Title The VLA-COSMOS 3 GHz Large Project : Origin of radio emission in radiatively efficient AGN and their cosmic evolution
Title (croatian) VLA-COSMOS veliki projekt na 3 GHz : Porijeklo zračenja u radio-području kod radijativno efikasnih aktivnih galaktičkih jezgara i njihov razvoj kroz povijest svemira
Author Lana Ceraj
Mentor Vernesa Smolčić (mentor)
Committee member Ana Babić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivica Smolić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vibor Jelić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Science (Department of Physics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-06-08, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Physics
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 53 - Physics
Abstract To study the origin of radio emission and the cosmic evolution of radio detected radiatively efficient active galactic nuclei, I used the radio data of sources detected within the COSMOS and XXL-S sky fields, which were previously cross-correlated with available multiwavelength data. A sample of 1,604 moderate-to-high radiative luminosity AGN (HLAGN) detected within the COSMOS field was selected using criteria sensitive to the X-ray, MIR and optical emissions expected to arise from the efficient accretion onto a supermassive black hole. I developed a statistical method of radio luminosity decomposition, which I used to separate the observed HLAGN radio emission into AGN and star formation-related contributions to the radio luminosity. This was done via the so-called AGN fraction, defined as the fractional contribution of the AGN-related radio emission to the total observed radio emission. I found that the majority of HLAGN (~ 68%) is dominated by star formation-related radio emission (0_AGN < 0.5). However, there are ~ 32% of HLAGN whose radio emission is dominated by the AGN-related radio emission (0.5 ≤ f_AGN ≤ 1). The AGN fractions obtained for each source via the decomposition method were used to scale the total radio luminosity down to the radio AGN luminosity. Using the obtained AGN luminosities, the radio AGN luminosity functions were constructed and constrained out to z ~ 6. The number and luminosity densities of HLAGN were further constrained, with the peak of the evolution found in the cosmic epoch when the universe was 4 billion years old (z ~ 1 - 2.5). Next, by combining the COSMOS HLAGN data-set with the radio-to-X-ray data for a sample of high-excitation radio galaxies within the XXL-S field, I studied a sample of 274 radio and X-ray selected quasars (XQSOs) at 0.25 < z < 6.1. These were selected by a criterion of L_X[2 - 10 keV] ≥ 10^44 ergs^-1 which broadly selects quasars. By calculating the radio loudness of these sources using four different definitions and applying criteria as commonly used in the literature to separate them into radio-quiet and radio-loud AGN, I found that 18 - 73% of XQSOs are selected as radio-loud. This significant disagreement arises both from the different flux density thresholds of the COSMOS and XXL-S radio surveys, as well as because of different criteria that capture different processes related both to star formation and AGN activity. To study further the origin of radio emission in XQSOs, I constructed radio luminosity functions of XQSOs and constrained their shape in six redshift bins at 0.5 < z < 3.75. The lower-1.4 GHz luminosity end shows a higher normalization than expected only from AGN contribution in all studied redshift bins. I found that the so-called ‘bump’ is mostly dominated by emission due to star-forming processes within the host galaxies of XQSOs. As expected, AGN-related radio emission is the dominant contribution at the higher-luminosity end of the RLF. To test if the environment plays a significant role in the presence of AGN-dominated radio emission in some radiatively efficient AGN, I cross-correlated the HLAGN sample with the X-ray group catalog available within COSMOS finding that 43 HLAGN at 0.2 < z < 1.3 are located within the X-ray groups. For these sources, I found a trend of decreasing AGN fractions with increasing distance from the X-ray group center.
Abstract (croatian) Glavna tema ovog rada je proučavanje porijekla zračenja opaženog u radio području koje dolazi od radijativno efikasnih aktivnih galaktičkih jezgri ili AGN-ova (skraćeno od engl. active galactic nuclei) te kako se to zračenje mijenja kroz povijest svemira. Radijativno efikasni AGN-ovi nalaze se u galaksijama domaćinima u kojima se aktivno odvijaju procesi stvaranja zvijezda. Poznato je da i aktivnost galaktičke jezgre, kao i procesi stvaranja zvijezda, mogu proizvesti sinkrotronsko zračenje koje se može opaziti u radio području. Dok je kod galaksija u bliskom svemiru moguće razlučiti pojedine komponente, te na temelju opažanja odrediti odakle dolazi radio zračenje, kod opažanja dalekog svemira većina izvora je nerazlučena i razdioba zračenja na temelju morfologije nije moguća. S tom sam svrhom osmislila statističku metodu razdiobe luminoziteta, detaljno opisanu u daljnjem tekstu. Također, za razumijevanje razvoja galaksija kroz povijest svemira, potrebno je znati kako se pojedine komponente galaksija mijenjaju kroz vrijeme. S tom svrhom, određujem funkcije luminoziteta i pomoću njih računam krivulje razvoja broja i luminoziteta u ovisnosti o crvenom pomaku (engl. redshift). Potom razmatram porijeklo radio zračenja u najekstremnijim aktivnim galaktičkim jezgrama - kvazarima - koji su opaženi u području radio i rendgenskog zračenja. U zadnjem dijelu teze, proučavam ima li lokalno galaktičko okruženje utjecaj na prisutnost radio zračenja kod radijativno efikasnih AGN-ova. U duljenjem tekstu radim kratak uvod u područje astrofizike znano kao razvoj galaksija, u sklopu kojeg je napravljen rad predstavljen u ovoj disertaciji.
active galactic nuclei
galaxy evolution
radio emission
high-redshift galaxies
star formation
Keywords (croatian)
aktivne galaktičke jezgre
razvoj galaksija
zračenje u radio području
daleke galaksije
stvaranje zvijezda
Language english
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:217:271070
Promotion 2021
Study programme Title: Physics Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje prirodnih znanosti, polje fizika (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje prirodnih znanosti, polje fizika)
Type of resource Text
Extent 118 str.
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the Faculty of Science
Created on 2021-09-20 08:23:58