Title Imuno-endokrine osobitosti autoimune bolesti štitnjače tijekom trudnoće i u ranom postporođajnom razdoblju : doktorski rad
Title (english) Immune-Endocrine characteristics of autoimmune thyroid disease during pregnancy
Author Tatjana Bogović Crnčić
Mentor Ines Mrakovčić-Šutić (mentor)
Mentor Aleksandar Smokvina (komentor)
Committee member Ines Mrakovčić-Šutić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Aleksandar Smokvina (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine (Department of Nuclear Medicine) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2012-01-01, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Nuclear Medicine
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 616 - Pathology. Clinical medicine
Abstract Cilj istraživanja: Autoimuna bolest štitne žlijezde (engl.: autoimmune thyroid disease-AITD) je najčešći organ specifični autoimuni poremećaj koji obuhvaća dva glavna klinička entiteta: Gravesovu bolest i Hashimotov tireoiditis. Za obje bolesti karakteristična je prisutnost organ specifičnih autoprotutijela na tri glavna tireoidna antigena: TSH receptor, tireoperoksidazu i tireoglobulin. Proupalni T pomoćnički tip 1 stanica (Th1) i Th1 citokini imaju ključnu ulogu u patogenezi organ specifičnih autoimunih bolesti, dok se zaštitna uloga pripisuje T pomoćničkim limfocitima tipa 2 (Th2) i Th 2 citokinima. U zdravoj trudnoći dominira Th2 nad Th1 imunosti čime se objašnjava poboljšanje autoimunih bolesti tijekom trudnoće, dok poslije poroda zbog promjene Th1/Th2 omjera često dolazi do pogoršanja AITD. Ukoliko je AITD induciran Th1 mehanizmima, pomak Th2 u Th1 odgovor mogao bi objasniti pogoršanje AITD postpartalno. Međutim, točan patofiziološki mehanizam ovog fenomena nije poznat. NKT i T regulacijske stanice predstavljaju stanične subpopulacije s velikom ulogom u prevenciji autoimunosti i toleranciji alogenih transplantata. Promjene imunoloških parametara tijekom AITD nisu dovoljno razjašnjene, osobito one tijekom trudnoće. Naš cilj je bio ispitati utjecaj imunološkog sustava tijekom trudnoće i nakon poroda na razvoj AITD, tj. utjecaj Th, NK, NKT i T regulacijskih limfocitnih subpopulacija (Tregs) te korelirati rezultate s nalazima hormona i usporediti ih sa onima u zdravih trudnica. Ispitanici i metode: Ispitali smo prisustvo AITD u ispitanica u trudnoći i postpartalno uz pomoć određivanja hormonskog statusa, titra tireoidnih autoprotutijela i ultrazvučnog pregleda štitnjače (UZV) i rezultate usporedili s kontrolama. Nakon unutarstaničnog i površinskog bojanja uz pomoć protočne citometrije analizirali smo fenotip i citolitički VI potencijal izoliranih mononuklearnih stanica periferne krvi ispitanica u trudnoći i u postporođajnom razdoblju te u kontrola. Rezultati: Srednja vrijednost TSH tijekom normalne trudnoće raste, ali bez značajne razlike u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu žena, dok postpartalno pada. U trudnoći razina FT4 pada i statistički je značajno niža nego u kontrola, a postpartalno raste i značajno je viša u odnosu na trudnoću. Udio eutireoidnih ispitanica u trudnoći s povišenim titrom tireoidnih autoprotutijela je 16%, dok je postpartalno udio eutireoidnih ispitanica s povišenim titrom autoprotutijela 24%. Srednji TSH je u eutireoidnih trudnica s povišenim protutijelima veći u odnosu na kontrolne trudnice, ali bez statističke značajnosti. Od ukupnog broja ispitanica u trudnoći, 8,6%, je imalo subkl./kl.hipotireozu, a 2,7% subkl./kl. hipertireozu. Od ukupnog broja ispitanica postpartalno, 14% je imalo subkl./kl. hipotireozu, a 2,6% ispitanica subkl./kl hipertireozu. U 6,5% ispitanica dijagnosticirali smo postpartalni tireoiditis. U 25% ispitanica u trudnoći i 41,5 % ispitanica postpartalno smo dokazali prisustvo tireoidne autoimunosti. Stanice urođene imunosti: NKT i Tregs su povišene tijekom zdrave trudnoće, te trudnoće s hipotireozom i hipertireozom, kao i postpartalno u svim ispitivanim skupinama. NKT stanice su snižene u trudnica s pozitivnim protutijelima upućujući na smanjenje protektivne uloge NKT stanica u trudnoći pod djelovanjem protutijela. Ukupni perforin je snižen u zdravih trudnica, ali povišen u trudnica s pozitivnim protutijelima, hipotireozom i hipertireozom, te postpartalno, ukazujući na povećani citolitički potencijal ovih stanica pokrenut autoimunim procesom. Zaključak: Trudnoća i postpartalno razdoblje utječu na tijek AITD, a tireoidna autoimunost utječe na funkciju štitnjače u trudnoći i postpartalno. NKT i Treg stanice imaju važnu ulogu u regulaciji autoimunosti u ispitanica s AITD tijekom trudnoće i postporođ
Abstract (english) The aim: Autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD) is the organ specific autoimmune disorder. It comprises two major clinical entities: Graves’ disease and Hashimoto's thyroiditis, both characterised by the presence of thyroid specific autoantibodies directed against three major thyroid antigens: TSH receptor, thyroid peroxidase and thyroglobulin. It has been established that the proinflammatory, T helper cell 1 (Th1) type and Th1 cytokines play the major role in the pathogenesis of organ specific autoimmune diseases while the protective role goes to T helper cell 2 (Th2) type and Th2 cytokines. Normal pregnancy is characterised by Th2 domination over Th1 immunity which explains the amelioration of autoimmune disorders. However, after delivery, the Th1/Th2 ratio changes and exacerbation of autoimmune disorders usually occurs. If AITD is induced by Th1 mechanisms, the Th2/Th1 switch could explain the aggravation of AITD after delivery. Still, the exact patophysiological mechanism remains unclear. NKT and regulatory T cells are considered to have a central role in prevention of autoimmunity and maintaining tolerance of allogenic transplants. The alterations of immunological parameters during AITD remain unclear, especially those concerning AITD during pregnancy. Our aim was to investigate the influence of the immunological parameters during pregnancy and in the postpartum on the development of AITD, more precisely the influence of Th, NK, NKT and T regulatory cells, to correlate the results with the hormone levels and to compare them with healthy pregnant and non pregnant women. Patients and Methods: We investigated the presence of AITD in women during pregnancy and after delivery by analysing the thyroid hormone levels, thyroid antibody titres and ultrasound examination. We compared the results with healthy pregnant and postpartum VIII women and non pregnant controls. The phenotype and cytolytic potential of peripheral blood mononuclear cells of non pregnant, pregnant and postpartum women was analysed by flow cytometry after intracellular and surface staining. Results: The mean TSH level gradually increases during pregnancy, although not significantly compared to non pregnant women. It falls in the postpartum and is significantly lower compared to the second half of pregnancy. The mean FT4 level decreases during pregnancy and is significantly lower compared to non pregnant women, while in the postpartum it is significantly higher than during pregnancy. Positive autoantibodieas were found in 16% of euthyroid pregnant and 24% of euthyroid postpartum women. The mean TSH level in euthyroid pregnant women with positive antibodies was slightly, but not significantly, higher compared to control pregnancy. Subclinical or overt hypothyroidism was diagnosed in 8,6 % of pregnant and 14% of postpartum women while 2, 7 % of pregnant and 2,6% of postpartum women were in subclinical or overt hyperthyroidism. Postpartum thyroiditis was diagnosed in 6,5% of women. Thyroid autoimmunity was found in 25% of pregnant and 41,5 % of postpartum women. The cells of innate immunity: NKT and Tregs were elevated in healthy pregnancies and in pregnancies with hypo-and hyperthyroidism, as well as postpartum in all experimental groups. NKT cells were reduced in pregnant women with positive antibodies indicating a decrease in NKT cell protective effect of pregnancy under the action of antibodies. Total perforin was decreased in healthy pregnancy, but higher in patients with positive antibodies, hypo-and hyperthyroidism and postpartum indicating the increased cytolytic potential of these cells in autoimmune process. Conclusion: The pregnancy and postpartum influence the course of AITD, while thyroid autoimmunity also has an impact on the thyroid function during gestation and in the early postpartum. Both, NKT and T reg cells play an important role in regulation of autoimmunity in pregnant and postpartum women with AITD.
Autoimuna bolest štitnjače
NK stanice
NKT stanice
stanična imunost
T-regulacijske stanice
urođena imunost.
Keywords (english)
Autoimmune thyroid disease
cellular immunity
innate immunity
NK cells
NKT cells
T-reg cells.
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:188:315056
Promotion 2012
Study programme Title: Biomedicine Postgraduate (doctoral) study programme Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biomedicine i zdravstvo (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biomedicine i zdravstvo)
Catalog URL https://libraries.uniri.hr/cgi-bin/ucat/unilib.cgi?form=D1130108059
Type of resource Text
Extent 202 str; 30 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka Library
Created on 2017-01-19 18:12:48