Title Osobitosti zajedničarske dimenzije kontemplativnoga života prema djelu "Oblak neznanja"
Title (english) Particularities of the communitarian dimension of contemplative life according to the work The Cloud of unknowing
Author Mislav Kovačić
Mentor Franjo Podgorelec (mentor) MBZ: 250044
Committee member Mirjana Pinezić (predsjednik povjerenstva) MBZ: 325264
Committee member Vladimir Dugalić (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 216274
Granter University of Zagreb Catholic Faculty of Theology (Department of Moral Theology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-07-11, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Theology Moral Theology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 272 - Roman Catholic church
Abstract Anonimni spis Oblak neznanja nastao je u drugoj polovici četrnaestoga stoljeća u sjeveroistočnoj Engleskoj. Riječ je o svojevrsnom priručniku u epistolarnoj formi za uvođenje u kontemplativnu molitvu, čiji je formalni okvir kontemplativni život. Ovaj rad u četiri poglavlja analizira zajedničarsku dimenziju kontemplativnoga života i istražuje njezine osobitosti. Prvo poglavlje donosi pregled dosadašnjih istraživanja. Ona su malobrojna i sadržajno oskudna, a zajedničarska dimenzija kontemplativnoga života posve je neobrađena tema. Drugim se poglavljem, nakon odbacivanja "mističnoga problema" (kojim je izričito ili implicitno kontaminirana literatura o Oblaku neznanja) kao relevantnoga pristupa temi ovoga rada, definiraju terminologija i metodologija govora o zajedničarskoj dimenziji kontemplativnoga života. Kontemplativni se život također razgraničuje od puno užega i ograničujućega samotničkoga života. Potom se razmatra mjesto kontemplativnoga života unutar kršćanskoga poziva, njegovo oblikovanje te dvije metode zahvaljujući kojima mu naš spis daje razlikovno i specifično obilježje, a to su oblak zaborava i oblak neznanja. U trećem se poglavlju komunitarnost kontemplativnoga života promatra u odnosu prema Bogu, koji je njegovo počelo, a također i zajedništvo sȃm u sebi. Dioništvo kontemplativca u božanskom zajedništvu tumači se pomoću teologalnih kreposti, te se tvrdi da je čak i tama neznanja oblik zajedništva kontemplativca s Bogom. Četvrto poglavlje analizira zajedničarsku dimenziju kontemplativnoga života u međuljudskim odnosima. Pritom se izdvajaju tri oblika njezina ostvarenja. Prvi je oblik eklezijalna komunitarnost, po kojoj je kontemplativac neodvojiv od Crkve: ispovijeda njezinu vjeru, sudjeluje u njezinoj liturgiji, olakšava patnju trpeće Crkve i umnaža radost proslavljenoj Crkvi. Drugi je oblik institucija duhovnoga vodstva, očitovanje istodobno eklezijalne i pojedinačne, osobne komunitarnosti. Treći je oblik najzad socijalna komunitarnost. Djelatna je ljubav plod kontemplativne ljubavi: kontemplativac je upućen na širu zajednicu kojoj pripada. Ona proviđa njegove egzistencijalne potrebe, a on svojim duhovnim iskustvom, te po potrebi i konkretnim iskazivanjem milosrđa, svjedoči uzvišenost kontemplacije, čežnje za Bogom poradi njega sámoga, ogoljene od svakoga stvorenja. Po njoj se sjedinjuje s Bogom u duhu, ljubavi i volji, te sve ljude ljubi onako kako ih ljubi Bog, što kontemplativni život čini vrhunskim sebedarnim, to jest komunitarnim životom.
Abstract (english) The Cloud of Unknowing is an anonymous work written in the second half of the fourteenth century in north-east England. It is an epistolary-form guide to contemplative prayer, which is deeply connected to contemplative life as its formal framework. Through its four chapters, this paper analyses the communitarian dimension of contemplative life and examines its particularities. The first chapter provides an overview of previous research. Not only is there a lack of previous research on this topic, but the scope of issues covered by the studies that do exist is very limited. In addition, the issue of communitarian dimension of contemplative life has been completely bypassed. In the second chapter, after discarding the concept of “mystical problem” as a relevant approach to the issue dealt with in this paper (which either directly or indirectly represents the focus of scientific literature on the work The Cloud of Unknowing), we define the terminology and methodology used to address the issue of the communitarian dimension of contemplative life. Contemplative life is also differentiated from solitary life, a form of life that is narrower and more limited. Furthermore, we then consider the place that contemplative life occupies within the context of the Christian call, its formation as well as two methods – the cloud of forgetting and the cloud of unknowing – which, according to the anonymous author, endow the contemplative life with its distinct and specific features. In the third chapter, we analyse the communitarian dimension of contemplative life with respect to God, who represents the very source of contemplative life and who is also a communion within Himself. Participation of a person practicing contemplative prayer in the divine union is interpreted through theological virtues; in addition, it is argued that even the divine darkness of unknowing represents a form of union between that person and God. The fourth chapter analyses the communitarian dimension of contemplative life with respect to interpersonal relationships. These relationships can take three forms. The first form is ecclesiastical communitarianism, which implies that the person living a contemplative life is inseparably connected to the Church: professes its faith, participates in the liturgy, eases the hardships of the Church Suffering and multiplies the joy of the Church Triumphant. The second form is the institution of spiritual direction, which is a simultaneous expression of ecclesiastical and individual, i.e. personal communitarianism. The third form is social communitarianism. Charity is the fruit of contemplative love: a person practicing contemplative prayer is focused on the wider community to which he or she belongs. The community satisfies his or her existential needs, whereas the person practicing contemplative prayer through their spiritual experience and, if necessary, through concrete expressions of divine mercy, demonstrates the sublime nature of contemplation – naked desire for God Himself, detached from all things created. It is thorough this kind of prayer that he or she unites with God in spirit, love and will, loving all people with the same love that God has for everyone, which in turn makes contemplative life a supreme form of self-giving communitarian form of life.
kontemplativni život
kontemplativna molitva
teologalne kreposti
sjedinjenje s Bogom
Keywords (english)
Contemplative life
contemplative prayer
theological virtues
ecclesiastical dimension
union with God
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:222:134418
Promotion 2020-03-11
Study programme Title: Postgraduate Licentiate and Doctorate Study Programme Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra teoloških znanosti (licenc) / doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje teologija (magistar/magistra teoloških znanosti (licenc) / doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje teologija)
Catalog URL https://kbf-test.zaki.com.hr/pagesResults/bibliografskiZapis.aspx?¤tPage=1&searchById=1&sort=0&spid0=1&spv0=mislav+kova%c4%8di%c4%87&selectedId=113062651
Type of resource Text
Extent 179 str.; 30 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Repository Repository of the Catholic Faculty of Theology University of Zagreb
Created on 2020-02-05 12:30:16