Title Ograničenje načela transparentnosti javne nabave pravom na tajnost podataka
Title (english) Limitation of the transparency principle in public procurement by the right to data confidentialit
Author Romina Štaba
Mentor Marko Turudić (mentor)
Committee member Melita Carević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Law Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-06-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law European Public Law
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 303 - Methods of the social sciences
Abstract Ovim doktorskim radom se želi utvrditi pod kojim je uvjetima ograničenje načela transparentnosti
postupka javne nabave pravom na tajnost podataka legitimno, odnosno kako zaštitom povjerljivih
informacija i ograničenjem načela transparentnosti javne nabave ne prekršiti druga zajamčena prava
sudionika postupka, posebice pravo na pošteno suđenje i pravo na djelotvorno pravno sredstvo. U
radu su prikazani uvjeti legitimnosti ograničenja načela transparentnosti u postupku javne nabave
kao: zaštita poslovne tajne, sprječavanje narušavanja poštenog tržišnog natjecanja te zaštita javnog
interesa. Srž problema je u tome što hrvatski Zakon o javnoj nabavi ne regulira pravo pristupa tajno
označenim podacima u postupku javne nabave koje je određeni gospodarski subjekt označio tajnima
na temelju zakona, drugog propisa ili općeg akta. Time drugi gospodarski subjekti, koji žele podnijeti
žalbu ili tužbu, nemaju pravne mehanizme za ostvarivanje uvida u meritorne dijelove spisa koji su
označeni tajnima pa dolazi do sukoba između prava na zaštitu tajnih, odnosno povjerljivih podataka
i informacija te zahtjeva za poštovanjem načela transparentnosti. S obzirom da u Republici Hrvatskoj
nije reguliran spor o povjerljivosti podataka u postupku javne nabave, provedena je komparativna
analiza zakonskih rješenja u svim državama članicama Europske unije te u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu.
Komparativnom analizom je utvrđeno da zakonodavno rješenje, koje je postiglo balans između
osiguravanja načela transparentnosti i zaštite tajnih, odnosno povjerljivih podataka u postupcima
javne nabave, postoji u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu. Balans se ostvaruje kroz postupanje u prstenovima
povjerljivosti. Stoga je u radu predloženo je da se institut prstenova povjerljivosti implementira i u
hrvatski postupak javne nabave, tim više što temeljem Zakona o zaštiti neobjavljenih informacija s
tržišnom vrijednosti u Republici Hrvatskoj zapravo već postoji reguliran usporedni postupak koji ima
obrise postupanja u prstenovima povjerljivosti. U radu je također u odnosu na dva navedena
sukobljena prava primijenjena Weight formula Roberta Alexyja. Dobiveni rezultat dodatno ukazuje
na potrebu izmjena, odnosno dopuna hrvatskog zakonodavstva javne nabave. Potreba predloženih
dopuna hrvatskog Zakona o javnoj nabavi ukazuje se nužnom, kako bi se svim sudionicima postupka
javne nabave osigurala njihova temeljna prava na pošteno suđenje i djelotvorno pravno sredstvo.
Stoga je uveden pojam ograničene transparentnosti kroz institut prstena povjerljivosti, što je
potkrijepljeno argumentima iz analiziranih komparativnih rješenja, opsežne prakse Europskog suda
za ljudska prava, Suda Europske unije, britanskog Građevinskog i tehnološkog suda, talijanskog
Regionalnog suda u Laciju, prakse Državne komisije za kontrolu postupaka javne nabave i Visokog
upravnog suda Republike Hrvatske, kao i primjenom Weight formule.
Abstract (english) This doctoral thesis aims to determine under what conditions the limitation of the principle of
transparency of the public procurement procedure with the right to classified data is legitimate.
That is, under what conditions the protection of confidential information and the limitation of
the principle of transparency of public procurement do not violate other guaranteed rights of
participants in the procedure, in particular the right to a fair trial and the right to an effective
legal remedy.
Through the conducted research, the legitimacy of the limitation of the principle of transparency
is categorized through three fundamental aspects: protection of trade secrets, prevention of
distortion of fair market competition, and protection of public interest.
The essence of the problem is that the Croatian Public Procurement Act does not regulate the
right of access to classified data in the public procurement procedure that a particular business
entity has designated as secret based on the law, other regulation, or a general act. Because of
this, other business entities who want to file a complaint or lawsuit do not have legal
mechanisms to gain insight into the parts of the files that are marked as secret. This situation
leads to a conflict between the right to protect the secrecy of confidential data and information
and the requirement to respect the principle of transparency in the public procurement
Since the Republic of Croatia does not regulate data confidentiality disputes within the
framework of the public procurement procedure, the research conducted a comparative analysis
of legislative solutions in all member states of the European Union and the United Kingdom.
Based on comparative analysis, proposals for amendments to the Croatian legislation were
detected in the legislation of the United Kingdom through the Technology and Construction
Court Guide and British case law. Legal and technical mechanisms in the United Kingdom
enable participants in the public procurement procedure to access the confidential file
documentation they need to protect their procedural rights. On the other hand, those
mechanisms ensure the confidentiality of data in the procedure. This is achieved through
dealing in rings of confidentiality.
The thesis proposes the implementation of the institute of confidentiality rings in the Croatian
public procurement procedure. Based on the Croatian Act on the Protection of Undisclosed
Information with Market Value the comparative procedure with elements of the described
confidentiality rings under British law is in fact already regulated in the Republic of Croatia.
Also, the thesis applies the Weight Formula according to Robert Alexy and the result
additionally indicates that it is necessary to amend the Croatian public procurement legislation
regarding the regulation of the procedure of access to data that is marked as secret in the
procedure. The Weight Formula is applied to two conflicting rights - the right to protection of
trade secrets and the right to transparency, i.e., equality of arms, fair trial, and effective legal
The thesis proposes amendments to the Croatian Public Procurement Act which are necessary
to provide all public procurement procedure participants with fundamental rights to a fair trial
and an effective legal remedy. Namely, the thesis introduced the concept of applying the
principle of limited transparency through the institute of the confidentiality ring, which is
supported by arguments from comparative analysis, the extensive case law of the European
Court of Human Rights, the Court of Justice of the European Union, the British Technology
and Construction Court, the Italian Regional Court in Lazio, the practice of the Croatian State
Commission for the control of public procurement procedures, the High Administrative Court
of the Republic of Croatia and by applying the Weight Formula
načelo transparentnosti
javna nabava
tajni podaci
prsten povjerljivosti
pravo na djelotvorno pravno sredstvo
pravo na pošteno suđenje
Keywords (english)
Rad ne sadrži ključne riječi na drugom jeziku.
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:199:367429
Promotion 2023
Study programme Title: European Law (Postgraduate doctoral study programme in Legal Sciences) Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje pravo (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje pravo)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository Faculty of Law University of Zagreb
Created on 2023-07-03 07:57:25