Naslov Oporaba otpadnih tiskanih pločica metodama oplemenjivanja mineralnih sirovina : doktorski rad
Naslov (engleski) Recovery of waste printed circuit boards using mineral processing methods : doctoral thesis
Autor Vitomir Premur MBZ: 152692
Mentor Gordan Bedeković (mentor) MBZ: 205792
Mentor Aleksandra Anić Vučinić (mentor) MBZ: 237165
Član povjerenstva Želimir Veinović (predsjednik povjerenstva) MBZ: 223766
Član povjerenstva Gordan Bedeković (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 205792
Član povjerenstva Aleksandra Anić Vučinić (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 237165
Član povjerenstva Dinko Vujević (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 257755
Član povjerenstva Biljana Kovačević Zelić (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 168903
Ustanova koja je dodijelila akademski / stručni stupanj Sveučilište u Zagrebu Rudarsko-geološko-naftni fakultet Zagreb
Datum i država obrane 2016-03-11, Hrvatska
Znanstveno / umjetničko područje, polje i grana TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI Rudarstvo, nafta i geološko inženjerstvo Rudarstvo
Univerzalna decimalna klasifikacija (UDC ) 622 - Rudarstvo
Sažetak Svrha rada je ostvarivanje doprinosa iskorištavanju i zbrinjavanju otpadnih tiskanih pločica (TP) sakupljenih i djelomično obrađenih u Republici Hrvatskoj (RH) korištenjem metoda oplemenjivanja mineralnih sirovina.
Postavljene hipoteze da maseni udio metala ovisi o porijeklu TP, njihovoj starosti,
klasi usitnjenih električnih komponenti (EK) i preostalih očišćenih baza, provjerene su
metodama eksperimenta. Eksperimenti su provedeni na TP iz električnog i elektroničkog (EE)
otpada od 2. do 10. kategorije, prikupljenim na prostoru RH. Određen je maseni udio srebra,
aluminija, zlata, bakra, nikla, olova, paladija, platine, kositra i cinka na uzorcima TP iz starih i
novih mobitela, računala, TV prijemnika i ostalih uređaja. Maseni udio metala određen je
zasebno u EK TP odnosno preostalim očišćenim bazama TP, podijeljenim u klase 4/1 mm,
1/0,5 mm, 0,5/0,1 mm i -0,1 mm. Rezultati potvrđuju hipotezu o ovisnosti udjela pojedinih
metala o porijeklu TP i o starosti uređaja, a udjeli metala se razlikuju u pojedinim klasama
Ispitivanja upotrebljivosti nemetalne frakcije (NMF) preostale nakon poluindustrijske
obrade TP u proizvodnji betona provedena su na laboratorijskoj i industrijskoj razini. U
pokusima je supstituirano do 20 % mineralnog punila nemetalnom frakcijom TP. Uspješnost
postupka valorizirana je kroz čvrstoću betona i topljivosti štetnih tvari. Kako na
laboratorijskoj tako i na industrijskoj razini može se proizvesti upotrebljiv beton, ali smanjene
čvrstoće. Uz zadanu recepturu metali iz NMF se uspješno vežu betonom dok se povećava
topljivost sulfata.
U cilju iznalaženja komercijalnog rješenja korištenja NMF kao punila u betonu,
potrebno je nastaviti ispitivanja sa svrhom utvrđivanja recepture s udjelom NMF u punilu do
5 %.
Sažetak (engleski) Summary: In this work the hypotheses that the content of metal in waste printed circuit boards
(PCBs) significantly depend on the type of device of its originwas established. Moreoverdue
to extraordinary development of information technologies (IT), content of metal in the waste
PCB has changed and rations of metals unequallydistributed in particular grain sizes of
grinded samples. Finally, a hypothesis that less valuable non-metal fraction (NMF) could be
incorporated as a raw material in concrete production was established.
Established hypotheses were tested experimentally. The samples of waste PCBs were
divided according the type and the age of device of its origin and ration of most important
valuable and toxic elements such as Ag, Al, Au, Cu, Ni, Pb, Pd, Pt, Sn and Zn has been
determined. Content of metals was determined in PCBs of cell-phones, personal computers,
TV sets and other devices. The content of metals was measured in electronic components
(ECs) of PCBs i.e. other remained stripped PCBs bases. Samples of PCBs from cell-phones,
personal computers and TV sets were divided according to the age of devices of its origin, so
hypothesis on change of metal use with technology was tested. All tests have been performed
on grinded and divided samples in four classes: 4/1 mm; 1/0,5 mm; 0,1/0,5 mm and -0,1 mm.
In order to determine usefulness of waste NMF of PCBs, the impact of ration of NMF
on concrete strength was studied. The study was conducted by determination of compressive
strength of probationary bodies made in laboratory and tensile strength of pavements
manufactured in industrial scale. NMF remained after PCB treatment in a Croatian pilot-plant
facility was used. In laboratory and industrial facilities, 5 %, 10 %, 15 % and 20 % of mass of
mineral filler was replaced with NMF. Eco-efficiency of hazardous compounds contained in
NMF was encapsulated and has been validated by leaching tests probes of concrete prepared
with NMF in the filler.
Due to determined content and trend of variation of metal ration in waste PCB it is
obviously that results has been influenced by space characteristics, time and social conditions.
It was determined that ration of particular elements in waste PCBs depends as well as on
origin and the age of device. Ration of metals in particular classes of grinded samples has
been different significantly, as well as rations of metals in ECs and remained stripped bases. It
was determined that stripped bases of PCBs still contained significant amounts of metals.
Tests of concrete strengths prepared with NMF in the filler have shown that with
determined receipt applicable concrete can be manufactured but with increase of NMF rations
its strength decrease. On the basis of leaching test it was found out that by incorporation of
NMF in concrete hazardous metals has been incorporated very successfull ywith the intensive
leach out of sulphates and other soluble concrete components at the same time. In order to
find commercial solution it is necessary to perform further studies under condition of revising
of receipt and within the range of NMF ration up to 5 %.
Ključne riječi
otpadne tiskane pločice
industrijska proba
Ključne riječi (engleski)
waste printed circuit boards
industrial scale test
leaching test
Jezik hrvatski
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:169:585166
Datum promocije 2016-09-25
Studijski program Naziv: Primijenjene geoznanosti, rudarsko i naftno inženjerstvo Vrsta studija: sveučilišni Stupanj studija: poslijediplomski doktorski Akademski / stručni naziv: doktor znanosti/doktorica znanosti (dr. sc.)
URL zapisa u katalogu
Vrsta resursa Tekst
Način izrade datoteke Izvorno digitalna
Prava pristupa Otvoreni pristup
Uvjeti korištenja
Repozitorij Repozitorij Rudarsko-geološko-naftnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
Datum i vrijeme pohrane 2016-04-15 08:10:33