Title Poslovanje nakladnika u kriznim razdobljima: hrvatsko nakladništvo od 1990. do 2020.
Title (english) Publishing business in times of crises: Croatian publishing from 1990 do 2020.
Author Ines Hocenski
Mentor Zoran Velagić (mentor) MBZ: 270364
Committee member Franjo Pehar (predsjednik povjerenstva) MBZ: 271174
Committee member Mate Juric (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 329744
Committee member Josipa Selthofer (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 307455
Granter University of Zadar Zadar
Defense date and country 2023-09-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 655 - Graphic industries. Printing. Publishing. Book trade
Abstract Nakladništvo od svojih početaka zanimljivo je područje djelovanja zbog svoje dvojake funkcije: kulturne i gospodarske. Kako je društvo napredovalo, kroz različite tehnološke promjene i informacijsko – komunikacijske tehnologije, tako je napredovalo i nakladništvo usvajajući suvremene trendove u svoje poslovanje. No, obzirom da je nakladništvo i gospodarska djelatnost, njihovo poslovanje obilježeno je i kriznim razdobljima. Doktorska disertacija donosi pregled literature stranih i domaćih recentnih autora iz područja nakladništva vezanih uz problematiku kriznih razdoblja nakladništva, s naglaskom na hrvatsko nakladništvo i tri promatrane krize. Krize koje doktorska disertacija istražuje i analizira jesu disrupcija u nakladništvu 1990.-ih godina, ekonomska kriza 2008. godine te kriza uzrokovana pandemijom COVID-19 virusa. U istraživačkom dijelu radnje, koje je podijeljeno u nekoliko faza istraživanja, promatrano je i analizirano financijsko poslovanje hrvatskih nakladnika u promatranim krizama. Popis hrvatskih nakladnika preuzet je s mrežnih stranica Zajednice nakladnika i knjižara 2021. godine te je uključivao 108 hrvatskih nakladnika i knjižara. Financijsko poslovanje nakladnika i knjižara praćeno je putem Državnog zavoda za statistiku, Digitalne platforme pri Hrvatskoj gospodarskoj komori te putem platforme Info.BIZ koja posluje u okviru Financijske agencije. Kako bi analiza kriznih razdoblja bila detaljnija, analizirana su i Izvješća o obavljenoj reviziji pretvorbe i privatizacije koja su direktno bila povezana s nakladničkim sektorom. Daljnja analiza vezana je uz praćenje Internet portala koji prate promjene u nakladništvu na svjetskoj razini, pa je tako praćenje uključilo cijelu 2020. godinu dok je pandemija uzrokovana COVID19 virusom bila u punom jeku. Nadalje, u istraživačkom radu je korištena i kvalitativna istraživačka metoda polustrukturiranog intervjua. Polustrukturiranim intervjuom obuhvaćeno je 11 ispitanika koji su u hrvatskom nakladničkom sektoru prisutni već dugi niz godina. Podaci prikupljeni istraživanjem potvrdili su utjecaj kriznih razdoblja na ne samo poslovanje, nego i na formiranje hrvatskog nakladničkog sektora. Formiranje nakladničkog sektora obilježilo je i još nekoliko kriznih situacija koje su sami ispitanici istaknuli kao ključne probleme. Korisnost i primjenjivost istraživanja vidljiva je utoliko što je ova doktorska disertacija jedina koja je obuhvatila razdoblje od 1990. do 2020. godine s fokusom na hrvatsko nakladništvo i njihovo poslovanje unutar kriznih razdoblja. Nadalje, doktorska disertacija donosi zaključke o stanju hrvatskog nakladničkog tržišta kao i ključne točke problematike s kojima se danas nosi nakladništvo u Republici Hrvatskoj. Ključni problemi mogu biti smjernica budućim istraživanjima, ali i nakladnicima i znanstvenicima koji žele raditi na promjenama koje su nužne hrvatskom nakladništvu.
Abstract (english) From its early days, the publishing business was very interesting to study because it had two functions: cultural and economic. As our society made great progress, through different technological changes and information-communication technologies, publishing itself made its progress adopting contemporary trends into their business. Considering that the publishing business is an economical activity, its business activity was also marked with times of crises. This doctoral dissertation presents a review of literature from foreign and domestic authors from the publishing field in correlation with problems during the times of crises. The focus is on Croatian publishing and three observed crises. The following research focuses on the following crises that are analyzed in depth: disruption in publishing during the 1990s, the economic crisis in 2008 and the crisis caused by COVID-19 virus pandemic. The research part of the doctoral dissertation was divided into a few phases. Each phase was observed and analyzed with financial indicators that are related with the publishing activity of Croatian publishers during the observed crises. The list of Croatian publishers was downloaded from the website of Croatian community of publishers and booksellers in 2021. The list consists of 108 Croatian publishers and booksellers. The business activity of publishers and booksellers was observed through the Croatian Bureau of Statistics, Digital Platform that analyzes data for Croatian Chamber of Economy and through a platform called Info.Biz that is property of the Financial Agency. For the purpose of a more detailed analysis, this doctoral dissertation also included reports about revisions related to conversion and privatization directly connected with the publishing sector. Additionally, analysis included tracking online blogs and portals that mainly track changes in the publishing sector. The analysis also focused on 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic was in full swing. In the research part of the dissertation, qualitative research methods of restructured interviews were used. 11 respondents, who were part of the Croatian publishing sector for a very long time, took part in the interview. The data collected by this research showed that the global crisis influenced the Croatian publishing sector, but also that the first crisis in the Republic of Croatia was not caused by the global crisis, but rather the result of state legal changes that were happening at the time. Bad transitions and changes in business subjects by conversion and privatization made the Croatian publishing sector unstable. The unstable publishing sector left consequences that are still felt today. The already weak publishing sector was additionally weakened by the economic crisis and the smaller Croatian crisis in the publishing sector. The Croatian publishing sector had many falls and negative trends in every crisis, especially when it came to small publishing houses and independent bookstores. The pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus made business for Croatian publishers even harder, especially on a global level. On a global level, the pandemic caused many disorders in correlation with distribution and supply chains. Consequently, that caused a price increase (paper and printing). The usage and applicability of this research are that this is the first doctoral dissertation that analyzes the period from 1990 until 2020 with a focus on the Croatian publishing sector and its business activity during times of crisis. The doctoral dissertation brings conclusions about the Croatian publishing sector and key points highlighting the main problems in the sector. Key points can be used as guidelines for future research, and also for publishers and scientists who are willing to work on changes that are necessary for the Croatian publishing sector.
krizna razdoblja
Republika Hrvatska
ekonomska kriza
pandemija COVID-19
Keywords (english)
times of crisis
The Republic of Croatia
publishing sector
economic crisis
pandemic COVID-19
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:680051
Promotion 2024
Study programme Title: Knowledge Society and Information Transfer Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje informacijskih i komunikacijskih znanosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje informacijskih i komunikacijskih znanosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository University of Zadar Institutional Repository
Created on 2024-03-21 12:05:54