Title Novi pristup planiranju izgradnje malih hidroelektrana
Author Hubert Bašić
Mentor Vladimir Mikuličić (mentor)
Committee member Vjekoslav Filipović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Vladimir Mikuličić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Božo Udovičić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Sejid Tešnjak (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Slavko Krajcar (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing Zagreb
Defense date and country 2003, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Electrical Engineering Power Engineering
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 621.3 - Electrical engineering
Abstract U radu su predstavljeni rezultati i zaključci istraživanja malih hidroelektrana s više aspekata. Izvršena su istraživanja postojećih metodologija planiranja u elektroenergetskom sustavu, s težištem na definiranju realnog položaja malih hidroelektranama odnosno veličine njihovog utjecaja na donošenje odluka korištenjem metoda planiranja koje se danas koriste u našoj zemlji na različitim razinama sustava. Ovaj aspekt obrađen je i sa zakonodavne strane, imajući u vidu otvaranje energetskog tržišta i specifičan povlašteni položaj obnovljivih izvora energije u elektroenergetskom sustavu. Time je obuhvaćen aspekt energetskog planiranja izgradnje objekata u elektroenergetskom sustavu. Osim toga, obuhvaćen je prostorno-planski aspekt kao drugi najbitniji aspekt koji je potrebno pažljivo razmatrati kad je riječ o izgradnji objekata čiji zahvati u prostoru su prilično osjetljivi sa stajališta zaštite prirode i okoliša odnosno zaštite kulturne baštine. Izvršena su istraživanja zakonske regulative s jedne strane, a s druge strane provedena su terenska istraživanja konkretnih projekata malih hidroelektrana te izvedeni zaključci o prihvatljivosti odnosno mogućnosti realizacije pojedinih projekata. Pri tome je primijenjen individualni pristup svakoj potencijalnoj lokaciji pogodnoj za izgradnju male hidroelektrane, što je novost u odnosu na dosadašnju praksu. Također, posebna pažnja bila je usmjerena na tehnički aspekt u užem smislu, odnosno na tehničko-tehnološke karakteristike malih hidroelektrana. Izvršena su istraživanja ponašanja objekata u pogonu i opširnije varijantne analize te dobivena realna slika položaja i značaja malih hidroelektrana u elektroenergetskom sustavu. I konačno, izvršena je ocjena društvene koristi od izgradnje malih hidroelektrana te, uzimajući u obzir sva saznanja stečena spomenutim istraživanjima i analizama predložen novi pristup planiranja izgradnje malih hidroelektrana u našoj zemlji. Ovim radom izvršeno je cjelovito povezivanje svih bitnih aspekata malih hidroelektrana na potpuno nov način te kao takav predstavlja prvi pokušaj ravnomjernog višedimenzionalnog pristupa planiranju izgradnje malih hidroelektrana u našoj zemlji, s posebnim osvrtom na utjecaj malih hidroelektrana na njihovu okolinu u najširem smislu te riječi.
Abstract (english) This dissertation presents results and conclusions of the research of small hydroelectric plants from different aspects. The research of the existing planning methodologies in the electric power supply system have been conducted, with the emphasis on the defining of real locations of small hydroelectric plants, i.e. with the emphasis on their impact on decision-making by using planning methods which are nowadays used in our country on various levels of the system. This aspect has also been analysed from the legislature point of view, bearing in mind the opening of electric power market and the specific privileged position of renewable energy sources in the electric power system. Moreover, the spatial-planning aspect has also been taken into consideration as a second most important aspect when it comes to the objects whose construction is very delicate from the point of view of environment and heritage protection. On the one hand, the research of the regulations has been done, and on the other the field research of the particular projects of small hydroelectric plants, and some conclusions have been made concerning the acceptability, i.e. the possibility of implementation of particular projects. In doing so, it has applied the individual approach for every potential location suitable for the construction of small hydroelectric plant, which presents the novelty in the up till now experience. Besides, a special attention has been paid to technical aspect in the narrow meaning of the word, i.e. to technical and technological characteristics of small hydroelectric plants. Research of the plants in operation has also been done together with the comprehensive variant analysis, and all this led to the real state of being when it comes to location and the importance of small hydroelectric plants in the electric power system. Finally, the estimate of the contribution of the construction of small hydroelectric plants for the society has been done, and, taking into account all the conclusions from the previously mentioned research and analysis, a new approach to construction plans for small hydroelectric plants in our country is suggested. This project has united all the important aspects of the small hydroelectric plants in a completely new way, and as such it presents the first attempt of uniform, multidimensional approach to construction of small hydroelectric plants in Croatia, with the special emphasis on the impact of small hydroelectric plants on the environment in the broadest sense of the word.
Mala hidroelektrana
elektroenergetski sustav
kulturna baština
Keywords (english)
Small hydro power plant
electricity power system
cultural heritage
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:168:059234
Study programme Title: Doctoral study programme "Electrical Engineering and Computing" Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, po-dručje tehničkih znanosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti, po-dručje tehničkih znanosti)
Catalog URL https://lib.fer.hr:8443/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=29150
Type of resource Text
Extent V, 210 str. ; 30 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
Terms of use
Repository FER Repository
Created on 2019-09-09 12:27:33