Author Blanka Gigić Karl
Mentor Ivana Šandrk Nukić (mentor)
Committee member Jerko Glavaš (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek (Doctoral studies) Osijek
Defense date and country 2020, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 304 - Social questions. Social practice. Cultural practice
Abstract U doktorskoj disertaciji istražuje se proces strateškog upravljanja u kulturi, s posebnim naglaskom
na Grad Osijek i Grad Rijeku. Pri tome je glavni cilj bio analizirati ulogu i značaj strateških
aktivnosti u funkciji brendiranja kulturnog identiteta grada. U svrhu realizacije tako definiranog
cilja, teorijski okvir disertacije polazi od odrednica kulture, prije svega kroz elaboriranje značaja
kulturne politike. Kako bi se analizirao pojam kulturnog identiteta grada, disertacijom se daje uvid
u pojam identiteta grada i čimbenike njegove izgradnje. Osobita važnost pridaje se povezanosti
identiteta s kulturom i baštinom. Opisuje se i pojam brendiranja, odnosno proces izgradnje
brendiranja grada kao jedan od preduvjeta uspješnog upravljanja strateškim aktivnostima u kulturi.
Tijekom pregleda relevantne literature primijenjene su znanstvene metode indukcije, dedukcije,
analize, sinteze, povijesna metoda te metode klasifikacije, komparacije i deskripcije. Empirijski
dio istraživanja temeljio se na situacijskoj analizi te studiji slučaja, tijekom koje su korištene
metode anketiranja i intervjuiranja. Anketni je upitnik proveden među lokalnim stanovništvom i
turistima u Osijeku i Rijeci, a pojedinačni intervjui su obavljeni s predstavnicima javne vlasti u
području kulture u Gradu Osijeku i Gradu Rijeci te s ravnateljima kulturnih ustanova. Postupkom
benchmarkinga Osijeka s Rijekom kao službenom europskom prijestolnicom kulture,
utemeljenom na rezultatima i teorijskog i empirijskog istraživanja, na kraju je kreiran model
učinkovitog strateškog upravljanja aktivnostima u procesu brendiranja kulturnog identiteta grada.
Rezultatima istraživanja potvrđene su osnovna i prve dvije pomoćne hipoteze, a pomoćna hipoteza
H.1.3. je djelomično potvrđena. Autorica stoga zaključuje da se kulturni identitet grada zasniva na
preferencijama javnosti i baštini tog grada, da je brendiranje grada nužno za njegovo
pozicioniranje na području kulture i da su strateške aktivnosti odrednica kulturne politike na razini
grada. Dodatno, trebalo bi ciljeve projekata u kulturi u većoj mjeri povezati s ciljevima kulturnog
razvitka grada, a učinkovitost upravljanja strateškim aktivnostima na području kulture mogla bi se
povećati intenziviranjem komunikacije među svim bitnim dionicima te većom orijentacijom na
vanjsko umjesto na proračunsko financiranje.
Abstract (english) The doctoral dissertation explores the process of strategic management in culture, with a particular
emphasis on the city of Osijek and the city of Rijeka. The main goal was to analyze the role and
importance of strategic activities in branding a city's cultural identity. In order to realize the goal
thus defined, the theoretical framework of the dissertation starts from the determinants of culture,
primarily through the elaboration of the importance of cultural policy. In order to analyze the
concept of the cultural identity of a city, the dissertation provides insight into the concept of
identity of each city and the factors of its construction. Particular importance is attached to the
connection of identity with culture and heritage. The concept of branding is also described, i.e.,
the process of building a city's branding as one of the preconditions for successful management of
strategic activities in culture. Review of the relevant literature, scientific methods of induction,
deduction, analysis, synthesis, historical method, and methods of classification, comparison, and
description were applied. The empirical part of the research was based on situational analysis and
a case study, during which survey and interviewing methods were used. A survey questionnaire
was conducted among the local population and tourists in Osijek and Rijeka. In-depth interviews
were conducted with representatives of public authorities in the field of culture in the city of Osijek
and the city of Rijeka and with executives of cultural institutions. The benchmarking process of
Osijek with Rijeka as the official European Capital of Culture, based on theoretical and empirical
research results, finally created a model of effective strategic management of activities in branding
the cultural identity of a city. The results of this research confirmed the basic and the first two
auxiliary hypotheses, while the auxiliary hypothesis H.1.3. was partially confirmed. The author,
therefore, concludes that a city's cultural identity is based on the public preferences and heritage
of that city. That branding a city is necessary for its positioning in the field of culture, and that
strategic activities are determinants of cultural policy at the city level. Also, cultural projects' goals
should be more closely linked to a city's cultural development goals, and managing strategic
activities in the field of culture could be increased by intensifying communication among all
relevant stakeholders and more significant external rather than budgetary funding.
strateške aktivnosti
kulturna politika
kulturni identitet
brendiranje grada
Keywords (english)
strategic activities
cultural policy
cultural identity
city branding
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:236:651882
Promotion 2022
Study programme Title: University Postgraduate Interdisciplinary Doctoral Study Cultural Studies; specializations in: Culture, Art and Literature in the European context, Information and Communication in Culture, Management of Culture, Art and Education, Culture, Art and literature in the European context, Management in culture, Arts and Education Course: Culture, Art and Literature in the European context Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, interdisciplinarna područja znanosti, odgovarajuće polje (doktor/doktorica znanosti, interdisciplinarna područja znanosti, odgovarajuće polje)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of Doctoral School, Josip Juraj University in Osijek
Created on 2022-02-24 10:15:22