Author Marina Marcelić
Mentor Pero Lučin (mentor)
Committee member Natalia Kučić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Antonija Jurak Begonja (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Irena Slavuljica (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine (Department of Physiology, Immunology and Pathophxsiology) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2021-11-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Basic Medical Sciences
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 61 - Medical sciences
Abstract Cilj istraživanja: Citomegalovirusi (CMV) pokreću postepeno uspostavljanje
citoplazmatskog odjeljka za sklapanje viriona (cVAC) već od najranijih stadija infekcije,
preuređivanjem sučelja ranih endosoma (EE) i endosomalnog reciklirajućeg odjeljka (ERC)
te premještanjem Golgijeva kompleksa. Ova reorganizacija membranskih organela također
utječe na membranske domene koje sadrže fosfatidilinozitol 3-fosfat (PI(3)P). Budući da je
PI(3)P glavni regulator EE puta koji se među prvima reorganizira, cilj ovog istraživanja bio je
ispitati ulogu PI(3)P u fiziologiji EE sustava i doprinos PI(3)P-ovisnih EE domena u
biogenezi cVAC-a te posljedično progresiji cjelokupnog životnog CMV ciklusa.
Materijali i metode: Funkcionalna analiza PI(3)P temeljila se na njegovoj farmakološkoj
depleciji koristeći VPS34-IN1, inhibitor glavnog PI(3)P proizvođača na EE (Vps34), i na
inhibiciji PI(3)P-ovisnih funkcija prekomjernim izražajem rekombinantnih PI(3)P-vezujućih
domena. U takvim uvjetima smo konfokalnom mikroskopijom pratili promjene u fiziologiji
EE puta kao i proces razvoja cVAC-a putem izražaja njegovih biljega te zajedno s Western
blot analizom, analizom sinteze virusne DNA i analizom CMV rasta ispitali progresiju CMV
replikacijskog ciklusa i sposobnost učinkovitog sklapanja i oslobađanja novosintetiziranih
Rezultati: Deplecija PI(3)P u neinficiranim i inficiranim stanicama dovodi do brze
reorganizacije Rab11a-ovisnog endosomalnog puta, što je vidljivo širenjem i vakuolizacijom
Rab11a endosoma u perinuklearnom području i gotovo nestankom ERC-a. Deplecija PI(3)P
dovodi i do razdvajanja transferin+
vezikula od Rab11a+
što upućuje na ulogu PI(3)P u
sortiranju reciklirajućeg materijala i membranskom protoku iz EE u ERC. PI(3)P+
i Vps34+
endosomi grade značajan dio cVAC-a, no inhibicija PI(3)P ne sprječava uspostavu infekcije i
napredovanje kroz njezinu ranu fazu. Uočeno nakupljanje glavnih cVAC biljega upućuje na
nesmetanu membransku reorganizaciju u cVAC razvoju. Međutim, deplecija PI(3)P dovodi
do inhibicije virusnog rasta i smanjenog broja oslobođenih viriona koji su povezani s
inhibicijom virusne DNA replikacije i izražaja virusnih proteina kasne faze.
Zaključak: PI(3)P-ovisne funkcije, uključujući Rab11a-ovisnu EE u ERC rutu, nisu potrebne
za pokretanje membranske reorganizacije koja dovodi do razvoja cVAC-a. Unatoč tome,
drastično smanjen virusni rast u uvjetima deplecije PI(3)P i u skladu s time značajno
inhibirani događaji kasne faze infekcije upućuje na to da je PI(3)P bitan za ulazak u kasnu
fazu infekcije i konačno formiranje novih viriona.
Abstract (english) Aim of the study: Cytomegaloviruses (CMV) initiate the stepwise establishment of the
cytoplasmic virion assembly compartment (cVAC) from the earliest stages of infection by the
expansion of the early endosome (EE)/endosomal recycling compartment (ERC) interface
and relocation of the Golgi complex. This membranous organelle reorganization also affects
phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate (PI(3)P)-containing membrane domains. Since PI(3)P is the
primary regulator of the EE pathway, this study aimed to examine the role of PI(3)P in the
physiology of the EE system and the contribution of PI(3)P-dependent EE domains in cVAC
biogenesis and progression of the entire CMV life cycle.
Material and methods: Functional analysis of PI(3)P was based on its pharmacological
depletion using VPS34-IN1, an inhibitor of the major PI(3)P producer on EE (Vps34), and on
inhibition of PI(3)P-dependent functions by overexpression of recombinant PI(3)P-binding
domains. Under such conditions, we monitored changes in the physiology of the EE pathway
and the process of cVAC development through the expression of its markers by confocal
microscopy. With Western blot analysis, viral DNA synthesis, and CMV growth analysis, we
examined CMV replication cycle progression and the ability to efficiently assemble and
release newly synthesized virions.
Results: PI(3)P depletion in uninfected and infected cells led to the rapid reorganization of
the Rab11a-dependent endosomal pathway, as evidenced by the spread and vacuolization of
Rab11a endosomes in the perinuclear region and the disappearance of the ERC. The PI(3)P
depletion also induced the separation of transferrin+
and Rab11a+
endosomal vesicles, which
indicates the PI(3)P role in recycling cargo sorting and EE to ERC transport. Although
PI(3)P+ and Vps34+
endosomes build a substantial part of cVAC, the PI(3)P inhibition did not
prevent the establishment of infection, progression through the early phase of infection, and
membrane reorganization related to the cVAC development. However, PI(3)P depletion
resulted in viral growth inhibition, and a reduced number of virions released was associated
with the inhibition of viral DNA replication and the expression of late viral proteins.
Conclusion: PI(3)P-dependent functions, including the Rab11-dependent EE-to-ERC route,
are dispensable for the establishment of cVAC. Nevertheless, drastically reduced viral growth
under PI(3)P depletion and significantly inhibited late infection events suggest that PI(3)P is
essential for the entry into the late phase of infection and the final formation of new virions.
Endosomalni sustav
Keywords (english)
Endosomal system
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:390967
Promotion 2022
Project Number: IP-2014-09-9564 Title: Karakterizacija preuređivanja endosomalnih membrana tijekom rane faze infekcije mišjim citomegalovirusom koje vodi k formiranju kompleksa za stvaranje viriona Title: Characterization of endosomal remodelling during the early phase of murine cytomegalovirus infection that leads to the development of the assembly complex Acronym: AsCo Leader: Pero Lučin Jurisdiction: Croatia Funder: HRZZ Funding stream: IP
Project Number: uniri-biomed-18-88 Title: Citomegalovirusni odjeljak za sklapanje viriona Title: Cytomegalovirus assambly compartment Leader: Pero Lučin Jurisdiction: Croatia Funder: NadSve Funding stream: Nema
Study programme Title: Biomedicine Postgraduate (doctoral) study programme Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biomedicine i zdravstvo (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biomedicine i zdravstvo)
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Created on 2022-07-08 07:52:02