Title Povezanost konzumiranja cigareta i alkohola s promjenama tjelesne spremnosti ročnika tijekom temeljne obuke
Title (english) Cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption in relation to changes in physical readiness of Croatian army recruits during basic training
Author Sanja Đapić Štriga
Mentor Damir Sekulić (mentor)
Mentor Dario Matika (komentor)
Committee member Igor Jukić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Zoran Zoričić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marija Rakovac (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Kinesiology Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-10-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Kinesiology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 796/799 - Sport 613 - Hygiene. Personal health and hygiene. Dietetics. Occupational diseases. Addictions. Sexual hygiene
Abstract Problem konzumiranja alkohola i cigareta u vojsci je poznat, ali su rijetke studije koje su utvrđivale povezanost između konzumacije i mjera tjelesne spremnosti kod ročnih vojnika. Glavni cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi povezanost između konzumacije psihoaktivnih tvari (alkohol i cigarete) s promjenama u mjerama tjelesne spremnosti kod dragovoljnih ročnika HV-a tijekom temeljne vojne obuke. Uzorak ispitanika u ovom radu sačinjavali su dragovoljni ročnici Oružanih snaga Republike Hrvatske (OSRH) (n = 462; 43 žene; 21,2 godina) koji su uspješno prisustvovali dragovoljnom vojnom osposobljavanju 2015. godine. Dragovoljnim vojnim osposobljavanjem ročnici stječu vojna znanja i vještine za obnašanje vojničkih dužnosti u profesionalnom sastavu OSRH-a te potrebna znanja i vještine za služenje u pričuvnom sastavu. Osposobljavanje traje osam tjedana, a provodi se u vojarni „123. brigade HV“ u Požegi i na vojnom poligonu „Gašinci”. Tijekom obuke ročni vojnici obučavaju se iz programskih područja: Rukovanje osobnim oružjem, Kretanje, Komuniciranje, Zaštita, Reakcije, Vojna služba, Tjelovježba i Psihološka priprava ročnika. Uzorak varijabli u istraživanju su činili sociodemografski podatci o ispitanicima, antropometrijske mjere, varijable konzumiranja psihoaktivnih tvari (prediktori) i mjere tjelesne spremnosti (kriterijske varijable). Podatci o sociodemografskim karakteristikama te konzumiranju alkohola i cigareta prikupljeni su prethodnim validiranim upitnicima Questionnaire of Substance Use i Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT). Mjere tjelesne spremnosti uključivale su tri standardna testa za procjenu tjelesne spremnosti koji su mjereni na početku i na kraju ročne obuke: pregibi trupa – trbušnjaci (mjera repetitivne snage trupa), sklekovi (mjera repetitivne snage ruku i ramenog pojasa) i trčanje na 3200 metara (mjera aerobne izdržljivosti). Rezultati ukazuju na niz povezanosti između konzumiranja supstancija i mjera tjelesne spremnosti koje su specifične za muškarce i žene. Najvažniji nalazi vezani su za povezanosti inicijalnog statusa konzumiranja supstancija i promjena (napretka) u mjerama tjelesne spremnosti. Tako je pušenje identificirano kao faktor utjecaja na razvoj mjera tjelesne spremnosti kod muškaraca. Slabiji napredak u mjeri aerobne izdržljivosti na 3200 metara zabilježen je kod ročnika koji konzumiraju cigarete i imaju veću tjelesnu težinu (Rsq=3%; pušenje: β= 0,12 uz p= 8 0,03; težina: β= 0,16 uz p<0,01). Kod ročnica je konzumacija alkohola prepoznata kao faktor negativnog utjecaja na razvoj mjera tjelesne spremnosti, stoga su ispitanice koje su imale veći rezultat na AUDIT ljestvici imale slabiji napredak u mjerama repetitivne snage: sklekovi (Rsq= 23%; AUDIT: β= -0,33 uz p<0,05) i pregibi trupa (Rsq= 31%; AUDIT: β= -0,35 uz p<0,05). Pušenje se pokazalo kao faktor koji je povezan sa slabijim postignućima u mjerama tjelesne spremnosti kod dragovoljnih ročnika i ročnica OSRH-a. Konzumacija alkohola izravno je povezana sa slabijim napretkom u mjerama tjelesne spremnosti ročnica. S obzirom na rezultate istraživanja ostaje za zaključiti kako je potrebno poduzeti preventivne mjere u pogledu smanjenja konzumiranja supstancija u OSRH-u što treba uključivati i edukacijske programe na ovu temu gdje bi se rezultati dobiveni u ovoj studiji jasno prezentirali. Na taj način izbjeglo bi se kolokvijalno zanemarivanje ovog problema i često krive interpretacije utjecaja konzumiranja supstancija na tjelesne kapacitete vojnika.
Abstract (english) The problem of consuming alcohol and cigarettes in the military is known,but there are rare studies that have established the connection between consumption and physical readiness measures with privates. The main aim of the research was to establish the correlation between the consumption of psychoactive substances (alcohol and cigarettes) with changes in body readiness measures for volunteering Croatian privates during basic military training. The sample of respondents in this paper was made by volunteers of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia (OSRH) (n = 462, 43 women, 21.2years) who successfully participated in voluntary military training in2015. By voluntary military training, privates acquire military knowledge and skills in performing military duties in the professional composition of the OSRH and require the knowledge and skills to serve in the reserve system. The training lasts eight weeks and is carried out in the barracks for the service of the "123rd Brigade of the Croatian Army" in Požega and the military range "Gašinci". During the training, privates are trained in program areas: Operating with personal arms, Movement, Communicating,Security, Reactions, Military Service, Physical Exercise and Psychological Preparation of privates. A sample of the variables in the survey were socio-demographic data on subjects, anthropometric measurements, psychoactive substance variables (predictors) and physical readiness measures (criterion variables).Data on socio-demographic characteristics, alcohol consumption and cigarettes were collected by previous validated questionnaires. *Questionnaire of Substance Use*, and *Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test* (AUDIT). Physical readiness measures included three standard physical readiness tests that were measured at the beginning and end of the private training: push-ups (the repetitive force of the arm and the shoulder band), sit-ups (the repetitive force of the abdomen) and running at 3200 meters (aerobic endurance measure). The results point to a series of correlations between consuming substances and physical readiness measures that are specific to men and women. The most important findings are related to the relationship between the initial status of substance consumption and change (progress) in physical readiness measures. So smoking is identified as a factor influencing the development of physical readiness measures in men. Weak progress in aerobic endurance of 3200 meters was observed in those who consumed cigarettes and had higher body weight (Rsq = 3%; smoking: β = 0.12 with p = 0.03; weight: β = 10 0.16 with p < 0.01.).With female privates alcohol consumption is recognized as a factor of negative influence on the development of physical readiness. Therefore, the female data subjects that had the highest score on the AUDIT scale had less progress in repetitive power measures such as: push-ups Rsq = 23%; AUDIT: β= -0.33 with p<0,05). Smoking has been shown to be a factor associated with weaker achievements in physical readiness measures with volunteering male and female privates of the OSRH. Alcohol consumption is directly associated with weaker progress in physical measures with female privates. Given the results of the research, it remains to conclude that it is necessary to undertake preventive measures to reduce the consumption of substances in OSRH, which should include education programs on this topic where the results obtained in this study are clearly presented. In this way, avoiding colloquial neglect of this problem and frequent misinterpretation of the influence of substance consumption on the physical capacity of soldiers.
psihoaktivne tvari
mjere tjelesne spremnosti
dragovoljni ročnici OSRH
Keywords (english)
psychoactive substances
body readiness measures
volunteers of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia (OSRH)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:117:201303
Study programme Title: postgraduate doctoral study of kinesiology Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje kineziologija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje kineziologija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb
Created on 2018-11-08 07:50:09