Author Saša Maligec
Mentor Branimir Marković (mentor)
Committee member Ivana Barković Bojanić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek (Doctoral studies) Osjek
Defense date and country 2023-01-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 303 - Methods of the social sciences
Abstract Javne nabave najvažniji su instrument javnog sektora kojim se provode investicijski projekti,
osobito u elektroenergetske infrastrukturne objekte. Elektroenergetski sektor iznimno je važan
sektor u gospodarstvu jer on omogućava dostupnost električne energije svim potrošačima u
traženim količinama i adekvatnoj kvaliteti. Električna je energija kao pokretač ušla u gotovo svako
područje ljudskog života i upravo je zbog toga potražnja za njom postala iznimno velika. Javna
nabava koju provode javni elektroenergetski subjekti ima izravne utjecaje na financijska kretanja
u državi jer upravo to područje regulira prisutnost javnih financija na tržištu. Institucije EU i RH
razvijale su pravnu regulativu u području javne nabave kako bi se sustav razvijao u pozitivnom
smislu s ciljem novih investicija i poduzetničkog djelovanja. Na sustav javne nabave iznimno
značajan utjecaj ima pravna regulativa kao i pravosudni sustav koji kontrolira postupke. S obzirom
na velike utjecaje javne nabave, ponajviše na tržište roba, radova i usluga, ali i na cijelo društvo,
provedeno je istraživanje o ekonomskim utjecajima javne nabave u javnom elektroenergetskom
sektoru RH. Za istraživanje su upotrijebljeni javno objavljeni dokumenti u sustavu javne nabave
kao i iskustva stručnjaka. Cilj provedenog istraživanja bio je utvrditi korelacije između provođenja
postupaka javne nabave u javnom elektroenergetskom sektoru regulirane u skladu sa pravnom
regulativom EU i RH i kvalitete (pouzdanosti) javnog elektroenergetskog sustava, istražiti model
odabira kriterija za odabir ponude, utjecaj kvalitativnih kriterija odabira ponude na kvalitetu roba,
radova i usluga te ukupni odnos prema nekim ekonomskim pokazateljima u gospodarstvu kao
posljedicu utjecaja sustava javne nabave. Analizom prikupljenih podataka tijekom istraživanja
zaključeno je da je transparentna i efikasna provedba javne nabave ključna za investiranje u
infrastrukturne projekte što utječe na kretanje BDP-a, malo i srednje poduzetništvo, likvidnost i sl.
Sustav javne nabave bitno utječe na opću likvidnost gospodarstva i skraćivanje rokova plaćanja
što omogućuje veću stopu obrta kapitala. Investicije u elektroenergetskom sektoru omogućavaju
sigurnost opskrbe potrošača, pouzdanost elektroenergetskog sustava, bolju kvalitetu električne
energije i manje cijene električne energije.
Abstract (english) Public procurement is the most important instrument of the public sector through which investment
projects are implemented, especially in electricity infrastructure facilities. The electricity sector is
an extremely important sector in business because it enables electricity to always be available to
all consumers in the required quantities and of adequate quality. Electricity as a driver has entered
almost every area of human life and which is why its demand has become extremely high. Public
procurement carried out by public electricity entities has a direct impact on financial developments
in the country because this area regulates the presence of public finances on the market. The EU
and Croatian institutions have developed legal regulations in the field of public procurement in
order to develop the system in a positive way with the aim of new investments and entrepreneurial
activity. The public procurement system is significantly influenced by legal regulations as well as
the judicial system that controls procedures. Given the large impacts of public procurement, mostly
on the market of goods, works and services, but also on the whole society, a survey was conducted
on the economic impacts of public procurement in the public electricity sector of the Republic of
Croatia. Documents published in the public procurement system as well as the experiences of
experts were used for the research. The aim of the research was to determine the correlations
between the implementation of public procurement procedures in the public electricity sector
regulated in accordance with EU and Croatian legislation and the quality (reliability) of the public
electricity system, to investigate the model of selection criteria, the impact of qualitative selection
criteria on product quality, works and services and the overall relationship to some economic
indicators in the economy as a result of the impact of the public procurement system. The analysis
of data collected during the research concluded that transparent and efficient implementation of
public procurement is key to investing in infrastructure projects, which affects GDP trends, small
and medium enterprises, liquidity and etc. The public procurement system significantly affects the
general liquidity of the economy, and shortening payment deadlines allows for a higher rate of
capital turnover. Investments in the electricity sector enable security of supply to consumers,
reliability of the electricity system, better quality of electricity and lower electricity prices.
javna nabava
ekonomski učinci
Europska unija
elektroenergetski sektor
indikatori uspješnosti javne nabave
kvaliteta roba
radova i usluga
Keywords (english)
public procurement
economic effects
European union
electric energy sector
public procurement successful indicators
quality of goods
works and services
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:236:962700
Promotion 2023-10-12
Study programme Title: University Postgraduate Interdisciplinary Doctoral Study European Studies Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, interdisciplinarna područja znanosti, odgovarajuće polje (doktor/doktorica znanosti, interdisciplinarna područja znanosti, odgovarajuće polje)
Type of resource Text
Extent 312
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of Doctoral School, Josip Juraj University in Osijek
Created on 2023-10-20 06:58:10