pid type title authors mentors source_title published_date url doi isbn issn eissn mef:7404 dissertation "Procjena kognitivnih funkcija u bolesnika sa psorijatičnim artritisom" "Kovač Durmiš, Kristina" mef:5271 dissertation "Association of platelet serotonin, plasma brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and Val66Met BDNF gene polymorphism with asthma severity" "Sreter, Katherina Bernadette" sfzg:650 dissertation "Povezanost polimorfizma gena serotoninskoga transportera i doživljaja boli u porodu" "Fumić Dunkić, Lidija" mef:5792 dissertation "Koncentracija serotonina u trombocitima i polimorfizam serotoninskoga transportera u bolesnika sa Sjögrenovim sindromom" "Šarac, Helena"