@phdthesis{fpz:3195, author = {{Gerhardinger, David}}, title = {{Method for Remaining Useful Life Prediction of a Light Aircraft Landing Gear Structure}}, } @phdthesis{fsb:9366, author = {{Brezetić, Dominik}}, title = {{Numerical modelling of intrinsic self-healing in fibre reinforced composite structures}}, } @phdthesis{fsb:5880, author = {{Ivančević, Darko}}, title = {{Numerical damage analysis of aeronautical composite structures using multiscale methods}}, } @phdthesis{svkri:2634, author = {{Burić, Anton}}, title = {{Inicijalna kinetika 113m in-transferna i njezino značenje u iaspitivanju vaskularnih prostora}}, }