Title Staatskunde i hrvatske zemlje sredinom 19. stoljeća – opojmljivanje zemlje i ljudi
Title (english) Staatskunde and Croatian Lands in the middle of the 19th century – Making Sense of the Territory and People
Author Vlatka Tomić
Mentor Ante Bralić (mentor) MBZ: 246106
Mentor Dubravka Božić Bogović (komentor) MBZ: 255775
Committee member Mateo Bratanić (predsjednik povjerenstva) MBZ: 238166
Committee member Mladen Ančić (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 205351
Committee member Filip Šimetin Šegvić (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 367125
Granter University of Zadar Zadar
Defense date and country 2024, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Humanistic Studies
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 94(497.5) - History of Croatia
Abstract U doktorskom se radu pokušava odgovoriti na dva osnovna istraživačka pitanja. Prvo istraživačko pitanje korespondira sa samim naslovom rada i odnosi se na analizu izvora – Statističko – topografskih upitnika Banskoga vijeća za područje Banske Hrvatske i Vojne krajine iz 1850. i 1858. godine. Međutim, taj izvor je nužno smjestiti u konkretan historijski i interpretativni kontekst, čime se postavlja drugo istraživačko pitanje. Naime, anketa je pokrenuta s ciljem sakupljanja topografsko – etnografsko – statističkog opisa hrvatskih zemalja, a uzor su joj činila djela koja su od druge polovine 18. stoljeća u Habsburškoj Monarhiji bila poznata pod skupnim nazivom Staatskunde, te su stoga i ona od velikog značaja za konkretan rad. Glavni cilj ovoga istraživanja je prodiskutirati važnost Statističko – topografskih upitnika Banskoga vijeća za produbljeniju današnju spoznaju mnogih aspekata života stanovništva sredinom 19. stoljeća, ali i važnost te ankete za ondašnje stvaranje spoznaje i „proizvodnje znanja“ o osobinama stanovništva iz perspektive institucionalnog poretka u osvit modernoga doba. Isto tako, u radu se razmatra i fenomen etničkih identifikacija sredinom 19. stoljeća u hrvatskim krajevima u okviru društvenih i humanističkih disciplina te ga se pokušava smjestiti u međunarodne razmjere njegova proučavanja. Pri tome se upotrebljavaju metode kritičke analize izvora i literature, te deskriptivna i komparativna metodu. Rezultati ankete govore da je tada na području Provincijala i Vojne krajine siromaštvo masovno, a razlozi takvoga stanja su višebrojni i međusobno povezani. Među njih spadaju slabi prinosi od zemlje, slaba prometna povezanost i slaba kvaliteta obrtničkih i manufakturnih proizvoda, te neobrazovanost ljudi. Istovremeno se odvija proces odvajanja poljodjelstva i obrtništva, pa se u nekim krajevima ljudi usavršavaju za bavljenje određenom djelatnošću. Posebno zanimljivi podaci u anketi su oni koji se odnose na identifikacije stanovnika. Proizlazi da je to samo naoko homogen svijet, jer anketni rezultati donose šaroliku etničku i jezičnu sliku naših krajeva.
Abstract (english) Research intensions
This doctoral thesis is trying to answer to two basic research questions. The first one correspondences with the title of the doctoral thesis itself and refers to analysis of the Statistical and Topographical Questionnaires of the Ban's Council. However, it is important to put that source in specific context, and then another research question comes out in the focus. Poll's purpose was to collect topographic – ethnographic – statistical description of Croatian lands, and its' model were books which were written in Habsburg Monarchy in the second half of the 19th century known as Staatskunde. The main goal of this research is to discuss Statistical and Topographical Questionnaires of the Ban's Council for better cognition of life of the people in the middle of the 19th century, as well as importance of that poll for „producing knowledge“ about characteristics of inhabitants from the perspective of authorities in the begining of the modern era.
Methods of research
In chapters II and III of doctoral thesis are considered past and present aproaches in analysis of the first half of the 19th century and Staatskunde. After that, they were compared with more recent approaches of that period and topic. In addition, the aim is to try to implement these cognitions to analysis and interpretation of the main source – Statistical and Topographical Questionnaires of the Ban's Council. By doing that, methods of synthesis, analysis and comparative method were being used. The phenomena of ethnicity and ethnic identifications in the middle of the 19th century in Croatian lands were also considered by puting them in the context of social sciences.
Results and conclusions
The goal of this work is to show the life of the „common people“ in the middle of the 19th century in Civil Croatia and Slavonia and Military Frontier. The poverty is omnipresent, and its' reasons are numerous: crop failure, weak traffic connections and quality of craftsmen products, as well as massive lack of education. Many priests – pollsters describe their parishioners as lazy people and ignoramus, who even don't want to learn anything new. On the other hand, some pollsters claime that people are diligent and skilled workmen. At the same time, the process of separation of agriculture and handicrafts goes on, and people in some areas are improving for concrete activities (woodworks, potters, blacksmiths, sempstress...). Especially interesting datas are those about ethnic identifications of inhibitants. The implication is that it is only seemingly homogeneous world, because Poll's datas bring out uneven ethnic and lingvistic picture of Croatian lands. Names for those identifications are local, regional, ethnic, natioanal or even superior to national ones. In same parts, religion is the element that separates people and in other parts language is the base for the ethnic identification. The third option is distingvishing people only for their social positions. Consequently, contrasts between „Us“ and „Them“ has depended on the specific situations.
Statističko – topografski upitnici Banskoga vijeća
Vojna krajina
sredina 19. stoljeća
etničke identifikacije
Keywords (english)
Statistical and Topographical Questionnaires of the Ban's Council
Civil Croatia and Slavonia
Military Frontier
the middle of the 19th century
ethnic identifications
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:507853
Promotion 2024
Study programme Title: Humanities Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, odgovarajuće polje (određeno matičnom strukom) (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, odgovarajuće polje (određeno matičnom strukom))
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository University of Zadar Institutional Repository
Created on 2024-03-13 08:35:39