Naslov Poboljšanje iskorištenja ležišta arhitektonsko-građevnog kamena okrupnjavanjem blokova i povezivanjem raspucanih stijena : doktorski rad
Naslov (engleski) Improving of dimension stone deposits utilization by merging of blocks and connecting fractured rocks : doctoral thesis
Autor Dragan Vidić
Mentor Ivo Galić (mentor)
Član povjerenstva Trpimir Kujundžić (član povjerenstva)
Član povjerenstva Ivo Galić (član povjerenstva)
Član povjerenstva Ivan Dragičević (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 93233
Član povjerenstva Tihomir Knežiček (član povjerenstva) strani drzavljanin: Nije dostupno
Član povjerenstva Renato Buljan (član povjerenstva)
Ustanova koja je dodijelila akademski / stručni stupanj Sveučilište u Zagrebu Rudarsko-geološko-naftni fakultet Zagreb
Datum i država obrane 2012-12-07, Hrvatska
Znanstveno / umjetničko područje, polje i grana TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI Rudarstvo, nafta i geološko inženjerstvo Rudarstvo
Univerzalna decimalna klasifikacija (UDC ) 622 - Rudarstvo
Sažetak Arhitektonsko-građevni kamen je visoko vrijedna mineralna sirovina po jedinici proizvoda. Iz
dosadašnjih iskustava i stručne literature utvrđeno je da je za određenu količinu komercijalnih
blokova arhitektonsko-građevnog kamena potrebno otkopati (odrezati) znatno veći obujam
stjenske mase u sraslom stanju. Kameni ostatak, koji nastaje dobivanjem komercijalnih blokova
arhitektonsko-građevnog kamena, je najčešće sirovina manje ili čak minorne vrijednosti po
jedinici proizvoda.
Rentabilnost eksploatacije arhitektonsko-građevnog kamena na nekom ležištu izravno je ovisna
o koeficijentu iskorištenja stijene. Stoga je prioritetni zadatak ali i veliki izazov poboljšati
stupanj iskorištenja ležišta arhitektonsko-građevnog kamena te smanjiti gomilanje kamenog
ostatka kako bi u konačnici ostvarili veću dobit. Sva dosadašnja istraživanja i prijedlozi za
poboljšanje iskorištenja ležišta arhitektonsko-građevnog kamena uglavnom su se temeljila na
optimalizaciji položaja otkopne fronte u odnosu na strukturni sklop stijenske mase.
Prilagodba rudarskih radova uvjetima koji vladaju u ležištu, odnosno prilagodba rudarskih
radova prirodnim diskontinuitetima je neophodna i ona se podrazumijeva ukoliko želimo otkopati
maksimalno mogući broj komercijalnih blokova na nekom ležištu arhitektonsko-građevnog
kamena. Daljnje poboljšanje iskorištenja može se postići jedino ljudskim djelovanjem na stijenu
u ležišnim uvjetima.
U disertaciji je razrađena ideja i osnovne teorijske postavke za izvođenje postupka povezivanja
stijenske mase u ležišnim uvjetima utiskivanjem vezivnih smola i okrupnjavanja nekomercijalnih
komada arhitektonsko-građevnog kamena nakon otkopavanja iz ležišta. Simulacijskom metodom
modeliranja izrađeni su vjerni modeli koji su aproksimirali realne ležišne uvjete u kojima su
provedena ispitivanja.
Terenski rezultati in situ probe okrupnjavanja blokova arhitektonsko-građevnog kamena i in situ
probe povezivanja raspucanih stijena utiskivanjem vezivnih smola u stijensku masu u ležišnim
uvjetima provjereni su laboratorijskim ispitivanjima.
Primijenjene metode i dobiveni rezultati verificirani su na stvarnom primjeru u praksi te su
dobiveni mjerljivi podaci o povećanju iskorištenja ležišta arhitektonsko-građevnog kamena
okrupnjavanjem stijenskih fragmenata nakon eksploatacije.
Sažetak (engleski) The fundamental impetus for the creation of this work is the idea to explore by systematic work
the possibility of improving the utilization of dimension stone deposits using modern technical
and technological achievements.
Dimension stone is a highly valuable mineral raw material per unit of product. From the past
experiences and literature it is known that for a certain quantity of commercial blocks, dimension
stone should be dug (cut) out in significantly larger volume of natural (raw) rock mass. Stone
residue, resulting in gaining the commercial dimension stone blocks, is usually of less value per
unit of product.
This paper is a credible analysis of investment profitability in the mining operation - exploitation
of dimension stone. Through the analytical methods a model has been created for determining
the profitability threshold of a business subject performing the dimension stone deposit
exploitation when the maximal gross rock volume and price per unit are known. Establishing the
relationship between the minimum quantity of blocks to be obtained from the total volume, to
make the business profitable, and the total volume from which this minimum quantity of blocks
is obtained gives us the utilization coefficient at which the business will be on the margin of
Profitability of dimension stone exploitation in a deposit is directly dependent on the rock
utilization coefficient. It is therefore a priority task and a challenge to improve the efficiency of
dimension stone deposits utilization and to reduce the accumulation of mineral residue and
ultimately increase profit.
Adjustment of mining operations to conditions prevailing in the deposit, i.e. adjustment of
mining activities to natural discontinuities is essential and is necessary if we are to dig up the
maximum possible number of commercial blocks in a dimension stone deposit. Further
improvement of efficiency can only be achieved by human activities on a rock in natural
In the paper, based on familiar experiences and scientific knowledge, an idea is developed and
basic concepts are offered for the process of connection the rock mass under natural conditions
by injecting epoxy paste and consolidation of non-commercial dimension stone piece after their
excavation out of the deposit.
To better understand and study of real problems in the application of block consolidating method
after excavating blocks out of the deposit and connecting fractured rocks under natural conditions in order to improve the dimension stone deposit utilization coefficient, the method of
simulation modeling was applied.
In situ consolidation probes of noncommercial dimension stone piece after excavation from the
deposits, which was carried out directly on the dimension stone deposit, showed that the
connective component epoxy paste can successfully bond two completely separate pieces of
stone to get commercial block.
Paper is discussing detailed preparatory work leading up to the highly complex and demanding
in situ probes of injecting epoxy past (bonding resins) in the natural rock mass. An engineeringgeological
model was made of the deposit where the in situ probe was performed of injecting the
epoxy paste into the natural rock, as well as a 3-D model of the discontinuity position on the test
model was made with the purpose of successful injection. The geological structure, genesis and
tectonics of the deposit were studied and features of natural rock conditions have been
determined which together with the characteristics of rock mass discontinuities are determining
the natural conditions. For the in situ tests important features of discontinuities were determined,
such as the orientation of discontinuities, their spacing, persistence, roughness, and yawn and
discontinuity fillings. The features of epoxy paste are shown as well. All fissure systems are
recorded and calculation of the required amount of epoxy paste to perform in situ injection test
was made. Packer is designed for injecting the epoxy paste and by applying the known scientific
theories and practical experience drilling technique, diameter and depth of the injection wells
and injection technology itself were selected.
Field results of the in situ tests of dimension stone blocks consolidation and results of in situ tests
of connecting the fractured rocks by injecting epoxy paste in the natural rock mass were verified
by laboratory tests.
Verification of the applied methods and the results is confirmed on a real example and
measurable results of dimension stone deposit utilization increasing after consolidating the
fragmented rock after exploitation were obtained.
Ključne riječi
arhitektonsko-građevni kamen
koeficijent iskorištenja
poboljšanje iskorištenja
Ključne riječi (engleski)
dimension stone
utilization coefficient
improving the utilization
Jezik hrvatski
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:169:928594
Datum promocije 2013-06-30
Studijski program Naziv: Primijenjene geoznanosti, rudarsko i naftno inženjerstvo Vrsta studija: sveučilišni Stupanj studija: poslijediplomski doktorski Akademski / stručni naziv: doktor znanosti/doktorica znanosti (dr. sc.)
URL zapisa u katalogu
Vrsta resursa Tekst
Opseg [VII], 166, [8] listova : ilustr.; graf. prikazi u bojama ; 30 cm
Način izrade datoteke Izvorno digitalna
Prava pristupa Otvoreni pristup
Uvjeti korištenja
Repozitorij Repozitorij Rudarsko-geološko-naftnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
Datum i vrijeme pohrane 2020-11-19 13:28:30