pid type title authors mentors source_title published_date url doi isbn issn eissn medri:6538 dissertation "FOSFATIDILINOZITOL 3-FOSFATNE MEMBRANSKE DOMENE U BIOGENEZI CITOMEGALOVIRUSNOG ODJELJKA ZA SKLAPANJE VIRIONA" "Marcelić, Marina" biotechri:687 dissertation "Revealing molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in neuroprotection and neuroregeneration after central nervous system injury" "Petrović, Antonela" biotechri:821 dissertation "Integrirana analiza tumora pluća skvamoznih stanica omics metodama" "Šutić, Maja" biotechri:686 dissertation "The Role of VPS34 and Phosphatidylinositol 3-Monophosphate (PI3P) in Megakaryocyte Maturation and Platelet Production" "Bertović, Ivana" biotechri:286 dissertation "NEUROINFLAMMATION IN MICE WITH OPTINEURIN INSUFFICIENCY" "Markovinović, Andrea"