Title Pomorska krstarenja u destinacijskoj ponudi Hrvatske : doktorska disertacija
Author Ivica Benić
Mentor Dragan Magaš (mentor)
Committee member Edna Mrnjavac (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dragan Magaš (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Branka Berc Radišić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Daniela Gračan (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ksenija Vodeb https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2358-4542 (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management (Management) (Department of Management) Opatija
Defense date and country 2011-01-01, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 338.48 - Tourism
Abstract Turizam pomorskih krstarenja kao sastavni dio svjetskogaturizma razvio se iz potrebe za novim trendovima u turizmu i novim naĉinom odmora. Spektakularan rast turizmapomorskih krstarenjai iznimni financijski rezultati potiĉu nova ulaganja i rast brodskih kapaciteta. Posljedica jaĉanja brodarskih kompanija za pomorska krstarenja jesti njihov utjecaj na destinacijekrstarenja, kako u pozitivnome, tako i u negativnomesmislu. U nekim destinacijama dolazi do stimulacije stacionarnogaturizma (npr. u Europi), a u nekima do pada noćenja u stacionarnomesmještaju (npr. na Karibima). Snaga i moć je nesumnjiva i naroĉito prisutna u manjim destinacijama koje postaju instrumenti velikih brodarskih kompanijaza pomorska krstarenja.U radu se analiziraju temeljne oznaĉnice svjetskogaturizmakrstarenja iturizampomorskih krstarenjau Hrvatskoj. Napredak turizmapomorskih krstarenjanaglašava se u njegovu povijesnomrazvojui trnovituputudo današnjih dana, kada doţivljava svoj vrhunac. Osjetljivost ovog sektora na svjetska zbivanja ne umanjuje rizik poslovanja i razvoj turizmapomorskih krstarenja. Pozitivnim vibracijama u potraţnji i veliĉinom zamaha ponudepokrenule su se razliĉite institucije kao i drţavne mjere potpore, što ulijeva dodatni optimizam. Odnos ponude i potraţnje temeljni je odnos kojim se odreĊuju kretanja na polju turizmapomorskih krstarenjau budućnosti. Geografskom podjelom destinacija pokazuju se kretanja i intenziteti ovog oblika turizma. Traţe se nove destinacije i novi itinerari koji pomaţu dodatnoj ekspanziji. Hrvatske luke, poglavito Dubrovnik, nezaobilazno se spominjuod samih poĉetaka krstarenja. Sve vaţnije postaju i ostale hrvatske destinacijepomorskih krstarenja, kao što su Split, Rijeka, Šibenik i Zadar.Razmišljajućio putnicima koji posjećuju Dubrovnik i usporeĊujući ih s putnicima na destinacijama Kariba, Aljaske, Venecije i Pireja,pokušat će se naći poveznice izmeĊu njih. Neizostavno se u promišljanjima o turizmupomorskih krstarenjaspominje i stacionarni turizam. Potrebe razvoja turizma pomorskih krstarenja zahtijevaju povećanje hotelskih kapaciteta, koje treba uskladiti sa strategijom razvoja stacionarnogaturizma u Hrvatskoj.Zadovoljenjem ravnoteţe stvorit će se uvjeti za obostrani razvoj, koji je u skladu s odrţivim razvojem turizma u Hrvatskoj, kao temeljnom okosnicom.Ispitat će se utjecaji pomorskih krstarenja na destinaciju Hrvatske s gledišta okoliša, kao i razvoj zaštite okoliša u Hrvatskoj. Iz rezultata provedene anketes putnicimabrodova pokušat će se doći do elemenata ponude koji nedostaju destinacijama Hrvatske, tj. oblika potraţnje koju putnici percipiraju uz destinaciju Hrvatske.Turizmu pomorskih krstarenjau Hrvatskojtreba sloţeni destinacijski proizvod koji bi se trebao temeljiti na mogućnostima i specifiĉnostima hrvatskogaturizma. TakoĊer bi trebao biti razliĉit i konkurentan drugim destinacijama u Sredozemlju. Naglašava se potreba stvaranja destinacijskog menadţmenta u svim destinacijamaHrvatske koji bi pospješio odrţivost turizma pomorskih krstarenja u Hrvatskoj. Nedostatak strategije razvoja pomorskih krstarenja u Hrvatskoj u prvi plan stavlja neplanski razvoj luka pomorskih krstarenja koji bi trebao imati oslonac na njihovim stvarnim mogućnostima i biti u skladu s razvojem stacionarnogaturizma.Definiranjeusputnih, tj. polazno odredišnih luka u Hrvatskoj najvaţnije je za ulaganja u lukepomorskih krstarenja i treba mu podrediti sva ulaganja. Komparativne prednosti hrvatskih destinacija treba usmjeriti u pravcu stvaranja brenda krstarenja hrvatskom obalomi to ponajprije manjih brodovaza pomorska krstarenja.Uskladiti sve pravce djelovanja unaprjeĊenja turistiĉkog proizvoda i usluge k stvaranju polazne luke pomorskih krstarenjakoja će donijeti dodatni impuls razvoju turizmapomorskih krstarenjai razvoju Hrvatske kao turistiĉke destinacije.
Abstract (english) Cruise tourism, as an integral part of world tourism has been developed to satisfy the needs for new trends in tourism and new ways of vacation. The spectacular growth of cruise tourism and exceptional financial outcome encourage new investments and the growth of the ship capacities. The consequence of the reinforcement of the cruise companies is also their impact on the cruise destinations, having both positive and negative side effects. In some destinations the result is the boost of stationary tourism (e.g. Europe), while in others the decline in the number of overnight stays in stationary accommodation (e.g. the Caribbean). The strength and power is doubtless and especially present in smaller destinations that are becoming the instruments of the big cruise companies. In this thesis the main features of both world cruise tourism and the Croatian one are being analyzed. The development of cruise tourism is emphasized through its historical growth and hard process of achieving its present culmination.Susceptibility of this sector to the world events doesn't lessen the risk of business and the development of cruise tourism. With the positive vibrations in tourist demand and supply, wide range of institutions as well as the State supporting measure have been initiated. Interrelation between tourist supply and demand is the fundamental relation for defining development of cruise tourism in the future. The geographical division of the destinations shows the movement and intensity of this type of tourism. In order to expand this trend, new destinations and itineraries have been looked for. Croatian ports, especially Dubrovnik have been mentioned since the very beginning of cruise tourism. On the importance of also getting other Croatian cruising destinations, such as Split, Rijeka, Sibenik i Zadar. Taking into the consideration the passengers visiting Dubrovnik and comparing them to theones visiting the Caribbean,Alaska, Venice and Pireusis important to find the connection between the two.Stationary tourism is inevitable when thinking about cruise tourism. The needs for the development of cruise tourism call for the growth of the hotel capacities that have to be harmonized with the development strategy of stationary tourism in Dubrovnik area.Satisfying the balance, the conditions for the mutual growth, which corresponds with the sustainable tourism development in Croatia, will be created.Will examine the impacts of cruisingon the Croatian destination from the viewpoint of the environment, as well as the development of environmental protection in Croatia.From the results of the ship passengers survey will try to get tosupply missing elements of the Croatian destinations or types of demand that passengers perceive the destination. Cruising in Croatia tourism destination will be a complex product that should be based on the capabilities and specifics of the Croatian tourism.It should also be different and competitive to other destinations in the Mediterranean.Emphasizes the need for the creation of destination management in all Croatian destinations, which would facilitate sustainable tourism, cruising in Croatia.Lack of cruising development strategy in Croatia highlights the unplanned development of ports that cruising should be relying on their real capabilities and be consistent with the stationary development of tourism.Defining a roadside landing or departure port in Croatia is of primary importance to investment in cruising ports, and which will be subordinated to all investments.Comparative advantage of Croatian destinations should be directed towards the creation of brand cruise along the Croatian coast, mainly small cruise ships. Align all lines of action to improve tourism products and services to create an homeport of cruisingthat will bring an extra impetus to the development of cruising and development of Croatian tourism as a tourist destination.
pomorska krstarenja
ponudai potražnja na tržištu pomorskih krstarenja
struktura putnika s brodova za pomorska krstarenja
pomorska krstarenjau Hrvatskoj
brend krstarenja hrvatskom obalom
polazno odredišna luka pomorskih krstarenja u Hrvatskoj
destinacijski menadžment
složeni destinacijski proizvod.
Keywords (english)
supply and demand on the cruise market
the structure of the cruise passengers
cruise tourism in Croatia
brand cruisealong Croatiancoast
cruising homeport in Croatia
destination management
complex product destination.
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:188:991577
Promotion 2011
Study programme Title: Obtaining a doctorate of science outside of doctoral studies Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti)
Catalog URL https://libraries.uniri.hr/cgi-bin/ucat/unilib.cgi?form=D1121211091
Type of resource Text
Extent 378 str; 30 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka Library
Created on 2017-01-19 18:01:18