Sažetak | U umjetničkoj akciji-izložbi i urbanim kolažima Crveni križevi na oštećenim zgradama u
potresu radi se o društveno angažiranoj umjetničko praksi i procesu, umjetničkoj gesti koja želi
naglasiti razmjere ranjenosti grada i trauma njenih stanovnika nakon razornog potresa u
Zagrebu 2020. u vrijeme prvog vala pandemije COVID-a 19. Akcija koristi sve elemente
umjetničkog djelovanja i uloge umjetnosti od početaka čovječanstva da pomaže ljudima da se
nose sa svojim bremenom i zebnjama, te zadrže nadu i dostojanstvo života u teškim trenucima.
Akcija poziva i širu zajednicu, pozivajući sve aktere na svjesnost, solidarnost i odgovornost
prema ovoj situaciji s dalekosežnim posljedicama. Teško je ozlijeđena sama duša grada.
Metaforički, priča je to o propadanju povijesnih jezgri gradova, najčešće u javnom ali i
privatnom prostoru, gdje se potres pojavljuje kao metafora, lakmus papir stanja društva i grada.
Ugrožena je sama kultura života grada. Akcija-izložba je održana u sklopu Projekta Ilica: Q'Art
koji se kroz dinamiku community arta - umjetnosti zajednice od 2000. godine - bori upravo za
veću kvalitetu života građana, a od 2016. okuplja cijelu zajednicu oko središnje zagrebačke
ulice Ilice. Ovaj dio grada je zapušten, a to se dogodilo u nizu jezgri velikih gradova Europe i
svijeta. Jezgra grada propada, socijalno, ekonomski, estetski, ekološki i društveno.
Umjetnička akcija-izložba sastojala se od postavljanja šest crvenih platnenih križeva dimenzija
4,5x4,5 metara na pročelja i zabate oštećenih zgrada u samoj jezgri Zagreba, na Ilici i
Britanskom trgu. Akcija-izložba u svom prvotnom obliku započinje 3. 9. 2020. i traje do 13. 9.
2020., no zbog opće prihvaćenosti u zajednici, pojedini križevi ostali su na zgradama znatno
U radu se opisuje nastajanje akcije-izložbe počevši od šireg konteksta, zatim istraživanja,
umjetničkih postupaka, skica-kolaža, same realizacije i akcije do njenog utjecaja na grad,
zajednicu, javnost, medije, politiku grada, znači na ukupne društvene procese koje je
detektirala i pokrenula za dobrobit građana koji su istovremeno i iznimno brojna publika ove
akcije-izložbe te participiraju u njenom životu. |
Sažetak (engleski) | In the artistic action-exhibition and urban collages Red Crosses on buildings damaged in the
earthquake, it is a socially engaged artistic process, an artistic gesture that wants to emphasize
the extent of the woundedness of the city and the trauma of its inhabitants after the devastating
earthquake in the city of Zagreb in 2020 during the first wave the COVID-19 pandemic. The
action uses all the elements of artistic activity and the role of art since the beginning of
humanity to help people cope with their burdens and anxieties, and maintain hope and dignity
in life in difficult times. The action also invites the wider community, calling on all actors to
be aware, solidarity and responsible for this situation with far-reaching consequences.
Metaphorically, it is a story about the decay of the historical cores of cities, most often about
public but also private space, where the earthquake appears as a metaphor, a litmus test of the
state of society and the city. The very culture of city life is under threat. The action-exhibition
was held as part of the Project Ilica: Q'Art, which, through the dynamics of Community Art -
community art, has been fighting for a better quality of life for citizens since 2000, and since
2016 has been gathering the entire community around the central street of Zagreba, Ilica. This
part of the city is neglected, and this has happened in a number of cores of large cities in Europe
and the world. The core of the city is deteriorating, socially, economically, aesthetically,
ecologically and socially.
The artistic action-exhibition consisted of placing six red cloth crosses measuring 4,5x4,5
meters on the facades and gables of damaged buildings in the very core of Zagreb, on Ilica and
Britanski trg. The action-exhibition in its original form starts on September 3, 2020. and lasts
until September 13, 2020. But due to general acceptance in the community, some crosses
remained on buildings much longer.
The paper describes the creation of the action-exhibition, starting from the wider context, then
research, artistic procedures, sketch-collage, the realization itself and the action itself, up to its
impact on the city, the community, the public, the media, the politics of the city, that is, on the
overall social processes that she detected. and launched for the benefit of citizens who are at
the same time an extremely large audience of this action-exhibition and participate in its life |