Title Transmedijalne i kulturalno-identitetske strategije filmskih reprezentacija
Title (english) Transmedia and Cultural-Identity Strategies of Film Representations
Author Sunčana Tuksar
Mentor Ivana Žužul (mentor)
Mentor Danijel Labaš (komentor)
Committee member Kristina Peternai Andrić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Krešimir Purgar (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nikolina Borčić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek (Doctoral studies) Osijek
Defense date and country 2020-04-01, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 304 - Social questions. Social practice. Cultural practice
Abstract Tema ove disertacije je transmedijalna (semiotička i naratološka) analiza kulturalno-
identitetskih strategija filmskih reprezentacija. Filmski diskurs pritom se shvaća kao
simboličko-materijalna praksa koja je nagovještaj kulture i simptom društva. Disertacija nastoji
obuhvatiti analizu metajezika koji pokreću sustavi označavanja odabranih filmova: Noć na
zemlji (Night on Earth, 1991) Jima Jarmuscha, Klub sretnih žena (The Joy Luck Club, 1993)
Waynea Wanga, Izgubljeni u prijevodu (Lost in Translation, 2003) Sofije Coppole, Adam i
Paul (Adam and Paul, 2004) Lennyja Abrahamsona, Gost (The Visitor, 2007) Toma
McCarthyja, Blue Jasmine (2013) Woodyja Allena, te Ja, Daniel Blake (I, Daniel Blake, 2016)
Kena Loacha. Imajući u vidu pomak strukturalne naratologije prema postklasičnoj naratologiji,
u istraživanju se filmske reprezentacije promatraju kao semiotički multimodalni modeli
oblikovanja identiteta posredstvom narativa, odnosno filmskog diskursa.
U teorijsko-metodološkom smislu disertacija je interdisciplinarna jer kombinira transmedijalnu
naratologiju, jedan od smjerova postklasične naratologije koji ujedinjuje naratologiju i
sociosemiotiku sa subjektivističkim ili antiesencijalističkim teorijama identiteta. Analiza je u
tom smislu usmjerena na propitivanje ideoloških funkcija filmskih reprezentacija i
preispitivanje načina i strategija pomoću kojih se konstruiraju njihova značenja u okviru već
spomenutih teorijskih koncepata.
Ovo istraživanje počiva na sljedećim osnovnim pretpostavkama: film je hibridna umjetnička
forma u koju je upisan cijeli niz semiotičkih konotacija; transmedijalnost je neodvojiva od
filmskog medija; narativna organizacija filma povezana je s multimodalnom sociosemiotikom
i diskurzivnim modusima i odnosima - neizostavnim svojstvima kritičke vizualne
multimodalne pismenosti 21. stoljeća. Ta je vizualna pismenost, između ostaloga, i odraz
svijesti o konstruiranoj naravi filmskih reprezentacija te znanju o društvenim, kulturološkim i
političkim kontekstima u kojima su filmske reprezentacije proizvedene. Ostale komparativne
analize filmova uz već spomenutu transmedijalnu naratologiju provedene su primjenom
multimodalne sociosemiotičke metodologije obrade u istraživanju.
Abstract (english) The topic of the doctoral thesis is transmedia (semiotics and narratology) cultural-identity
strategies of film representations. Drawing conclusions from the foundation of film discourse
perceived as a symbolic-material practice, which reflects culture and is a symptom of society,
the thesis encompasses the analysis of the metalanguage employed as a marking system of the
chosen films: Night on Earth (1991) by Jim Jarmusch, The Joy Luck Club (1993) by Wayne
Wang, Lost in Translation (2003) by Sofia Coppola, Adam and Paul (2004) by Lenny
Abrahamson, The Visitor (2007) by Tom McCarthy, Blue Jasmine (2013) by Woody Allen,
and I, Daniel Blake (2016) by Ken Loach. Bearing in mind the shift from structural narratology
to the postclassical narratology the analysis perceives film representations as multimodal ways
of identity formation through the narrative, i.e. the film discourse.
Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the doctoral thesis, methodologically and theoretically it
comprises of transmedial narratology as one of the postclassical narratology directions. As
such, it combines narratology and social semiotics together with the subjetive and anti-
essentialist theories of identity. Accordingly, the analysis of the research focuses on exploring
the ideological functions of film representations; Thus deals with questioning the ways and
strategies which assist in constructing the meanings of film representations in the realm of
relevant theories and concepts.
Therefore, the analytical approach relies on the basic hypotheses as follows: Film is a hybrid
art form packed with semiotic connotations; Transmediality is the inseparable trait of film as a
medium; Narrative organization of the film is a matter of social semiotics and the discursive
modes and their relationships - they are a constitutive part of a critical multimodal visual
literacy of the 21st century. As such, it reflects the awareness of a constructive nature of film
representations, as well as the knowledge about social, cultural and political context in which
such film representations are produced. Along with already mentioned transmedia narratology,
some other comparative film research approaches have been employed in relation to
multimodal social semiotics methodological research analysis.
multimodalna sociosemiotika
filmske reprezentacije
kulturni identitet
vizualna pismenost
Keywords (english)
multimodal social semiotics
film representations
cultural identity
visual literacy
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:236:465672
Promotion 2020-10-02
Study programme Title: University Postgraduate Interdisciplinary Doctoral Study Communication Studies Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti)
Type of resource Text
Extent 254 stranica
File origin Reformatted digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of Doctoral School, Josip Juraj University in Osijek
Created on 2020-11-03 12:36:38