Author Maja Katušić MBZ: 297254
Mentor Lovorka Čoralić (mentor)
Committee member Zrinka Pešorda Vardić (predsjednik povjerenstva) MBZ: 33333333
Committee member Dubravka Božić Bogović (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 33333333
Committee member Lovorka Čoralić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Croatian Studies Zagreb
Defense date and country 2013-06-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 94(497.5) - History of Croatia
Abstract Povijesna demografija je znanstvena disciplina kojoj je cilj rasvijetliti demografsku sliku prošlosti te podrobnim iščitavanjem podataka i stvaranjem statističkih uzoraka objasniti uzroke i posljedice koji utječu na izgled te slike. U okvirima te povijesne discipline i same povijesne znanosti u ovoj radnji prikazuju se temeljne odrednice vezane uz demografska i društvena kretanja u Kotoru u 18. stoljeću. Okosnicu istraživanja čine matične knjige rođenih, umrlih i vjenčanih kotorske župe sv.
... More Tripuna. Uz njih su korišteni i drugi arhivski izvori (iz kotorskog, zadarskog i mletačkog arhiva) kojima su se dodatno rasvijetlila i povezala demografska istraživanja i društveni kontekst razvoja. U gotovo 400 godina mletačke vladavine istočnom obalom Jadrana Kotor je kao glavni grad mletačkih posjeda južno od Dubrovnika okupljenih u pokrajinu Mletačku Albaniju bilježio razvoj istovjetan drugim priobalnim gradovima Istre i Dalmacije, a osim njegove političke, upravne i administrativne uloge, grad se tijekom stoljeća afirmirao i kao snažno vojno i strateško središte. Sukladno izrečenom, osnovna hipoteza rada pretpostavlja pripadnost Kotora mletačkosredozemnom političkom, društvenom i kulturnom okružju te sukladno tome istovjetnost i/ili sličnost demografskih i društvenih razvojnih procesa s drugim istočnojadranskim gradovima mletačke stečevine. Pri tome su u obzir uzete i mnoge specifičnosti povijesnog razvoja uvjetovane inim razlozima (poput geostrateškog položaja, odnosa sa zaleđem, različitim intenzitetima utjecaja i interesa središnjih vlasti). Kako bi se dinamika demografskih kretanja stanovništva kontekstualizirala, navedeni rezultati uspoređuju se sa sličnim istraživanjima provedenim na primjerima drugih istočnojadranskih gradova (Pula, Poreč, Dubrovnik), manjih mjesta i otoka (Komin, Murter), kao i sa demografskim istraživanjima gradova i naselja na području sjeverne Hrvatske (Gradec, Križevci, Varaždin, Brod, župa Brdovec). Upravo se kroz navedenu komparaciju prikazuju opća demografska kretanja u Kotoru – od ukupnog broja rođenih/krštenih, vjenčanih i preminulih, sezonskih varijacija istih do brojnih drugih tema raščlanjenih poglavito temeljem metode rekonstrukcije obitelji. Također, analizira se i utjecaj ratnih godina (1714. – 1718.) i godina gladi na demografska kretanja. Osim demografskih tema, pozornost je posvećena i društvenim segmentima koje omogućuje analiza matičnih upisa. To se u prvom redu odnosi na profesionalnu djelatnost i zanimanja, promatrana poglavito kroz prizmu društvenih, obiteljskih i poslovnih prožimanja stanovnika. Pojedine društvene i profesionalne skupiune upravo su ženidbama i mrežom kumstava gradile i potvrđivale svoj položaj unutar vlastite zajednice, ali i na široj društvenoj gradskoj pozornici. Naposljetku, obrada tisuće matičnih upisa u prvi je plan iznjedrila jednu od temeljnih karakteristika Kotora u 18. stoljeću – izrazitu mobilnost stanovništva. Promatraju se useljenički migracijski areali, poglavito s naglaskom na profesionalnu djelatnost useljenika te na njihovu rodnu strukturu. Unutar posljednje dvije teme do izražaja su – brojnošću, raznovrsnošću te društvenim interakcijama – u prvi plan došli vojnici, što je još jedna potvrda izrazito vojnog karaktera grada. Less
Abstract (english) Historical demography is a scholarly discipline with the aim of shedding light on the demographic picture of the past and explain, by a detailed study of the data and creation of the statistical models, causes and effects influencing that picture. Within the framework of that historical discipline and the historical research in general, this thesis presents basic characteristics connected to demographic and social movements in Kotor in the eighteenth century. The backbone of the research
... More are parish records of births, deaths and marriages of the Kotor parish of St. Tryphon. Besides them, other archival sources (from the archives of Kotor, Zadar and Venice) were also used to shed additional light on and better place demographic research within its social context. During almost 400 years of Venetian rule over the East Adriatic coast, Kotor, as the capital of Venetian dominions South of Dubrovnik, which were gathered in the province of Venetian Albania, had the development identical to that of other coastal cities of Istria and Dalmatia, and through centuries, besides its political, administrative and governmental role, the city affirmed itself also as an important military and strategic centre. In accordance with the aforementioned statement, the basic hypothesis of the thesis presupposes belonging of Kotor to Venetian and Mediterranean political, social and cultural milieu and, accordingly, identity and/or similarity of demographic and social developmental processes with those of other East Adriatic cities of Venetian dominion. While doing so, many peculiarities of historical development caused by various reasons (such as geostrategic position, relationship towards the hinterland, different intensity of influence and interest of central government) have been taken into the account. In order to contextualised dynamics of the demographic population movements, the achieved results were compared with similar research conducted for other East Adriatic cities (Pula, Poreč, Dubrovnik), smaller places and islands (Komin, Murter), as well as to demographic studies regarding towns and other urban settlements in the area of North Croatia (Gradec, Križevci, Varaždin, Brod, the Brdovec parish). Exactly through the aforementioned comparison, general demographic movements in Kotor – from the total number of born/baptised, married and deceased, their seasonal variations, to numerous other topics discussed in the first place by the method of family reconstitution. Influence of war years (1714-1718) and those of famine on demographic movements is also analysed. Besides to demographic topics, the attention has been devoted also to the segments of social development, which may be analysed by study of parish records. In the first place, it refers to professional structure and occupations, studied principally through prism of social, family and business permeation of the denizens of Kotor. Particular social and professional groups built and confirmed their position within their own social layer by marriages and baptismal sponsorships, as well as also within the wider social theatrical arena. Finally, analysis of thousands of parish records pushed in the foreground one of the basic characteristics of Kotor in the eighteenth century – exceptional mobility of the population. Immigration areals has been observed, particularly with the emphasis on professional agency of the immigrants and their gender structure. Within the last two topics, the soldiers, by their number, diversity and social interaction, came into the foreground, confirming in that manner once more extremely military character of the city. Less
Boka kotorska
Mletačka Republika
rani novi vijek
18. stoljeće
povijesna demografija
društvena povijest
vojna povijest
Keywords (english)
Boka kotorska
Venetian Republic
Early Modern Age
18th century
historical demography
social history
military history
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:111:592801
Promotion 2014-09-28
Study programme Title: Postgraduate doctroal study in history Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje povijest (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje povijest)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of University of Zagreb, Centre for Croatian Studies
Created on 2018-09-11 11:37:16