Title Marketing urbanog turizma u digitalnom okruženju
Title (english) Marketing of urban tourism in digital environment
Author Martina Bienenfeld
Mentor Drago Ružić (mentor)
Committee member Davorin Turkalj (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivan Kelić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Doris Peručić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Economics and Business in Osijek Osijek
Defense date and country 2019-05-03, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Marketing
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 338.48 - Tourism
Abstract Elektronički ili internetski ili online marketing predstavlja okosnicu marketinških aktivnosti u
suvremenom poslovanju, te korištenjem svih tehnika, alata i servisa omogućuje optimalno
zadovoljenje svih elemenata marketinškog spleta. Uvažavajući tu činjenicu, bitno je istaknuti
potencijal ovih aktivnosti u turizmu kao jednoj od najvažniji gospodarskih grana, pri čemu se
predložena doktorska disertacija usredotočuje na urbani turizam, konkretno njihov utjecaj na
turizam grada Zagreba
Analizom dostupne stručne literature i dosadašnjih istraživanja teme htjelo se uvidjeti koliko i
kako su moderne tehnike i alati elektroničkog marketinga prihvaćene u urbanom turizmu grada
Zagreba, posebno u njegovim promotivnim aktivnostima. Disertacija daje sustavni i
sveobuhvatni pregled i analizu postojećeg stanja korištenja tehnika i alata elektroničkog
marketinga u urbanom turizmu grada Zagreba radi utvrđivanja relevantnih strateških opcija
kojima se može ostvariti rast turističke djelatnosti u gradu Zagrebu kroz jaču promociju u
digitalnom okruženju.
Također, važan čimbenik razvoja promocije Zagreba kao turističke destinacije simbioza je
Turističke zajednica grada Zagreba sa svim dionicima na turističkom tržištu koji djeluju na
području Zagreba. Kroz primjenu suvremene informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije, a
naročito marketinških aktivnosti, moguće je stvoriti preduvjete za još bolju regionalnu,
europsku i globalnu promociju Zagreba kao privlačne destinacije urbanog turizma na
kompetitivnom međunarodnom tržištu.
Kako se razvijaju navike potrošnje i online ponašanja potrošača, iste je nužno pratiti i
prilagođavati se zahtjevima turista. Potrebno je zadovoljiti sve složeniju turističku potražnju za
online informacijama i uslugama, posebno onih temeljenih na društvenim mrežama, videu,
mobilnom internetu i aplikacijama za pametne telefone i influencer marketingu. Naravno ne
treba zapostaviti ni razvoj tehnologije proširene (AR) i virtualne stvarnosti (VR) te korištenje
umjetne inteligencije za prikupljanje i analitiku velikih skupina podataka (Big Data) vezanih
za turiste, istraživanje sentimenta, istraživanje njihovih komentara te nove tehnologije poput
usluga utemeljenih na prepoznavanju glasa, smart city uslugama, Interneta stvari i dr..10
Očekivani znanstveni doprinos rada bit će dvojak. Disertacija će dati sustavni i sveobuhvatni
pregled, te kritičku analizu postojećih spoznaja iz područja istraživanja utjecaja e-promidžbe
na brendiranje destinacije grada Zagreba, s obzirom na to da je ista dosad bila nedovoljno
Teorijski doprinos očitovat će se u analizi upravljanje Zagrebom kao turističkom destinacijom
te izgradnji zagrebačkog turističkog brenda s naglaskom na digitalnim i mobilnim platformama.
Praktični će se doprinos ogledati u definiranju smjernica za dopunu postojeće i razvoja nove
digitalne strategije Zagreba i unaprjeđenja njegove turističke ponude i promocije, i digitalne
prisutnosti grada Zagreba i zagrebačkog turizma, te mogućnosti apliciranja novih digitalnih
marketinških alata za unaprjeđenje njegova razvoja.
Abstract (english) Electronic or online or web marketing is the backbone of marketing activities in the
contemporary business. Usage of its techniques, tools and services enables optimal fulfillment
of all the elements of the marketing sphere. Bearing this in mind, it is important to point out the
potential of these activities in tourism as one of the most important economic branches of
Croatia, with the proposed doctoral dissertation focusing on urban tourism, concretely, the
impact of online marketing on the tourism of the City of Zagreb
By analyzing the available literature and previous research we wanted to see how modern
techniques and tools of electronic marketing are applied in the urban tourism of the City of
Zagreb, especially in its promotional activities. The dissertation provides a systematic and
comprehensive overview and analysis of the state of use of electronic marketing techniques and
tools in urban tourism in the City of Zagreb with the aim of identifying relevant strategic options
for achieving the growth of tourist activity in the City of Zagreb through stronger promotion in
the digital environment.
Also, an important factor for the development of Zagreb's promotion as a tourist destination is
the symbiosis of the Tourist Board of the City of Zagreb with all the stakeholders in the tourist
market, which operate in the Zagreb area. Through the use of modern information and
communication technology, as a new information infrastructure for the implementation of all
communications and in particular marketing activities. We believe it is possible to create
preconditions for an even better regional, European and global promotion of Zagreb as an
attractive destination for urban tourism on a competitive international market.
As consumer habits and consumer behavior are evolving, it is necessary to monitor and adapt
to the demands of modern tourists. All the more complex tourist demand for online information
and services, especially those based on social networks, video, mobile Internet, mobile
applications and influencer marketing, need to be met. Of course, the development of
augumented (AR) and virtual reality (VR) as well as the use of artificial intelligence for
gathering and analytics of Big Data related to tourists, their sentiment, research of their
comments, and new technologies such as recognition based services voice, smart city services,
internet of things will affect tourism more and more in the near future.12
The expected scientific contribution of the work will be twofold. The dissertation will provide
a systematic and comprehensive review and a critical analysis of the existing knowledge in the
area of research on the impact of e-publicity on the branding of the City of Zagreb's destination,
since it has been insufficiently explored so far.
The theoretical contribution will be an analysis of the management of Zagreb as a tourist
destination and the construction of the Zagreb tourist attractions with the emphasis on digital
and mobile platforms.
Practical contributions will be reflected in defining the guidelines for adapting the existing and
developing of the new digital strategy of Zagreb and improving its tourist offer and promotion.
The digital presence of the City of Zagreb and Zagreb tourism, and the possibility of applying
new digital marketing tools to improve its development will be explored.
turizam grada Zagreba
elektronički marketing
mobilni marketing
informacijsko-komunikacijska tehnologija
Keywords (english)
tourism of the City of Zagreb
electronic marketing
mobile marketing
information and communication technology
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:145:839573
Study programme Title: Postgraduate doctoral study Management Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
Terms of use
Created on 2019-10-11 10:32:12