Title The role of energy storage in planning of a 100% renewable energy systems
Title (croatian) Uloga skladištenja energije u planiranju potpuno obnovljivih energetskih sustava
Author Goran Krajačić
Mentor Neven Duić (mentor)
Committee member Dražen Lončar (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Neven Duić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Daniel Rolph Schneider (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mladen Zeljko (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Henrik Lund (član povjerenstva) strani drzavljanin: Nije dostupno
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture Zagreb
Defense date and country 2012-05-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Mechanical Engineering Process Energy Engineering
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 621.3 - Electrical engineering
Abstract The ultimate goals of sustainable development of the modern societies are planning and development of energy systems, thus the most of developed countries focused their energy policies on the development of sustainable energy systems. These systems should provide security of energy supply, they should be competitive and cause minimal impact to the environment. In a long term, only renewable energy sources supported by energy storage could fulfil these requirements. There are many RES and storage technologies so it is important to optimize their selection and integration in the energy systems. Today, there are many methods, methodologies and computer tools for solving problems of energy planning with high share of distributed and renewable energy sources but only few of them successfully integrate energy storage and provide adequate results. To enhance the security of energy supply, efficiency and safety of the grid connected energy systems, in the conditions of increased penetration of distributed and renewable sources, it is necessary to increase the flexibility of the system. This also includes increasing the capacities of energy storage, on the side of the power plants as well as on the end-use side. RenewIslands/ADEG methodology for the integration of energy storage is based on mapping of local needs for electricity, heating and cooling energy, transport fuels and similar, mapping of local potentials of RES, cogeneration and polygeneration and feasibility of energy storage and demand management measures, such as reversible hydro, batteries, compressed air storage, hydrogen, production of different fuels, water desalination, etc. Combined, with IEA FAST methodology for integration of variable renewable energy sources they qualitatively determine more detailed way towards 100% RES systems. As support of the methodology two energy planning models H2RES and EnergyPLAN were used for analysis of scenarios for development of 100% RES systems with integrated energy storage. Presented results include 100% RES islands, 100% RES electricity production for Portugal and 100% RES energy system of Croatia. Today the most widespread storage in the power systems is the pumped or reversible hydro storage which has many advantages but as any other storage technology it can be economical under certain conditions, and it has an impact to the environment. To ensure of necessary construction and minimize the risk to investors, feed-in tariff for storage system have been proposed. Thesis answers the question what is the role of energy storage in a planning of an independent energy system based on RES energy supply. It also shows how under a given circumstances energy storage maximises utilization of RES, provides security of energy supply and minimizes environmental impact of energy systems.
Abstract (croatian) Energetskih sustavi, njihovo planiranje i razvoj su nezaobilazna komponenta u postizanju održivog razvoja modernog društva te je velika većina razvijenih zemalja fokusirala svoju politiku upravo na razvoju održivih energetskih sustava. Ti sustavi bi trebali nuditi sigurnost dobave energije, biti konkurentni te prihvatljivi za okoliš. Dugoročno gledano, jedino obnovljivi izvori energije (OIE) potpomognuti skladištenjem energije mogu zadovoljiti postavljene ciljeve. Kako postoje mnogi oblici OIE te skladištenja energije, postavlja se zahtjev za njihovo optimalno integriranje i uključivanje u energetske sustave. Danas postoje mnoge metode, metodologije i računalni programi za rješavanje problema planiranja energetskih sustava s visokim udjelom obnovljivih i distribuiranih izvora energije, no samo nekolicina njih uspješno integrira skladištenje energije te daje zadovoljavajuća rješenja. Za povećanje sigurnosti dobave energije, te učinkovitosti i sigurnosti mrežnih energetskih sustava u uvjetima povećanja penetracije distribuiranih i obnovljivih izvora energije, potrebno je povećati fleksibilnost, a time i sposobnost skladištenja energije, kako na strani energetskih postrojenja, tako i na strani potrošača. RenewIslands/ADEG metodologija za integriranje sustava za skladištenje energije se zasniva na snimanju stanja lokalnih potreba za električnom energijom, toplinskom energijom i hlađenjem, gorivima za transport i slično, te lokalnih obnovljivih resursa, potencijala za kogeneraciju i poligeneraciju, te mogućim tehničkim rješenjima za skladištenje energije kao što su reverzibilne hidroelektrane, baterije, vodik, toplinski i rashladni spremnici, goriva u sektoru transporta. Teza daje odgovore na pitanje koju ulogu ima skladištenje energije u potpuno nezavisnim energetskim sustavima zasnovanim na dobavi energije iz OIE te na koji način pod zadanim uvjetima skladištenje energije maksimizira iskorištavanje OIE, osigurava sigurnost dobave energije te minimizira utjecaj energetskih sustava na okoliš.
energy planning
energy storage
renewable energy sources
100% renewable energy systems
feed-in tariffs
sustainable development
Keywords (croatian)
energetsko planiranje
skladištenje energije
obnovljivi izvori energije
potpuno obnovljivi energetski sustavi
poticajne tarife
održivi razvoj
Language english
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:235:495293
Study programme Title: Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture University of Zagreb
Created on 2020-05-10 21:41:51