@phdthesis{fesb:1250, author = {{Čulić Gambiroža, Jelena}}, title = {{Machine Learning Methods for Efficient Data Reduction and Reconstruction in the concept of Internet of Things}}, } @phdthesis{fesb:655, author = {{Markić, Ivan}}, title = {{Algoritmi za podudaranje znakovnih nizova}}, } @phdthesis{fesb:28, author = {{Dagelić, Ante}}, title = {{Location Privacy And User Deanonymization within Wireless Local Area Networks}}, } @phdthesis{pmfst:920, author = {{Krpan, Divna}}, title = {{Poučavanje objektno orijentiranog programiranja metodom didaktičkog skrivanja}}, } @phdthesis{fer:5215, author = {{Voras, Ivan}}, title = {{Cache server for distributed applications adapted to multicore systems}}, }