Author Igor Jugo
Mentor Božidar Kovačić (mentor)
Committee member Nataša Hoić - Božić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mile Pavlić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marina Ivašić-Kos (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mario Radovan (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dragan Čišić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka (Faculty of Informatics and Digital Technologies) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2016-06-07, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 004 - Computer science and technology. Computing. Data processing
Abstract Inteligentni tutorski sustavi su računalni sustavi za učenje, razvijeni s ciljem da omoguće tutorski model učenja, koji svoju visoku efikasnost temelji na potpunoj prilagodbi procesa učenja jednom učeniku. Inteligencija, odnosno prilagodljivost sustava promjenjivim potrebama i razini znanja učenika ostvaruje se različitim pristupima, primjerice implementacijom algoritama strojnog učenja ili dubinskom analizom podataka. Inteligentni tutorski sustavi većinom se razvijaju za dobro definirane domene znanja, kao što su matematika, fizika i druge. Međutim, postoje brojna područja koja nemaju dobro definirane strukture znanja, a potrebno ih je poučavati. Takva područja nazivaju se slabo definiranim domenama znanja. Pripremu procesa učenja u slabo definiranim domenama obavlja učitelj koji ga oblikuje prema vlastitom znanju i iskustvu, a realizira se putem implementirane inteligencije tutorskog sustava. Implementacijom metoda za dubinsku analizu podataka možemo u podacima o interakcijama korisnika sa sustavom otkriti korisne informacije, te ih pridodati postojećim mogućnostima sustava kako bi poboljšali njegovu učinkovitost.
U ovom radu predložen je novi model postojećeg inteligentnog tutorskog sustava koji, primjenom metoda dubinske analize podataka, sugerira korisniku korake koji mu slijede u procesu učenja, s ciljem kreiranja učinkovitijeg puta kroz domenu znanja. Ključni dijelovi unaprijeđenog tutorskog sustava su podsustavi za komunikaciju s alatima za dubinsku analizu podataka, grupiranje korisnika i otkrivanje čestih i učinkovitih puteva kroz domenu znanja. Predloženi tutorski model sustava prikazuje sugestije korisniku na početku i na kraju procesa učenja u obliku poveznica prema pojmovima u domeni znanja koje je najbolje učiti prije, odnosno nakon odabranog pojma.
Opisani model sustava implementiran je web aplikacijom nazvanom DITUS (Department of Informatics TUtoring System). Djelotvornost predloženog modela vrednovana je analizom rezultata kontrolne i eksperimentalne skupine.
Abstract (english) Inteligent tutoring systems are e-learning systems, developed with the goal of emulating the tutoring teaching model, a highly efficient learning environment based on complete adaptation of the learning process to the needs of one student. The goal of such systems is that the computer system behaves in an intelligent way, e.g. that it adapts to the current needs and knowledge level of the student. This is achieved in various ways such as the application of artificial intelligence or data mining methods. Intelligent tutoring system are developed mostly for teaching in well defined knowledge domains such as mathematics, physics, etc., but there are many other not so well defined areas that also need to be taught. These areas are called ill-defined domains, where the teacher (expert) prepares the learning process based on his/hers knowledge and experience as well as the current „intelligence“ implemented in the system. By applying data mining methods to data about students' interactions with the system we can discover useful information about their learning processes and combine this information with the current system functionality in order to improve it's efficiency.
This thesis proposes a new model of an existing intelligent tutoring system which, through the implementation of aforementioned methods, offers the student suggestions on which steps to learn next in order to streamline his/hers path through the knowledge domain. The key components of the presented system are: a communication layer for communication with data mining tools, a clustering model discovery and selection module and a high-utility frequent sequential patterns discovery module. The new tutoring model of the intelligent tutoring system then offers suggestions to the user in the form of hyperlinks to other knowledge units that are best learned before or after the unit the student has selected.
The described system is implemented as a web application called DITUS (Department of Informatics TUtoring System). The validitiy of the proposed model was verified through an experiment wich determined its viability and efficiency.
inteligentni tutorski sustavi
dubinska analiza podataka
prilagodljivost sustava za e-učenje
otkrivanje uzoraka u sekvencama
Keywords (english)
Intelligent tutoring systems
data mining
e-learning system adaptivity
sequential pattern mining
learning suggestions
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:195:040148
Promotion 2017-02
Study programme Title: Informatics Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor znanosti iz znanstvenog područja Društvene znanosti, polja Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti. (doktor znanosti iz znanstvenog područja Društvene znanosti, polja Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti.)
Type of resource Text
Extent 200 str;
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Informatics and Digital Technologies
Created on 2017-03-02 08:16:54