Title Jedinstveni i preklapajući ciljni geni transkripcijskih faktora GLI1, GLI2 i GLI3 u melanomu čovjeka
Title (english) Unique and overlapping target genes of transcription factors GLI1, GLI2 and GLI3 in human melanoma
Author Matea Kurtović
Mentor Maja Sabol (mentor)
Committee member Igor Jurak (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dubravka Švob Štrac (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Ratkaj (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka (Faculty of Biotechnology and Drug Development) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2023-05-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Biotechnology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 577 - Biochemistry. Molecular biology. Biophysics
Abstract Melanom je jedan od najagresivnijih i najzloćudnijih tumora kože, uz veliku sklonost metastaziranju.
Uključenost i važnost signalnog puta Hedgehog-GLI u melanomu te njegova interakcija sa signalnim
putem MAPK već je zabilježena u dosadašnjim istraživanjima. U ovom doktorskom radu se nastoje
dodatno razjasniti još nedovoljno istražene uloge ovog signalnog puta u melanomu te pronaći nove gene
koje on regulira. Sekvenciranjem RNA tri stanične linije s prekomjernom ekspresijom proteina GLI1,
GLI2 ili GLI3 dobiveni su podaci da postoji 1 642 ciljna gena koji su preklapajući za GLI1 i GLI2, 23
preklapajuća ciljna gena za GLI2 i GLI3 i samo 9 preklapajućih gena za GLI1 i GLI3. Pronađeno je
607 jedinstvenih ciljnih gena GLI1, 1 080 jedinstvenih gena GLI2 i 37 jedinstvenih gena GLI3. Daljnje
bioinformatičke analize su pokazale da je u slučaju uzoraka s prekomjernom ekspresijom GLI1 i GLI2,
oko 20-30% gena sa značajno promijenjenom ekspresijom uključeno u signalne puteve Wnt, MAPK i
RAS. Nakon detaljne selekcije i analize javnih baza podataka, odabrano je 12 gena za validaciju qPCRom na proširenom panelu od dodatnih 11 staničnih linija melanoma. Validacija qPCR-om je omogućila
da se lista dobrih gena kandidata smanji na 6 gena koji su pokazali ujednačeno povećanu ekspresiju u
velikom broju staničnih linija. Iako je prvotno planirana validacija odabranih gena u staničnim linijama
s potpuno uklonjenim genima GLI1, GLI2, i GLI3, nije bilo moguće uspostaviti spomenute modele
koristeći metodu CRISPR/Cas9. Također nije bilo moguće provesti utišavanje gena GLI pomoću
siRNA. Iz tih razloga su kao model za smanjenu aktivnost signalnog puta HH-GLI, korištene stanične
linije melanoma rezistentne na inhibitor GANT61 te je na njima validirano 6 ciljnih gena. Dodatno su
ovi geni validirani na staničnoj liniji s prekomjernom ekspresijom SHH te na sferoidnim kulturama tri
stanične linije melanoma (CHL-1, A375 i MEL224), uspostavljenih metodom viseće kapljice u svrhu
ovog doktorskog rada. Novoidentificirani ciljni geni proteina GLI koji bi se trebali dodatno istražiti i
funkcionalno validirati u melanomu su geni KRT16, KRT17, S100A7, IL1R2 te MRAS.
Abstract (english) Melanoma is one of the most aggressive and malignant skin tumors, with a high tendency to metastasize.
The involvement and importance of the Hedgehog-GLI signaling pathway in melanoma and its
interaction with the MAPK signaling pathway have already been reported in previous studies. In this
PhD thesis, we are trying to further clarify the role of this signaling pathway in melanoma and to find
its new target genes. RNA-sequencing of three melanoma cell lines with overexpressed GLI1, GLI2, or
GLI3 revealed that there are 1 642 overlapping target genes for GLI1 and GLI2, 23 overlapping target
genes for GLI2 and GLI3, and only 9 overlapping genes for GLI1 and GLI3. There were 607 unique
target genes of GLI1, 1 080 unique targets of GLI2, and 37 unique targets of GLI3. Further
bioinformatic analysis revealed that in case of GLI1 and GLI2 overexpression, about 20-30% of
differentially expressed genes are involved in Wnt, MAPK and RAS signaling pathways. After detailed
selection and analysis of several publicly available databases, 12 genes were selected for further
validation by qPCR on an expanded panel of additional 11 melanoma cell lines. qPCR validation alowed
us to narrow down the gene list to 6 genes that show consistent expression in majority of the cell lines.
Although it was planned to conduct target gene validation on melanoma cell lines with completely
removed GLI1, GLI2 and GLI3, this could not be achieved using CRISPR/Cas9 method. It was also
not possible to achieve silencing of the GLI genes using siRNA. For that reason, melanoma cell lines
resistant to GANT61 were used as a model for downregulated activity of the HH-GLI signaling
pathway, and 6 target genes were validated on this model. Additionally, these 6 genes were validated
on a cell line with stable overexpression of SHH and on spheroid cultures of three melanoma cell lines
(CHL-1, A375 and MEL224), established by hanging drop method for the purpose of this thesis. Novel
identified target genes of GLI proteins that should be investigated further and functioanlly validated in
melanoma are KRT16, KRT17, S100A7, IL1R2 and MRAS.
ciljni geni
Keywords (english)
target genes
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:193:938478
Promotion 2023
Project Number: IP-2018-01-4889 Title: Regulacija GLI koda u tumorima ovisnim o BRAF/NRAS mutacijama Acronym: GLIcode Leader: Maja Sabol Jurisdiction: Croatia Funder: HRZZ Funding stream: IP
Study programme Title: Medicinal chemistry Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, interdisciplinarna područja znanosti, polje biotehnologija u biomedicini (doktor/doktorica znanosti, interdisciplinarna područja znanosti, polje biotehnologija u biomedicini)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Biotechnology and Drug Development
Created on 2023-07-13 08:38:20