Title Identifikacija ključnih pretpostavki za provedbu odgojno-obrazovne inkluzije djece s teškoćama u ustanovama za rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje
Title (english) Identification of key assumptions for the implementation of educational inclusion of children with disabilities in institutions for early and preschool education
Author Esma Brzić
Mentor Matilda Karamatić Brčić (mentor) MBZ: 270873
Committee member Rozana Petani (predsjednik povjerenstva) MBZ: 228356
Committee member Smiljana Zrilić (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 266680
Committee member Ines Blažević (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 324682
Granter University of Zadar Zadar
Defense date and country 2024, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 373 - Kinds of school providing general education
Abstract Prava djece definirana su 1948. godine Konvencijom Ujedinjenih naroda o pravima djece. Time započinje novo suvremeno doba kada se intenzivno promišlja o položaju svakog djeteta i njihovim temeljnim pravom na obrazovanje. Zaštita i pravo na obrazovanje djece s teškoćama definirano je Konvencijom o pravima osoba s invaliditetom 2006. godine. Program Ujedinjenih naroda za održivi razvoja svijeta (Agenda 30, 2015) obvezala je države potpisnice u realizaciji uključenosti sve djece u odgoj i obrazovanje od najranijeg uzrasta. Odgoj i obrazovanje za održivo društvo definira inkluziju djece s teškoćama kao način ostvarivanja njihovih temeljnih prava na kvalitetno obrazovanje od najranijeg uzrasta. Odgovornost obrazovne politike usmjerena je istraživanju mogućnosti definiranja inkluzivne kulture i prakse u radu s djecom s teškoćama unutar ustanova za rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje. Republika Hrvatska usmjerila je svoje strateške ciljeve načinu realizacije inkluzije djece s teškoćama u skladu s obvezujućim međunarodnim dokumentima Ujedinjenih naroda i Europske unije. Odgojno- obrazovna inkluzija djece s teškoćama zahtjeva uključivanje sve djece u ustanove za rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje bez obzira na njihov razvojni status, kao i socijalnu, etničku, jezičnu i bilo koju drugu osobitost. Rad s djecom s teškoćama treba biti ostvaren u skladu s Nacionalnim kurikulumom za rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje usmjerenim potrebama i mogućnostima svakog djeteta, uvažavajući stupanj njihove teškoće. Kvalitetna inkluzivna kultura i praksa omogućava da se svako dijete osjeća prihvaćenim i motiviranim. Ključne pretpostavke za provedbu inkluzije djece s teškoćama su pozitivni stavovi odgojitelja. Istraživanje provedeno ovim radom pokazuje da su stavovi odgojitelja u Republici Hrvatskoj pozitivno usmjereni dobrobiti inkluzije. Vide značaj inkluzivne i vršnjačke podrške u radu s djecom s teškoćama, te inkluzija im je izazov u radu. Stavovi odgojitelja pokazuju i zahtjevnost inkluzivnog rada s djecom s teškoćama. Programske pretpostavke za ostvarivanje inkluzije značajno su povezane s razvojem osobnih i profesionalnih kompetencija odgojitelja i njihovom unutarnjom motivacijom za promišljanje odgojno-obrazovne prakse. Oni koji se usavršavaju više iz područja rada s djecom s teškoćama imaju više izražene pozitivne stavove o svojoj kompetenciji od ostalih odgojitelja, inkluziju vide kao veću dobrobiti u radu s djecom s teškoćama, imaju pozitivnije stavove o inkluzivnoj podršci djeci s teškoćama i sebe smatraju otvorenijim za nova iskustva. Istraživanje pokazuje pozitivne stavove odgojitelja usmjerenih usavršavanju iz područja ostalih kompetencija, učenju i razvoju vještina i izvan područja ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja. Uključenost u različite oblike stručnog usavršavanja potvrđuje tendenciju usmjerenosti odgojitelja cjeloživotnom učenju. U Republici Hrvatskoj oni sebe vrednuju kao otvorene za nova iskustva, savjesne u radu s djecom s teškoćama, otvorene za interakciju s okolinom. Odgojitelji koji su uključeni u zajednicu imaju pozitivnije stavove prema inkluziji djece s teškoćama od ostalih. Istraživanje pokazuje da su odgojitelji u Republici Hrvatskoj pozitivno usmjereni ciljevima odgoja i obrazovanja za održivi razvoj. Nadalje ističu značaj razvoja kompetencija, cjeloživotnog učenja, poticanje dobrobiti i vrijednosti inkluzije te otvorenost prema zajednici. Za odgojno-obrazovnu inkluziju djece s teškoćama i adekvatnu skrb potrebno je osigurati kvalitetnije uvjete rada odgojiteljima i omogućiti svakom djetetu pravo na kvalitetnu uključenost u ustanove za rani i predškolski odgoja i obrazovanje.
Abstract (english) Children's rights were defined in 1948 by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. This marks the beginning of a new modern era, when intensive consideration is given to the position of each child and their fundamental right to education. The protection and right to education of children with disabilities is defined by the 2006 Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The United Nations Program for the Sustainable Development of the World (Agenda 30, 2015) obliged the signatory countries to implement the inclusion of all children in upbringing and education from the earliest age. Upbringing and education for a sustainable society defines the inclusion of children with disabilities as a way of realizing their fundamental rights to quality education from an early age. The responsibility of the educational policy is aimed at researching the possibility of defining an inclusive culture and practice in working with children with disabilities within institutions for early and preschool education. The Republic of Croatia has focused its strategic goals on the implementation of the inclusion of children with disabilities in accordance with the binding international documents of the United Nations and the European Union. Educational inclusion of children with disabilities requires the inclusion of all children in institutions for early and preschool upbringing and education, regardless of their developmental status, as well as social, ethnic, linguistic and any other particularity. Work with children with disabilities should be in accordance with the National Curriculum for Early and Pre-School Education and Education focused on the needs and capabilities of each child, taking into account the degree of their disabilities. Inclusive culture and practice is aimed at the benefit of inclusion so that every child feels accepted and motivated. The key prerequisites for implementing the inclusion of children with disabilities are the positive attitudes of educators. The research carried out in this work shows that the attitudes of educators in the Republic of Croatia are positively focused on the benefits of inclusion in working with children with disabilities, inclusive support for children with disabilities, peer support in working with children with disabilities, and they see inclusion as a challenge in their work. The educators' attitudes also show the demands of inclusive work with children with disabilities. Program prerequisites for achieving inclusion are significantly related to the development of personal and professional competences of educators and their internal motivation to reflect on educational practice. Educators who are trained more in the field of working with children with disabilities have more pronounced positive attitudes about their competence than other educators, they see inclusion as a greater benefit in working withchildren with disabilities, they have more positive attitudes about inclusive support for children with disabilities, and they consider themselves more open to new experiences. The research shows the positive attitudes of educators focused on improvement in the field of other competencies, learning and skill development outside the field of early and preschool education. Involvement in various forms of professional development confirms the tendency of educators to lifelong learning. Educators in the Republic of Croatia value themselves as open to new experiences, conscientious in working with children with difficulties, open to interaction with the environment. Educators who are involved in the community have more positive attitudes towards the inclusion of children with disabilities than other educators. The research shows that educators in the Republic of Croatia are positively focused on the goals of education for sustainable development. Educators emphasize the importance of competence development, lifelong learning, encouraging well-being and the value of inclusion and openness to the community. For the educational inclusion of children with disabilities and adequate care, it is necessary to ensure better working conditions for educators and to enable every child the right to quality inclusion in institutions for early and preschool education.
djeca s teškoćama
rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje
Keywords (english)
children with disabilities
early and preschool education
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:022784
Promotion 2024
Study programme Title: Postgraduate doctoral study Quality in education Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje pedagogija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje pedagogija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository University of Zadar Institutional Repository
Created on 2024-09-04 10:47:26