Naslov Učinkovitost različitih modela poduke početnika u jedrenju
Naslov (engleski) The efectiveness of different models of teaching beginners in sailing
Autor Ivan Oreb
Mentor Nikola Prlenda (mentor)
Član povjerenstva Branka Matković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Član povjerenstva Miljenko Marušić (član povjerenstva)
Član povjerenstva Hrvoje Podnar (član povjerenstva)
Ustanova koja je dodijelila akademski / stručni stupanj Sveučilište u Zagrebu Kineziološki fakultet Zagreb
Datum i država obrane 2024-03-04, Hrvatska
Znanstveno / umjetničko područje, polje i grana DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI Kineziologija
Univerzalna decimalna klasifikacija (UDC ) 796/799 - Sport
Sažetak Osnovni cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi učinkovitost različitih modela poduke osnovnih elemenata tehnike jedrenja kod početnika. Istraživanje je provedeno u razdoblju od 2015. do 2018. godine na redovitoj nastavi jedrenja u okviru predmeta Sportovi na vodi u korčulanskom arhipelagu (otok Badija). Konačni odabrani uzorak činilo je 200 studenata (104 studenta i 96 studentica) Kineziološkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Temeljni uvjet sudjelovanja bio je da je ispitanik početnik i da nikada prije nije jedrio. Studenti su jedrili na četiri identične jedrilice tipa „Scholtz 22“ (6,70 metara), podijeljeni u četiri posade. U svakoj posadi bila su tri ili četiri studenta-ice i demonstrator. Korištenjem faktorskog dizajna 2x2x2 definiralo se osam modela poduka s obzirom na tri aspekta te se takvim načinom također omogućilo smanjenje šumova izazvanih različitim vremenskim uvjetima (vjetrovni uvjeti, maritimni uvjeti). Unutar nastavnog programa modeli poduke razlikovali su se s obzirom na prisutnost promjena u metodičkom, materijalnom i kadrovskom aspektu te je to definiralo tri faktora (faktor kadar, faktor metodika, faktor plutače). Promjena u kadrovskom aspektu odnosila se na promjenu demonstratora između posada, ona u metodičkom aspektu na redoslijed učenja postavljanja i ugađanja jedara, dok su se u materijalnom aspektu koristili poligoni plutača. Studenti – početnici podučavali su se sedam dana po 90 minuta tijekom prijepodnevnih sati, dok se teorija jedrenja slušala svakodnevno 30 minuta u poslijepodnevnim satima. Video zapis bio je napravljen „Gopro“ kamerom na praktičnom ispitu iz jedrenja po završetku sedmodnevnog programa. Praktični ispit bio je jednak za sve ispitanike bez obzira na provedeni program. Glavni kriterij u istraživanju predstavljale su ocjene ispitanika. Razinu naučenosti osnovnih elemenata tehnike jedrenja procijenila su tri ocjenjivača temeljem video zapisa ocjenama od 1 do 5 na Likertovoj skali. Ocjenjivana su četiri osnovna elementa tehnike jedrenja (prihvaćanje, letanje, otpadanje, kruženje) na tri radna mjesta (kormilar, škotista glavnog jedra, škotista prečke). Svaki ispitanik bio je ocjenjen s ukupno 12 ocjena. Prije odlaska na praktičnu nastavu, u Zagrebu, izmjerene su dvije morfološke karakteristike, visina tijela (ATV) i masa tijela (ATM) kojima je opisan opći uzorak ispitanika. Izuzetno visoka razina objektivnosti, pouzdanosti i homogenosti ocjenjivača utvrdila se Pearsonovim koeficijentom korelacije, Cronbachovom alfom i faktorskom analizom. Za sve kriterijske varijable (elementi tehnike jedrenja/radna mjesta) izračunali su se centralni i disperzivni parametri. Temeljem srednjih vrijednosti ocjena svih elemenata tehnike jedrenja i radnih mjesta, a usporedbom između modela poduka, utvrdilo se da konvencionalni model poduke i eksperimentalni model poduke u kojem je bio
primijenjen samo kadrovski aspekt imaju niže ocjene u odnosu na eksperimentalne modele poduka gdje su se primjenjivali programski ili materijalni aspekt ili kombinacija programskog, materijalnog i kadrovskog aspekta. Analizom glavnih komponenata reducirao se broj kriterijskih varijabli te se utvrdilo da tri radna mjesta u velikoj mjeri opterećuju to jest opisuju i definiraju pojedinu glavnu komponentu odnosno element tehnike jedrenja (prihvaćanje, letanje, otpadanje, kruženje). Utjecaj primijenjenih modela poduke na ukupnu razinu naučenosti osnovnih elemenata tehnike jedrenja kod početnika testirao se faktorskim MANOVA testom te se analizom utvrdilo da su faktori kadar, metodika, plutače i interakcija faktora metodika i plutače statistički značajni i utječu na količinu usvojenog znanja tehnike jedrenja. Analiza uspješnosti po faktorima za svaki zasebno element tehnike jedrenja testirala se faktorskim ANOVA testom. Analizom se utvrdilo da kod svakog pojedinačno elementa tehnike jedrenja (prihvaćanja, letanja, otpadanja, kruženja) zasebno primjena redoslijednog učenja postavljanja i ugađanja jedara kao i primjena plutača pozitivno utječu na količinu usvojenog znanja na svim radnim mjestima, dok promjena demonstratora između posada negativno utječe odnosno umanjuje uspjeh na svim radnim mjestima. Analizom uspješnosti se također utvrdilo da postoji interakcija između primjene redoslijednog učenja postavljanja i ugađanja jedara i primjene plutača samo kod elemenata tehnike letanje i kruženje te da kao takva pozitivno utječe na uspjeh.
Sažetak (engleski) he basic research aim was to determine the effectiveness of different models of teaching the basic elements of the sailing technique for beginners. The research was conducted from 2015 to 2018 during regular sailing teaching which is part of the subject Water Sports. The location where the research was carried on was the island of Korčula archipelago (the Badija island). The final chosen sample consisted of 200 students (104 male and 96 female students) of the Faculty of Kinesiology of the University of Zagreb. The essential precondition for the participation in the research was that the participants had to be beginners who no previous sailing experience. Students sailed on four identical sailing boats of the type “Scholtz 22” (6.70 metres), and they were divided into four crews. Each crew had three or four (male or female) students and a teaching demonstrator. The use of the factor model 2x2x2 led to the definition of eight teaching models with regard to three aspects, which also enabled the diminution of disturbances caused by different weather conditions (wind and maritime conditions). Within the teaching programme the teaching models differed with regard to the presence of changes in the methodological, material and staff aspect, by which three factors were defined (teaching demontrator factor, methodology factor and buoy factor). The change in the staff aspect regarded the change of teaching demonstrators among crews, the change in the methodological aspect regarded the order of learning, as well as setting and trimming the sails, whereas the change in the material aspect regarded the use of buoys as teaching aids. Students – beginners were instructed in a period of seven days per 90 minutes, and the instructions were conducted in the morning. Students had attended the subject course Sailing Theory at the Faculty in Zagreb followed by 30 minutes of practice held every afternoon. The video footage was recorded by the “Gopro” camera during the practical exam in sailing after the completion of the seven-day programme. The practical exam was the same for all the participants, regardless of the programme conducted. The main criterion in the research was represented by the grades the participants gained. The level to which the basic sailing technique elements have been learned was assessed by three reviewers based on the video footage. They graded students with grades 1 to 5 on a Likert scale. Four basic elements of the sailing technique (close-hauling, tacking, bearing away and jibing) at three crew sailing positions on the boat (helmsman, mainsail trimmer and jib trimmer) were graded. Each participant was evaluated with a total of 12 grades. The general description of the sample of participants included the measurement of two anthropometric characteristics, namely height and weight. Those were
measured in Zagreb before departure to practical teaching. The Pearson correlation coefficient, Cronbach alpha and factor analysis indicated an extremely high level of objectivity, reliability and homogeneity of the reviewers. The central and dispersive parameters were calculated for all the criterion variables (elements of the sailing technique/sailing positions). Based on the mean values of the grades gained in elements of the technique and sailing positions, and comparing the teaching models, it was determined that the conventional teaching model and the experimental teaching model which only applied the staff aspect obtained lower grades compared to experimental teaching models which applied the programme or material aspects, or a combination of the programme, material and staff aspect. The analysis of the main components reduced the number of criterion variables, leading to the conclusion that three sailing positions represented a heavy burden, i.e. described and defined a certain main component or element of the sailing technique (close-hauling, tacking, bearing away and jibing). The effect of the applied teaching models on the overall level to which the basic elements of the sailing technique have been acquired by beginners was tested by the MANOVA test; the analysis showed that the factors staff, methodology, buoys and the interaction of the factors methodology and buoys were statistically significant and that they affected the quantity of the sailing technique knowledge. The analysis of success per factors for each independent element of the sailing technique was tested using the factor ANOVA test. The analysis established that for each independent element of the sailing technique (close-hauling, tacking, bearing away and jibing), only the employment of the sequential learning of how to set and adjust the sails, and only the employment of buoys had a positive effect on the quantity of acquired knowledge on all sailing positions, whereas the change of teaching demonstrators among crews had a negative effect, i.e. diminished success at all sailing positions. The success analysis also determined that there was an interaction between sequential learning of how to set and trim the sails and the employment of buoys only for the techniques tacking and jibing, and that as such it had a positive effect on success.
Ključne riječi
škola jedrenja
jedriličarska tehnika
programi jedrenja
metode učenja
metode podučavanja
Ključne riječi (engleski)
sailing school
sailing technique
sailing programmes
learning methods
teaching methods
Jezik hrvatski
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:117:643389
Datum promocije 2024
Studijski program Naziv: Doktorski studij kineziologije Vrsta studija: sveučilišni Stupanj studija: poslijediplomski doktorski Akademski / stručni naziv: doktor/doktorica znanosti iz znanstvenoga područja društvenih znanosti, znanstvenoga polja kineziologije (dr. sc. socio.)
Vrsta resursa Tekst
Opseg 145 str.
Način izrade datoteke Izvorno digitalna
Prava pristupa Otvoreni pristup
Uvjeti korištenja
Repozitorij Repozitorij Kineziološkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
Datum i vrijeme pohrane 2024-03-22 11:14:52