Title Stereoskopska analiza klizišta i relativne opasnosti od klizanja na južnim obroncima Medvednice : doktorski rad
Title (english) Stereoscopic analysis of landslides and landslide susceptibility on the southern slopes of the Medvednica Mt. : doctoral thesis
Author László Podolszki MBZ: 292563
Mentor Snježana Mihalić Arbanas (mentor)
Committee member Dario Perković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Snježana Mihalić Arbanas (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Željko Arbanas (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Davor Pollak (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dubravko Gajski (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 211785
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering Zagreb
Defense date and country 2014-05-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Mining, Petroleum and Geology Engineering Geological Engineering
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 55 - Geology. Meteorology. Hydrology
Abstract U radu je istraženo područje južnih obronaka Medvednice približne površine
100 km2 u kojem brojna klizišta predstavljaju prijetnju lokalnom stanovništvu i imovini.
Dosadašnji inventari klizišta u ovom području su rađeni prema različitim kriterijima i
za postojeće podatke nije rađena pouzdana analiza o brojnosti, rasporedu i veličini
klizišta, ali i njihovoj aktivnosti. Zbog toga je ovdje korištena stereoskopska analiza
stereomodela pomoću koje je prema istom kriteriju izvršena identifikacija klizišta i
izrađen inventar klizišta za dvije generacije snimaka, iz 1964. i 1998. godine. Na taj
način je ukupno identificirano preko 2.000 klizišta, a sve identificirane značajke
klizišta upisane su u izrađenu bazu podataka. Provedena je i verifikacija rezultata
istraživanja usporedbom s postojećim inventarima, izvještajima o klizištima, ali i
terenskom provjerom. Identificirana klizišta su pomoću analitičkog hijerarhijskog
procesa (AHP) klasificirana s obzirom na pouzdanost identifikacije i prema
mogućnosti daljnjeg razvoja klizišta. AHP metoda je strukturirana tehnika pomoću
koje su ovdje određeni težinski faktori i razrađen je sustav bodovanja, tj. bodovnih
vrijednosti za svaku razmatranu alternativu pojedinog parametra. U radu se provela
kalibracija takvog sustava bodovanja i izmjenili kriteriji poznati iz literature, kako bi
bodovanje bilo prilagođeno istraživanom području. Rezultati istraživanja potvrđuju
ranije podake o velikoj gustoći klizišta i njihovoj aktivnosti na istraživanom području,
ali je njihova prosječna površina manja nego prosječne površine klizišta u postojećim
inventarima. Također, iz rezultata istraživanja je vidljiv vrlo velik utjecaj erozijskog
djelovanja vodotokova i antropogen utjecaj na stvaranje i razvoj klizišta. Analizom
stereomodela iz obe generacije snimaka izrađena je karta relativne opasnosti od
klizišta iz koje su vidljiva najugroženija područja. Značaj rada je i u mogućnosti
primjene utvrđenih metoda i kriterija koji će omogućiti bržu i jeftiniju, ali pouzdanu
izradu inventara klizišta i na područjima sličnih uvjeta.
Abstract (english) The term landslide comprises almost all varieties of mass movements on
slopes. Landslide inventory contains data about landslides on certain area. Landslide
inventory map shows the locations of the landslides and can contain other additional
data and they are usually used in determination of landslide mitigation measures, civil
engineering and urban planning. Spatial distribution of landslides and their activity is
subject of change during time and that is a key reason for development of landslide
inventory maps from different periods. Data in landslide inventory is one of the most
basic and most needed in further analysis involving landslide susceptibility, landslide
hazard and landslide risk. The area of the research covers approximately 100 km2 on
the southern slopes of Mt. Medvednica. In that area there is a long history of
landslides and there are multiple landslides which endanger properties and represent
danger to local community. Existing landslide inventories of this area were developed
by the usage of different criteria and for this existing landslide data a reliable analysis
about their number, spatial setting, area and activity was never conducted. Because
of this reasons stereoscopic analysis of landslides was conducted on two
stereomodels from different periods (1964 and 1998). By the usage of the same
criteria landslide identification on stereomodels were carried out and a landslide
inventory was developed for each stereomodel. More than 2.000 landslides were
identified and all identified landslide features and landslides were organized into a
developed database. Also, most widespread and worldwide most commonly used
method in landslide inventory development is stereoscopic analysis of
stereomodel(s). Verification of the results was carried out by comparison with existing
landslide data and by landslide field mapping. Identified landslides were classified by
the usage of the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) according to the reliability of the
landslides identification and according to the assessment of the possibilities of the
further landslide development. Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is a structural
technique for data organization and analysis used for obtaining complex decisions.
AHP can be also used practically in landslide mapping and assessment of
characteristic landslide features. By AHP weight factors of landslide features were
assessed and a scoring system was developed according to the weight factors
(which was based on the visibility of the landslide features). Assessment of reliability
of the identified landslides was based on the assessment of the visible landslide
features on photography, which included: features in landslide body (accumulation
and depletion) and visibility of the landslide border on the terrain surface. Also, the
type of the land cover was taken into account. Assessment of possibilities of further
landslide development was based on the assessment of the site topography, which
included: slope inclination and assessment of the features at the landslide toe part.
Also, type of the land cover was taken into account but a different criteria was used
then for assessment of reliability for the identified landslides. Model calibration was
carried out according to the features of the area of the research and landslide
features in that area. Different scoring system was developed and used then existing
ones in literature. Research results conforms the existing landslide data (landslide
density and activity), but landslides identified by stereoscopic analysis in the area of
research tends to have smaller areas than landslide areas in existing inventories (in
accordance with literature). Also, the research results indicate the influence and the
importance of the erosion processes and anthropogenic activities on the landslide
activation and reactivation in the area of research. According to the reliability of the
landslides identification and according to the assessment of the possibilities of the
further landslide development an assessment of relative landslide danger was also
carried out and a relative landslide danger map was developed from which the most
endangered zones can be distinguished. The importance of the research is in the
applicability of the used methods and developed criteria in the quicker, cheaper but
accurate landslide inventory development everywhere where landslides exists in
same or similar geomorphological conditions in Croatia or worldwide. Since there is
no uniform landslide inventory for the whole territory of Croatia, the inventories
presented here, the used methodology and the developed criteria also can be used
as guidelines for the usage of remote sensing in landslide inventory development on
national level.
inventar klizišta
stereoskopska analiza stereomodela
analitički hijerarhijski proces
Keywords (english)
landslide inventory
stereoscopic analysis
analytic hierarchy process
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:169:016713
Promotion 2014-09-28
Study programme Title: Applied Geosciences, Mining and Petroleum Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor znanosti/doktorica znanosti (doktor znanosti/doktorica znanosti)
Catalog URL http://katalog.nsk.hr/F/?func=direct&CON_LNG=ZAG&local_base=ZAG01_WEB&doc_number=000588492
Type of resource Text
Extent 322 str., 1 višestruko presavijena karta ; 30 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering Repository, University of Zagreb
Created on 2017-11-28 12:44:38