pid type title authors mentors source_title published_date url doi isbn issn eissn agr:2834 dissertation "Fauna kukaca iz podreda Sternorrhyncha u nasadima agruma u Republici Hrvatskoj" "Markotić, Vjekoslav" agr:2790 dissertation "Genomic changes associated with insecticide resistance in economically important insect pests in Croatia" "Kadoić Balaško, Martina" agr:2783 dissertation "Neonicotinoid degradation dynamics in sugar beet plants grown from treated seeds and influence on harmful and beneficial fauna" "Virić Gašparić, Helena" fkit:2562 dissertation "Biorazgradnja imidakloprida u otvorenoj kompostnoj hrpi" "Herner, Željko" agr:873 dissertation "The sugar-beet weevil (Bothynoderes punctiventris Germar 1824., Col.: Curculionidae)" "Drmić, Zrinka"