Title In silico analiza i antiproliferativno djelovanje novih hibrida pirimidin-2,4-dion-1,2,3-triazola
Title (english) In silico analysis and antiproliferative effect of novel pyrimidine-2,4-dione-1,2,3-triazole hybrids
Author Andrea Tomljenović Paravić
Mentor Roberto Antolović (mentor)
Committee member Sandra Kraljević Pavelić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Bono Lučić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Ratkaj (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka (Faculty of Biotechnology and Drug Development) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2019, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Biotechnology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 577 - Biochemistry. Molecular biology. Biophysics
Abstract Cilj rada je predviđanje mogućih bioloških meta hibrida 1,2,3-trizola metodama molekulskog
modeliranja te utvrđivanje mjesta i načina vezivanja aktivnih spojeva u odabranoj meti in silico
metodama. U radu je ispitana antiproliferativna aktivnost osam derivata hibrida 1,2,3-triazola
na pet različitih tumorskih staničnih linija, i svi su pokazali antiproliferativni učinak in vitro sa
značajnom citostatskom aktivnošću. Između N,N-1,3-bis-(1,2,3-triazol)-5-bromouracil hibrida
značajnu citostatsku aktivnost imaju p-fluor(1), o-fluor(3) i p-klorfenil(2) supstituirani 1,2,3-
triazoli koji su pokazali jaki inhibitorni utjecaj na rast stanica ispitanih na staničnim linijama
HepG2 i HeLa. Inhibicija proliferacije zapažena je pri mikromolarnoj koncentraciji ispitanih
spojeva, i bila je jača od inhibicije proliferacije stanica istih staničnih linija inkubiranih pod
istim uvjetima s 5-fluoruracilom kao referentnom supstancom. Kod ispitanih spojeva nije
uočena mitohondrijska toksičnost. Osim metoda stanične biologije u radu je rabljen program
PASS za ispitivane spojeve kako bi se odredila moguća biološka meta. Detekcija biološke mete
zasniva se na strukturi ispitivanih spojeva te na strukturi bioloških makromolekula iz
proteinskih baza. Analiza je pokazala da je za snažno antitumorsko djelovanje spojeva 1, 2 i 3
vrlo vjerojatno odgovorna inhibicija tirozin kinaze Wee1. Uporabom programa Autodock Vina
spojevi 2 i 3 uklopljeni su u kristalnu strukturu kinaze Wee1 koja je preuzeta iz proteinske baze
podataka [PDB: 5v5y]. Analiza molekulskog uklapanja pokazala je da se spojevi 2 i 3 vežu u
ATP vezno mjesto kinaze Wee1 jednako kao i spoj MK-1775 koji je snažni i specifični inhibitor
kinaze Wee1 (IC50 = 5,2 nM). Citostatski učinci spojeva 2 i 3 mogu se pripisati inhibiciji kinaze
Wee1, "čuvara" zastoja G2-M kontrolne točke staničnog ciklusa. Osim toga, za spojeve 2, 3 i
MK-1775 metodom Western blota ispitan je učinak na fosforilaciju proteina, mogućih supstrata
kinaze Wee1. Tako je u konačnici dokazano da se ukupna fosforilacija izoliranih proteina nakon
stimulacije perifernih mononuklearnih stanica znatno smanjuje u prisutnosti specifičnog
inhibitora MK-1775 kao i ispitivanih spojeva 2 i 3, što jasno ukazuje na moguću inhibiciju
kinaze Wee1. S obzirom da je ciklin ovisna kinaza Cdk1 supstrat za kinazu Wee1, u radu se
molekulskim modeliranjem analizirao utjecaj enzimske aktivnosti kinaze Wee1 na fosforilaciju
kinaze Cdk1.
Abstract (english) The aim of this work is to use molecular modeling methods to predict the possible biological
target of the 1,2,3-triazole hybrid molecules and using in silico methods to determine the site
and the way of binding of active compounds to the selected target. Antiproliferative activity of
eight hybrid 1,2,3-triazole derivatives were tested on five different tumor cell lines, and all of
them have shown antiproliferative effect in vitro, with significant cytostatic activity. Between
N, N-1,3-bis(1,2,3-triazole)-5-bromouracil hybrids p-fluoro(1), o-fluoro(3) and pchlorophenyl(
2) substituted 1,2,3-triazoles which showed a strong inhibitory effect on HepG2
and HeLa cell line growth. Inhibition of cell proliferation was observed in the presence of
micromolar concentration of tested compounds. The inhibition of the cell proliferation was even
stronger if compared with the inhibition of the same cells under the same conditions in the
presence of the reference substance of 5-fluorouracil. No mitochondrial toxicity was observed
for compounds tested. In addition to above mentioned methods, the PASS analysis was used to
make predictions of possible biological targets for tested compounds. The selection of the
biological target(s) was based on the structure of compounds and on known structure of
biological macromolecules from protein bases. PASS analysis predicted that strong antitumor
activity of compounds 1, 2, and 3 is due the inhibition of the Wee1 tyrosine kinase. Using the
Autodock Vina program and in silico screening, compounds 2 and 3 were docked to Wee1
kinase crystal structure downloaded from the protein database [PDB: 5v5y]. Molecular fit
analysis has shown that compounds 2 and 3 specifically bind to the pocket of ATP binding site
of Wee1 kinase, and that the binding domain of the tested compounds is the same as the binding
site of specific inhibitor of Wee1 kinase MK-1775 (IC50 = 5,2 nM). Cytostatic effects of
compounds 2 and 3 can be attributed to the inhibition of the G2-M control of the cell cycle,
which is a control point of Wee1 kinase. In addition, compounds 2, 3, and MK-1775 have shown
decreased phosphorylation of the isolated proteins by Western blot after the stimulation of
peripheral mononuclear cells. Considering that the cyclin-dependent kinase Cdk1 is one of the
major substrates for Wee1 kinase, molecular modeling and in silico docking has been
undertaken to better explain the influence of Wee1 kinase activity on phosphorylation of Cdk1
molekulska hibridizacija
antitumorska aktivnost
kinaza Wee1
molekulsko uklapanje
Keywords (english)
molecular hybridization
antitumor activity
Wee1 kinase
molecular docking
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:193:908136
Study programme Title: Medicinal chemistry Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, interdisciplinarna područja znanosti, polje biotehnologija u biomedicini (doktor/doktorica znanosti, interdisciplinarna područja znanosti, polje biotehnologija u biomedicini)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Biotechnology and Drug Development
Created on 2019-01-09 11:05:12