Title Culture in the Age of Biopower
Title (croatian) Kultura u doba biomoći
Author Gordan Maslov
Mentor Mario Vrbančić (mentor) MBZ: 295136
Mentor Kruno Martinac (komentor) MBZ: 281625
Committee member Nebojša Blanuša (predsjednik povjerenstva) MBZ: 262560
Committee member Tomislav Pletenac (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 238372
Committee member Senka Božić Vrbančić (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 277851
Granter University of Zadar Zadar
Defense date and country 2022-10-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Humanistic Studies
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 13 - Philosophy of mind and spirit. Metaphysics of spiritual life. The occult
Abstract The work aims to problematize Michel Foucault’s contribution to theories of power. Foucault’s work contributed substantially to a new field of critical theory, the so-called “biopolitical studies”, a field within which authors in different and sometimes antagonistic ways use and redefine Foucault’s different concepts, such as biopower, discipline, subjectivization, governmentality etc., with the aim to understand different cultural phenomena which define the sphere of politics and economy. The aim of the work is to critically intervene both in this field of “biopolitical studies” and in Foucault’s own conceptual apparatus, within the contemporary context defined by climate change, financialization of economy, deindustrialization, and different global phenomena of violence (tied to the economy of extraction, rise of populism, resource wars etc.). Most important question text raises is whether Foucault’s conceptual apparatus, developed around the idea of “the productivity of power”, can explain these phenomena and the ways in which culture, as a form of social activity, grasp destruction and violence of contemporary capitalism. I will maintain that this is impossible without a fundamental rethinking of this conceptual apparatus by putting it into dialogue with the work of Karl Marx, an author with whom Foucault’s work was often connected to, especially in the last decades. The main contribution of this work is a different reading of these authors for which I reserve the name “heterodox”, with the aim to bring out different meeting points which had been repressed or ignored in the secondary literature: different forms and scale of violence and destruction. Starting from “historical materialism”, a terrain which regardless of all differences Marx and Foucault share, this paper will focus on contemporary cultural and representative practices which reflect and shape different ways in which capitalism takes a hold of life, forms subjects but also exposes certain populations to death (necropolitics).
Abstract (croatian) Rad problematizira doprinos francuskog filozofa Michela Foucaulta teorijama moći. Foucaultov rad je doprinio nastanku novog polja kritičke teorije, tzv. „biopolitičkih studija“, unutar kojeg autori na različite te ponekad antagonističke načine koriste i redefiniraju Foucaultove koncepte poput biomoći, discipline, subjektivizacije, vladalaštva itd., kako bi objasnili različite kulturne fenomene u sferama ekonomije i politike. Rad kritički intervenira i u navedeno polje „biopolitičkih studija“ i u sam Foucaultov pojmovni aparat, imajući u obzir suvremeni kontekst obilježen klimatskim promjenama, financijalizacijom ekonomije, deindustrijalizacijom, te različitim globalnim fenomenima nasilja (vezanim za ekonomiju ekstrakcije, rast populizma, ratove oko resursa itd). Pitanje koje rad postavlja je može li Foucaultov pojmovni aparat, nastao oko ideje „produktivnosti moći“, objasniti ove fenomene te načine na koji kultura kao ljudska aktivnost zahvaća destruktivnost i nasilje suvremenog kapitalizma. Rad drži da to nije moguće bez temeljnog promišljanja tog konceptualnog aparata kroz „dijalog“ s radom Karla Marxa, autora s kojim je Foucault posljednih desetljeća često dovođen u vezu. Glavni doprinos ovog rada se temelji na drugačijem čitanju dvojice autora za koje predlažem naziv „heterodoksno“, a koje za svoj cilj ima istaknuti točke međusobnog „preklapanja“ koje su u sekundarnoj literaturi zanemarene ili potisnute: različite oblike nasilja te destrukcije. Polazeći od terena „historijskog materijalizma“ kojeg, unatoč svim razlikama, dijele Marx i Foucault, rad će se fokusirati na suvremene kulturne i reprezentativne prakse koje reflektiraju ali i sudjeluju u različitim načinima na koji koji kapitalizam zahvaća život, formira subjekte, no istovremeno određene dijelove populacije prepušta smrti (nekropolitika).
Keywords (croatian)
Language english
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:152201
Promotion 2023
Study programme Title: Humanities Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje interdisciplinarne humanističke znanosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje interdisciplinarne humanističke znanosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-03-27 09:15:45