@phdthesis{fsb:7039, author = {{Bešenić, Tibor}}, title = {{Numerical modelling of pollutant formation and removal during fuel combustion}}, } @phdthesis{fkit:2246, author = {{Ribić, Bojan}}, title = {{Razvoj modela za procjenu generiranja komunalnog otpada primjenom neuronskih mreža}}, } @phdthesis{fsb:5780, author = {{Tomić, Tihomir}}, title = {{Energetska oporaba otpada pod utjecajem europske legislative}}, } @phdthesis{agr:1182, author = {{Ilakovac, Branka}}, title = {{Ponašanje kućanstava u postupanju s otpadom od hrane}}, } @phdthesis{fsb:5846, author = {{Katulić, Stjepko}}, title = {{Poboljšanje termodinamičke iskoristivosti parnoturbinskog dijela kombiniranog postrojenja primjenom organskih radnih medija}}, } @phdthesis{fsb:5447, author = {{Mikulčić, Hrvoje}}, title = {{Numeričko modeliranje termokemijskih procesa unutar cementnog kalcinatora s ciljem čišće proizvodnje cementa}}, } @phdthesis{fsb:5891, author = {{Pukšec, Tomislav}}, title = {{Influence of energy policy on long term energy demand planning}}, } @phdthesis{fsb:5916, author = {{Sjerić, Momir}}, title = {{New physically based sub-models for the cycle-simulation of spark-ignition engine}}, } @phdthesis{fsb:5976, author = {{Krajačić, Goran}}, title = {{The role of energy storage in planning of a 100% renewable energy systems}}, } @phdthesis{svkri:3671, author = {{Dragičević, Viktor}}, title = {{Optimizacija ložišta za izgaranje biomase}}, } @phdthesis{fsb:5994, author = {{Ban, Marko}}, title = {{Numerical modelling of autoignition chemistry kinetics in computational fluid dynamics}}, } @phdthesis{fsb:6732, author = {{Fowler, Patrick}}, title = {{The analysis of the potential of material and energy recovery of municipal waste in Canada}}, } @phdthesis{fsb:6034, author = {{Vujanović, Milan}}, title = {{Numerical modelling of multiphase flow in combustion of liquid fuel}}, }