pid type title authors mentors source_title published_date url doi isbn issn eissn pmf:13369 dissertation "Seasonal and spatial distribution of antibiotic resistance in marine microbial communities along a trophic gradient in central Adriatic Sea" "Dželalija, Mia" pmfst:1863 dissertation "The impact of submarine outfalls of treated wastewater on the microbial community structure and the resistome of the coastal marine environment" "Kvesić Ivanković, Marija" mefst:1231 dissertation "Utjecaj mikrobioma na mokraćni mjehur i na razvoj tumora mokraćnog mjehura" "Roje, Blanka" pmfst:757 dissertation "Identification, redesign and characterization of anuran antimicrobial peptides" "Rončević, Tomislav" pmf:1384 dissertation "Mehanizmi rezistencije Gram-negativnih bakterija priobalnog područja Kaštelanskog zaljeva na antibiotike" "Maravić, Ana"