Title Uloga receptora 5HT1a i 5HT2a unutar preBotzingerova kompleksa i ventalne respiracijske grupe u postizanju respiracijskog odgovora na sistemsku primjenu selektivnih agonista serotonina
Title (english) The role of 5HT1a and 5HT2a receptors within the preBötzinger complex (pBC) and ventral respiratory column (VRC) in eliciting respiratory response to systemic administration of selective serotonin agonists
Author Tomislav Radočaj
Mentor Mladen Perić (mentor)
Committee member nije dostupno (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine Zagreb
Defense date and country 2016-02-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 61 - Medical sciences
Abstract Nedavna istraživanja pokazala su kako selektivni agonisti 5HT receptora
mogu spriječiti opioidima induciranu depresiju disanja bez djelovanja na njihov
analgetski učinak. Primijenjeni sistemski (intravenski tj. IV) imaju modulirajući učinak
na disanje, ali je mjesto djelovanja nepoznato. PreBötzinger kompleks (pBC) smatra
se mogućim mjestom. Ova studija napravljena je u svrhu određivanja uloge 5HT1A i
5HT2A receptora unutar pBC kompleksa i ventalne respiratorne grupe (VRC) pri
promjeni ritma disanja, a koja nastaje nakon sistemske primjene agonista istih
receptora. Korišteni su agonist 5HT1A receptora 8OH-DPAT ((±)-8-Hydroxy-2-
dipropylaminotetralin hydrobromide) i agonist 5HT2A receptora DOI ((±)-1-(2,5-
Dimethoxy-4-iodophenyl)-2-aminopropane hydrochloride). Pokusi su provođeni na
vagotomiziranim, decerebriranim, paraliziranim i mehanički ventiliranim psima.
Primijenjena je inhalacijska anestezija maskom i održavana isofluranom (ISO) (1.5-
2,5% end-tidal koncentracija (1-2 MAC)). Istodobno su praćeni znakovi nedovoljne
anestezije kao što su salivacija, lakrimacija, porast krvnog tlaka i pulsa, te je po
potrebi anestezija produbljivana. Zatim je napravljena decerebracija midkolikularnom
transekcijom. Nakon decerebracije prekinut je isofluran (kako bi se otklonio moguć
utjecaj anestezije na rezultate), a ventilacija nastavljena mješavinom ~60% zrak i O2
te je održavana hiperoksična normokapnija (Fi > 0,6). Staklena elektroda korištena je
za pronalazak i snimanje neuralne aktivnosti respiratornih neurona unutar pBC
kompleksa i VRC te za aplikaciju testiranih supstanci. Testirane supstance
administrirane su i sistemski (IV). Tijekom pokusa kontinuirano je praćen neurogram
freničnog živca (PNG), frekvencija izbijanja respiratornih neurona, vrijeme inspirija
(TI) i ekspirija (TE), etCO2 te sistemski krvni tlak. Za lokalizaciju pBC kompleksa
unutar ventralne respiratorne grupe (VRC) u produženoj moždini korištena su tri
kriterija. Prvi kriterij bile su već utvrđene stereotaksične koordinate. Drugi korišteni
kriterij bio je prisutnost različitih tipova respiratornih neurona unutar VRC
(inspiratornih i ekspiratornih neurona). Treći kriterij bio je karakteristični tahipnoični
odgovor PNG-a na injektiranje (30-40 nl, 10 mM) glutamat agonista DLH-a (Dhomocisteična
kiselina) u pBC kompleks. Hipoteza je da ako 5HT1A i 5HT2A receptori
unutar pBC kompleksa i VRC pridonose promjeni ritma disanja, tada će lokalna
primjena njihovih agonista postići isti učinak kao i nakon sistemske primjene.
Pikoinjektiranje 1, 10 i 100 μM 8OH-DPAT na pojedinačne inspiratorne (I) i
ekspiratorne (E) neurone unutar pBC kompleksa smanjilo je frekvenciju izbijanja istih
(Fn) za ~40%. DOI nije imao nikakav učinak na frekvenciju istih pojedinačnih
respiratornih neurona unutar pBC kompleksa. Mikroinjektiranje 8OH-DPAT (200 μM),
DOI (200 μM) i 5-HT (5 mM) na grupu respiratornih neurona unutar VRC od obeksa
do 9 mm rostralno nije utjecalo na vrijeme inspirija (TI), vrijeme ekspirija (TE) i vršnu
aktivnost freničnog živca (PPA). Sistemski (IV) administriran 8OHDPAT (19±2μg/kg)
doveo je do smanjenja TI i TE za ~40%, ali nije imao učinak na PPA. Sistemski
primijenjen DOI (235±48μg/kg) uzrokovao je porast TI za 17.4±5.1%, ali bez učinka
na TE i PPA. Rezultati ove studije upućuju na to kako agonisti 5HT receptora
sistemski administrirani mijenjaju ritam disanja. Spomenuti učinak ne postižu
djelovanjem na respiratorne neurone unutar VRC(uključujući i pBC kompleks) već
negdje izvan tih mjesta. Parabrahijalna i Kölliker-Fuse regija unutar mosta moguća
su mjesta djelovanja agonista.
Abstract (english) Selective serotonin agonists can prevent opioid-induced depression of
breathing without diminishing analgesia. When given systemically (IV), it is unclear
where this effect is produced within the respiratory control network. The preBötzinger
(pBC) complex has been suggested as the primary site where that happens.
However, this hypothesis has not been tested pharmacologically in vivo. This study
sought to determine if 5- HT1A and 5-HT2A receptors within the preBötzinger
complex (pBC) and ventral respiratory column (VRC) contributed to the breathing
rate response produced by IV administration of (±)-8-Hydroxy-2-dipropylaminotetralin
hydrobromide (8OH-DPAT) and (±)-1-(2,5-Dimethoxy-4-iodophenyl)-2-aminopropane
hydrochloride (DOI) in vagotomized, decerebrate, paralyzed and mechanically
ventilated dogs. Inhalational anesthesia was induced by mask and maintained with
isoflurane at 1.5-2.5% (1-2 MAC) end-tidal concentration. The animals were
monitored for signs of inadequate anesthesia such as salivation, lacrimation, and
increases in blood pressure and heart rate. The animal was then decerebrated by
midcollicular transection and isoflurane was discontinued. After decerebration the
animal was ventilated with an air-O2 mixture and maintained in hyperoxic
normocapnia (FiO2 >0.6) to exclude possible effect of anesthesia. Multibarrel
micropipettes were used to record extracellular neuronal activity and to pressure
eject drugs onto single neurons or into localized groups of respiratory neurons. The
phrenic neurogram (PNG), cyclic TI and TE, airway CO2 concentration and systemic
blood pressure were continuously displayed/recorded. We used three criteria to
locate the pBC complex: 1) predetermined stereotaxic coordinates, 2) presence of a
mixture of respiratory neuron subtypes within the VRC, and 3) tachypneic response
of the phrenic nerve (PNG) to DLH microinjections (30-40 nl; 10 mM). Three
protocolos were made. In protocol one we measured responses of pBC complex
neurons to picoejection of 8OH-DPAT and DOI. Picoejection of 1, 10, and 100 μM
8OH-DPAT on single inspiratory (I) and expiratory (E) pBC neurons produced dosedependent
decreases in discharge frequency (Fn) with a ceiling of ~40%. DOI had no
effect on single pBC neurons. In second protocol we were looking into effects of
microinjections of 8OH-DPAT, DOI and 5-HT into the VRC including the pBC on
phase-timing and peak phrenic nerve activity. Microinjections of 8OH-DPAT (200
μM), DOI (200 μM) and 5-HT (5 mM) within the VRC from the obex to 9 mm rostral
had no effect on I-duration (TI), E-duration (TE) and peak phrenic activity (PPA). Our
last (third) protocol showed effects of IV administration of 8OH-DPAT and DOI on
phase-timing and peak phrenic nerve activity.IV 8OHDPAT (19±2μg/kg) reduced TI
and TE by ~40%, but had no effect on PPA. IV DOI (235±48μg/kg) increased TI by
17.4±5.1%, but had no effect on TE or PPA. The findings of this study indicate
respiratory neurons in the pBC complex are inhibited maximally 40% by the 5-HT1A
receptor agonist 8OH-DPAT and pBC I-neurons are depressed at lower agonist
concentrations (1 μM) than E-neurons. Our findings also suggest that 5-HT2A
receptors are not present or not functional on canine pBC neurons, since their
discharge was unaltered by picoejection of the selective agonist DOI at relatively high
concentrations (100 μM). Furthermore, our results suggest that changes in phasetiming
produced by systemic administration (IV) of 8OH-DPAT and DOI are not
secondary to activation of 5-HT receptors in the pBC complex. Other possible
locations have been suggested. Parabrachial and Kölliker-Fuse regions of the pons
are one of those.
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:715647
Study programme Title: Biomedicine and Health Sciences Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biomedicine i zdravstva (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biomedicine i zdravstva)
Type of resource Text
Extent 50 str.
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Dr Med - University of Zagreb School of Medicine Digital Repository
Created on 2023-05-05 07:45:46