOM), (2) Životinje (ŽIV), (3) Društveno neprihvatljivo ponašanje (DNP), (4) Srodstva i osobe (SO), (5) Stvari (STV), (6) Međuljudsko ponašanje i djelovanje (MPD), (7) Zanimanje i posao, titule (ZPT), (8) Tekstni i jezični oblici (TJO), (9) Ideološki, politički i pravni pojmovi (IPPP), (10) Karakter (KAR), (11) Tjelesno i duševno oštećenje (TDO), (12) Mjesto (MJ), (13) Okoliš (OKO), (14) Količina i broj (KB), (15) Novac (NOV), (16) Nacionalnost i podrijetlo (NP), (17) Povijesni, mitološki i religijski oblici (PMRO), (18) Fekalije i izlučevine (FI), (19) Vrijeme (VR), (20) Jelo i piće (JP), (21) Biljke i plodovi (BP) i (22) Odjeća i obuća (OO). Treća etapa analize obuhvaća analizu negativne evaluacije koju izražavaju deminutivi i augmentativi te se određuje koliko je netko neobičan, nesposoban, neodlučan, neiskren i neetičan. Četvrta etapa analize dodatno analizira korištenje deminutiva i augmentativa u kontekstu napada nekog aspekta pojedinca, grupe ili situacije. Na taj se način određuje koji aspekt govornik, tj. komentator, napada: (1) karakterne osobine i način ponašanja adresata, (2) izgled, tjelesno oštećenje, starost adresata, (3) univerzalne psovke apstraktnog značenja, (4) regionalne i nacionalne pogrde i (5) poslovne pogrde. Usporedba njemačkog i hrvatskog jezika kroz ovakav model ukazuje na brojne sličnosti u korištenju deminutiva i augmentativa, no u skladu s načinima komunikacije pokazuju se sitne razlike. Imenice koje tvore deminutive i augmentative razlikuju se u hrvatskom i njemačkom; u hrvatskom je najčešća kategorija Društveno neprihvatljivo ponašanje, a u njemačkom Srodstva i osobe. U analizi evaluacije raspodjela postotaka je u oba jezika slična, tj. najčešće kategorije u oba jezika Nesposobnost, Neiskrenost i Neetičnost. I u točkama napada u oba jezika prevladavaju iste kategorije: Karakterne osobine i način ponašanja i Poslovne pogrde, ali postoji i značajna razlika u kategoriji Regionalne i nacionalne pogrde koja se nalazi u hrvatskom, no ne i u njemačkom korpusu. Less
Abstract (english) Diminutives and augmentatives are evaluative means that are common in expressing a negative evaluation, i.e., a negative attitude. The aim of this doctoral dissertation is to develop a model for contrastive analysis of the use of diminutives and augmentatives in German and Croatian and to determine the similarities and differences in their use in the evaluation and verbal aggression. The corpus of research includes readers' comments on the 2017 political campaign (parliamentary elections
... More in Germany and local elections in Croatia) in the newspapers Der Spiegel and Večernji list. The theoretical part of this dissertation includes three major chapters: the language of new media, emotions and evaluation, and the diminutives and augmentatives. The chapter Language of New Media presents the differences between oral and written communication as well as the characteristics of the language of new media. The definition of emotion and evaluation theory, including pejoration, are explained in the Emotions and Evaluation chapter. The chapter Diminutives and Augmentatives covers their formation, meaning and functions. From these three chapters arises the subject of research of this dissertation: diminutives and augmentatives as evaluative means and the language of new media, i.e., readers’ comments on the political campaign. The analysis of this dissertation results in a model for contrastive analysis of the use of diminutives and augmentatives in German and Croatian for expressing negative attitudes and consists of four stages of analysis of diminutives and augmentatives: analysis of the formation and analysis of diminutive and augmentative bases, analysis of diminutive and augmentative use for negative evaluation and as an attack on some aspect of an individual, group, or situation. The first stage of the analysis is to determine the formation of diminutives and augmentatives. It is distinguished whether diminutives and augmentatives are formed by prefixation, suffixation or compounding. The second stage is the analysis of the basis of diminutives and augmentatives, i.e., the nouns from which they are formed. These nouns are divided into 22 semantic categories: (1) Somatisms (SOM), (2) Animals (ŽIV), (3) Socially Unacceptable Behavior (DNP), (4) Kinship and Persons (SO), (5) Things (STV), (6) Interpersonal Behavior and Action (MPD), (7) Occupation and Work, Titles (ZPT), (8) Textual and Linguistic Forms (TJO), (9) Ideological, Political and Legal Concepts (IPPP), (10) Character (KAR), (11) Physical and Mental Impairment (TDO), (12) Place (MJ), (13) Environment (OKO), (14) Quantity and Number (KB), (15) Money (NOV), (16) Nationality and Origin (NP), (17) Historical, Mythological and Religious Forms (PMRO), (18) Faeces and Excreta (FI), (19) Weather (VR), (20) Eating and Drinking (JP), (21) Plants and Fruits (BP) and (22) Clothing and Footwear (OO). The third stage includes the analysis of negative evaluation expressed by diminutives and augmentatives and determines how unusual, incapable, irresolute, untruthful, and unethical someone is. The fourth stage further analyzes the use of diminutives and augmentatives in the context of an attack on an aspect of an individual, group, or situation. In this way, it is determined which aspect the speaker, i.e., the commentator, attacks: (1) character traits and type of behavior of the addressee, (2) appearance, physical defects, and age of the addressee, (3) universal swearwords with an abstract meaning, (4) regional and national insults, and (5) career insults. A comparison of the German and Croatian languages through such a model indicates numerous similarities in the use of diminutives and augmentatives, but in accordance with the ways of communication, small differences are shown. Nouns that form diminutives and augmentatives differ in German and Croatian; in Croatian, the most common category is Socially Unacceptable Behavior, and in German Kinship and Persons. In the evaluation analysis, the distribution of percentages in both languages is similar, i.e., the most common categories in both languages are Incapacity, Unveracity, and Unpropriety. The same categories prevail in the points of attack in both languages: Character traits and type of behavior of the addressee and Career insults, but there is also a significant difference in the category of Regional and national insults which is found in the Croatian but not in the German corpus. Less
točke napada
komentari čitatelja
njemački jezik
hrvatski jezik
Keywords (english)
points of attack
readers’ comments
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:027679
Promotion 2021
Study programme Title: Humanities Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje filologija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje filologija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository University of Zadar Institutional Repository
Created on 2021-09-17 10:32:56