Author Sanja Bach
Mentor Luka Brkić (mentor) MBZ: 135930
Committee member Katarina Ott (predsjednik povjerenstva) MBZ: 140891
Committee member Zdravko Petak (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 126985
Committee member Kristijan Kotarski (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 305363
Granter University of Zagreb The Faculty of Political Science Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-09-10, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Political Science International Relations and National Security
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 336 - Finance. Banking. Money
Abstract Kao važan odgovor na financijske krize te eksploziju deficita i javnih dugova diljem svijeta, porasla je važnost primjene i raširenost fiskalnih pravila i fiskalnih odbora, kako bi se ograničile tekuće fiskalne politike, smanjili deficiti i dugovi te poboljšalo stanje javnih financija i fiskalna disciplina. No, pravila djeluju u političko-ekonomskom okruženju. Učinkovitost i fiskalna ograničenja ovise o spremnosti političara da ih se pridržavaju, a ustrajnosti financijske konsolidacije te sprječavanju budućih fiskalnih kriza može se pridonijeti odgovornijim, transparentnijim i održivijim javnim financijama. U disertaciji je potvrđena hipoteza kvalitativnom metodom istraživanja (literature, političko-ekonomskog i medijskog konteksta) da je globalna financijska kriza dovela do preoblikovanja i daljnje regulacije financijskog sustava u najrazvijenijim zemljama svijeta, dok je primjena pravila i djelovanje odbora važan, ali nedovoljan, korak za ograničavanje političke moći koja je pridonijela dužničkoj krizi. U daljnjoj razradi teorije hipoteze H1 (fiskalna pravila moraju postojati da bi se dugovi država zadržali na nekim održivim razinama) i H2 (fiskalna pravila pokazuju prekomjernu potrošnju država) potvrđene su kvalitativnom metodom istraživanja temeljenom na teorijskoj analizi (istraživanje literature i paralelno dokazivanje teorije o primjeni pravila i djelovanju odbora u zemljama EU, te političko-ekonomskog i medijskog konteksta). Pokazalo se da su pravila u EU dobro postavljena u teoriji, ali da u praksi ne daju očekivane rezultate i nisu dovoljna za uspostavu fiskalne discipline. Vidljivost i visina prekomjerne državne potrošnje ovisi o fiskalnoj transparentnosti i odgovornosti (političara*) u proračunskom procesu na što mogu utjecati mediji. Značajnim preklapanjem različitih primijenjenih (deskriptivnih, korelacijskih i krostabulacijskih) analiza rezultata upitnika provedenog među 18 odbora u EU i primjerima šest odbora, potvrđena je pretpostavka da utjecaj odbora H3 (na prekomjernu potrošnju upozoravaju fiskalni odbori, a preko medija to saznaje javnost koja može prisiliti političare, utjecajem na njihov rejting na izborima i reputaciju, na transparentnije i odgovornije ponašanje) postoji te da ga se uspjelo izdiferencirati i objasniti. Naime, sve iz upitnika ekstrahirane i u disertaciji mjerene kategorije pojedinačno imaju značajan utjecaj i sinergijski djeluju na transparentnost i odgovornost (političara) u proračunskom procesu. Uz to, utvrđeno je da sustav pravila i odbora utječe na fiskalnu transparentnost i odgovornost (političara) u proračunskom procesu nadzorom poštivanja pravila, zakonodavnom regulativom i komunikacijom s javnošću. Također, da se većom medijskom vidljivosti poštivanja pravila i učinkovitijom komunikacijom odbora može pridonijeti transparentnosti i odgovornosti (političara) u proračunskom procesu. Parlamenti, za razliku od odbora, su političke institucije i tako ih se percipira u javnosti. Odbori su jedinstveno pozicionirani za jačanje transparentnosti i odgovornosti te izazivanje utjecaja na reputaciju političara procjenama i analizama s medijskim utjecajem, ali i vlastitim djelovanjem kao modeli transparentnosti. Potiču reakciju javnosti i vlada te transparentnije i odgovornije upravljanje javnim financijama, ako su mediji slobodni i visok stupanj demokracije u nekoj zemlji. Stoga, pravila i odbori mogu postati snažna sredstva komunikacije. Pritom je važno da odbori ulože više napora u komunikaciju s javnošću i imaju u vidu predloženu logiku medijskog utjecaja samih odbora, kako bi se znatnije povećao njihov utjecaj na transparentnost i odgovornost (političara) u proračunskom procesu.
* Odnosi se na političare u izvršnoj vlasti.
Abstract (english) As an important response to the financial crisis and the explosion of deficits and public debts around the world, the importance of applying fiscal rules and spreading fiscal councils has increased, in order to limit current fiscal policies, reduce deficits and debts, and improve public finance and fiscal discipline. However, the rules function in a political and economic environment. The efficiency thereof, as well as fiscal constraints, depends on politicians’ readiness to adhere to them, while more responsible, transparent and more sustainable public finance may contribute to the persistence of financial consolidation and the prevention of future fiscal crises. The hypothesis that the global financial crisis has led to the transformation and further regulation of the financial system in the most developed countries in the world, while the application of the rules and functioning of the councils remains an important but inadequate step to limiting the political power that contributed to the debt crisis, has been confirmed in this dissertation by the qualitative research methodology (research of the literature, political-economic and media context). In further elaboration of the theory, hypothesis H1 (fiscal rules have to exist to keep debts of the state at some sustainable levels) and H2 (fiscal rules show excessive government spending) are confirmed by a qualitative research method based on theoretical analysis (literature research and parallel proving of the theory of the rules application and the councils activities in the EU countries, and the political-economic and media context). It has been shown that EU rules are well-placed in theory, but in practice they do not provide the expected results and are not sufficient to establish fiscal discipline. The visibility and the amount of excessive government spending depend on fiscal transparency and (politicians*) accountability in the budget process, which the media can have an impact on. Significant overlapping of the results of the various applied analyses (descriptive, correlation and cross-tabulation analyses) of the results of the questionnaire conducted among the 18 councils in the EU and the examples of six councils confirmed the assumption H3 (fiscal councils give warning about excessive government spending, and the media inform the public of it which itself can then force politicians, by having an impact on their rating at the elections and on their reputation, to behave more transparently and responsibly). More precisely, all of the categories extracted from the questionnaire and measured in this dissertation, each have a significant impact and synergistically have an effect on the transparency and (politicians’) accountability in the budget process. In addition, it has been established that the system of rules and councils influences fiscal transparency and (politicians’) accountability in the budget process by monitoring the adherence to the rules, legislative regulation and communication with the public, as well as that greater media visibility and more effective communication among councils can contribute to transparency and (politicians’) accountability in the budget process. Parliaments, unlike the councils, are political institutions and are thus perceived in the public. The councils, on the other hand, are uniquely positioned to enhance transparency and accountability and to provoke the influence on the politicians’ reputation by the assessments and analyses having the media-impact, but also by their own actions serving as models of transparency. They encourage the public and the government responses as well as more transparent and accountable public finance management if the media can speak freely and the degree of democracy is high in a country. Therefore, the rules and the councils can become a powerful means of communication, whereby it is important that the councils put more effort into communicating with the public and take into account the proposed logic of media influence of the councils themselves in order to significantly increase their impact on the transparency and (politicians’) accountability in the budget process.
* refers to politicians in executive power
fiskalna pravila
fiskalni odbori
proračunski proces
javne financije
komunikacija s javnošću
medijski utjecaj
Keywords (english)
fiscal rules
fiscal councils
budget process
public finances
public ommunications
media influence
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:114:849993
Study programme Title: Political Science - doctoral study programme Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: DOKTOR/DOKTORICA ZNANOSTI, PODRUČJE DRUŠTVENIH ZNANOSTI, POLJE POLITOLOGIJA (DOKTOR/DOKTORICA ZNANOSTI, PODRUČJE DRUŠTVENIH ZNANOSTI, POLJE POLITOLOGIJA)
Catalog URL http://library.foi.hr/m3/kd1.php?B=1360&sqlx=13160&ser=&sqlid=1360&css=&H=&U=&H=
Type of resource Text
Extent 678 str. ; 30 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository FPSZG repository
Created on 2018-09-17 08:38:16