Title Utjecaj certifikacije na uspjeh projekta u elektroenergetskom sektoru Republike Hrvatske
Title (english) Impact of certification on project success in the electro-energetic sector of the Republic of Croatia
Author Marija Šiško Kuliš
Mentor Dragana Grubišić (mentor)
Mentor Nenad Vretenar (komentor)
Committee member Marija Kaštelan Mrak (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Zdravko Zekić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tonći Lazibat (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Economics and Business Rijeka
Defense date and country 2021-05-10, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 658 - Business management, administration. Commercial organization
Abstract Projekti se provode u mnogim djelatnostima, kao što su izvođenje radova, pružanje usluga, a u širem smislu obuhvaćaju i brojne poslovne aktivnosti. Iznimno su važni jer uspješno vođenje projekata osigurava realizaciju mnogih kompleksnih ciljeva. Međutim, unatoč takvom i tolikom interesu za projekte, istraživači i gospodarstvenici smatraju da preko 50% pokrenutih projekata završava neuspjehom. Osim neuspješnosti projekte obilježavaju i krize, rizici, nesigurnost i nekompetentnost. Takvim rezultatima usprkos, zadnjih godina događa se projektifikacija gospodarstva ali i društva u cjelini kako na globalnoj tako i nacionalnim razini. Na tragu spomenutog, potrebno je naglasiti da je jedna od najvažnijih odluka u upravljanju projektima odabir voditelja projekata koja se donosi nakon selekcijskog postupka koji treba počivati na modelu kompetentnosti. Jedan od visoko rangiranih kriterija u odabiru voditelja projekta je posjedovanje certifikata za vođenje projekata, pri čemu se certifikacija često poistovjećuje s dokazom kompetentnosti voditelja projekta. Dosadašnja istraživanja pokazala su da certifikacija voditelja projekta utječe na uspješnost projekta. Predmet ove disertacije je istraživanje utjecaja certifikacije projekta na uspješnost projekta, pri čemu se certificiranost mjeri kroz posjedovanje certifikata, a uspješnost kroz efikasnosti i efektivnost projekata. Istraživanje je također usmjereno na utjecaj kompleksnosti projekta na spomenuti odnos, a sve s ciljem povećanja uspjeha projekta. Kako bi se istražila ova problematika provedeno je empirijsko istraživanje na uzorku voditelja projekata iz elektroenergetskog sektora. Teorijskim i empirijskim istraživanjem postignuti su postavljeni ciljevi istraživanja i potvrđene hipoteze istraživanja: (1) Certificiranost voditelja projekta ima pozitivan utjecaj na uspjeh projekta u elektroenergetskom sektoru Republike Hrvatske. (2) Utjecaj certificiranosti voditelja projekta na uspjeh projekta ovisi o kompleksnosti projekta u elektroenergetskom sektoru Republike Hrvatske. (3) Postoji razlika u ocjeni važnosti kriterija uspjeha projekta između certificiranih i necertificiranih voditelja projekta u elektroenergetskom sektoru Republike Hrvatske. Znanstveni doprinos istraživanja može biti sagledan u originalnosti predloženog modela istraživanja čije je empirijsko testiranje rezultiralo razvojem novih znanstvenih spoznaja o certifikaciji voditelja projekta, kompleksnosti i uspjehu projekata. U teorijskom smislu, doprinos je manifestiran u kreiranju općeg teorijskog okvira utjecaja certifikacije voditelja projekata na uspjeh projekta kao rezultante objedinjavanja trenutnih najznačajnijih teorijskih postavki relevantne znanstvene literature. U aplikativnom smislu najvažniji doprinos predstavlja validacija modela utjecaja certifikacije voditelja projekta na uspjeh projekta u elektroenergetskom sektoru Republike Hrvatske. Napravljena je i post hoc analiza utjecaja karakteristika voditelja i projekta na uspješnost projekta, navedena su ograničenja ovog istraživanja i dane preporuke za nastavak istraživanja.
Abstract (english) Projects are implemented in many activities, such as execution of works, provision of services, and in a broader sense include a number of business activities. They are extremely important because successful project management ensures the realization of many complex goals. However, despite such and so much interest in projects, researchers and business people believe that over 50% of launched projects end in failure. In addition to failure, projects are also marked by crises, risks, insecurity and incompetence. Despite such results, in recent years there has been a projection of the economy and society as a whole, both globally and nationally. Following this, it should be emphasized that one of the most important decisions in project management is the selection of project managers, which is made after the selection process, which should be based on the model of competence. One of the highly ranked criteria in selecting a project manager is the possession of a project management certificate, where certification is often equated with proof of project manager competence. Previous research has shown that project manager certification affects project success. The subject of this dissertation is the research of the impact of project certification on project success, where certification is measured through the possession of certificates, and success through the efficiency and effectiveness of projects. The research is also focused on the impact of project complexity on the mentioned relationship, all with the aim of increasing the success of the project. In order to investigate this issue, an empirical study was conducted on a sample of project managers from the electricity sector. Theoretical and empirical research has achieved the set research goals and confirmed the research hypotheses: (1) The certification of the project manager has a positive impact on the success of the project in the electricity sector of the Republic of Croatia. (2) The impact of the project manager's certification on the success of the project depends on the complexity of the project in the electricity sector of the Republic of Croatia. (3) There is a difference in the assessment of the importance of the project success criteria between certified and non-certified project managers in the electricity sector of the Republic of Croatia. The scientific contribution of the research can be seen in the originality of the proposed research model whose empirical testing has resulted in the development of new scientific knowledge about the certification of project managers, the complexity and success of projects. In theoretical terms, the contribution is manifested in the creation of a general theoretical framework of the impact of project manager certification on project success as a result of combining the current most significant theoretical settings of the relevant scientific literature. In terms of application, the most important contribution is the validation of the model of the impact of project manager certification on project success in the electricity sector of the Republic of Croatia. A post hoc analysis of the impact of the characteristics of the leader and the project on the success of the project was made, the limitations of this research were stated and recommendations for further research were given.
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:192:098628
Promotion 2021
Study programme Title: Economics and Business Economics Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Economics and Business
Created on 2021-05-31 15:44:00