Author Katica Šubarić
Mentor Robert Raponja (mentor)
Committee member Ivan Trojan (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek (Doctoral studies) Osjek
Defense date and country 2023-03-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Theater Arts (Performing and Media Arts)
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 792 - Theatre
Abstract Ovaj se doktorski rad bavi praktičnim umjetničkim istraživanjima, analizom i kreativnom primjenom alata, metoda i tehnike glume kroz kazališni, filmski i radijski medij. Pisanoj doktorskoj disertaciji prethodilo je opsežno umjetničko istraživanje tijekom kojeg je uprizorena monodrama Jedna od sestara Kordelije Paladin kroz tri različita umjetnička medija: film u VR mediju, kazališnu predstavu i radiodramu. Monodrama, kao vrlo transparentna kazališna forma, pružila je mogućnost za istraživanjem i praktičnom uporabom modela dramske igre i svrsishodnih modela dramske igre i modela komunikacije iz triju sustava glume Antonina Artauda, Bertolta Brechta i Konstantina S. Stanislavskog te glumačkih metoda Mihaila Čehova, Sanforda Meisnera i Bore Stjepanovića. U umjetničkom dijelu ovog rada, kroz praktičan rad, sintetizirani su rezultati praktične primjene glumačkih alata iz spomenutih, priznatih glumačkih sustava i metoda, a svi ti procesi opisani su u pisanom dijelu doktorske disertacije. Studiozno je objašnjen proces koji je prethodio samom umjetničkom doktorskom istraživanju, a to je pretvorba ideje u dramski tekst i glumičina suradnja sa spisateljicom te izmjena ideja koja je rezultirala tekstom monodrame Jedna od sestara koji je kreiran posebno u svrhu ovog doktorskog istraživanja. Po istom tekstualnom predlošku ispitani su modeli glumačke igre: model glume glumac pred kamerom, model glume glumac pred publikom i model glume glumac pred mikrofonom, te su na praktičan način ispitana glumačka sredstva koja je glumica u suradnji s mentorom i suradnicima odabrala pri oblikovanju umjetničkog čina u različitim izvedbeno-umjetničkim formama. Sve je to u više navrata provjereno pred publikom te je isto tako nakon odabranih 11 kazališnih izvedbi monodrame provedena anketa o modelima igre i uspostave komunikacije s publikom koju je publika ispunjavala nakon odgledane predstave. Rezultati ankete obrađeni su i opisani na kraju pisanog dijela rada. Hipotezu da je gluma autentična i organska umjetnost koja u svim medijima „nadopisuje" i ispunjava prostore literature, redateljske, scenografske i multimedijske „praznine“ glumica je obranila glumačkim i organskim angažmanom u umjetničkom radu. Taj pisani dio doktorske disertacije potkrijepljen je prilozima: snimkom predstave, VR filmom, radiodramom, novinskim člancima, kritikama, TV prilogom o problematici predstave. Sintetizirana je i tablično prikazana istraživačko-glumačka priprema potrebna za različite modele glumačke igre prilagođene različitim medijima.
Abstract (english) This doctoral dissertation deals with practical artistic research, analysis and creative application of tools, methods and techniques of acting in theatre, film and radio media.
The doctoral dissertation is based on extensive artistic research within which Kordelija Paladin’s monodrama Jedna od sestara has been staged in three different artistic media: as a movie in the virtual reality medium, as a theatre performance and as a radio drama. Being a transparent theatre form, monodrama provided the opportunity for research and practical use of dramatic play models and purposeful models of dramatic play and communication from three acting systems of Antonin Artaud, Bertolt Brecht and Konstantin S. Stanislavsky, as well as acting methods of Mikhail Chekhov, Sanford Meisner and Boro Stjepanović. The artistic part of this dissertation presents practical work for the purpose of synthetizing the results of the practical application of acting tools from the mentioned, well-known acting systems and methods. The doctoral dissertation describes all these processes, as well as the process that preceded the artistic part of the doctoral research, the transformation of an idea into the dramatic text and the cooperation between the actress and the playwriter that resulted in the monodrama Jedna od sestara, created specifically for the purpose of this doctoral research. The textual template has been used to test the following acting models: actor in front of the camera, actor in front of the audience, and actor in front of the microphone. The acting tools that the actress chose in cooperation with her mentor and colleagues have been examined practically during the development of the artistic act within different performing and artistic forms. All the above stated has been tested on several occasions in front of the audience. After 11 theatrical performances of the monodrama, the audience was asked to fill out a survey on the models of the play and the communication with the audience. The results of the survey have been processed and described in the final part of this dissertation.
The hypothesis that acting is an authentic and organic art that “co-writes” and fills in the spaces of literature, directing, scenography and multimedia “emptiness” in media has been defended by the actress through her acting and organic engagement in the artistic work. The written part of the doctoral dissertation is accompanied by the appendices: the recording of the play, VR movie, radio drama, newspaper articles, reviews and TV reports on the play. The research and acting preparation required for different models of acting adapted to different media has been synthesised and presented in tables.
modeli dramske igre
modeli komunikacije
sustavi glume
glumačke metode i alati
Keywords (english)
models of play
communication models
acting systems
acting methods and tools
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:236:437548
Promotion 2023-10-12
Study programme Title: University Postgraduate Interdisciplinary Doctoral Study Cultural Studies; specializations in: Culture, Art and Literature in the European context, Information and Communication in Culture, Management of Culture, Art and Education, Culture, Art and literature in the European context, Management in culture, Arts and Education Course: Culture, Art and Literature in the European context Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, interdisciplinarna područja znanosti, odgovarajuće polje (doktor/doktorica znanosti, interdisciplinarna područja znanosti, odgovarajuće polje)
Type of resource Text
Extent 107
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of Doctoral School, Josip Juraj University in Osijek
Created on 2023-10-20 07:48:15