Title Topografija rimske ruralne arhitekture na području južne Liburnije
Title (english) : Topography of Roman Rural Architecture on the Territory of Southern Liburnia
Author Marina Jurjević
Mentor Robert Matijašić (mentor) MBZ: 133700
Committee member Željko Miletić (predsjednik povjerenstva) MBZ: 138810
Committee member Robert Matijašić (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 133700
Committee member Igor Borzić (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 270825
Granter University of Zadar Zadar
Defense date and country 2020-10-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Archeology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 902/904 - Archaeology
Abstract Uspostavom rimske vlasti na području istočne jadranske obale dolazi do značajnih promjena u načinu života lokalnog stanovništva koje se ogleda u ubrzanoj urbanizaciji naselja, primjenama novih tehnika u graditeljstvu, jačanju trgovine, promjenama u načinu privređivanja, ali i doseljavanju većeg broja stanovnika iz ostalih dijelova tadašnjeg Rimskog Carstva. Sastavni dio navedenih promjena bio je prostor južne Liburnije, najurbaniziranije regije na području istočne jadranske obale. Prvi korak nakon pacifikacije promatranog područja bila je organizacija teritorija u upravno – pravnom pogledu i rješavanje imovinsko – pravnih odnosa među zajednicama koje je bilo od iznimne važnosti radi dodjeljivanja zemljišta novopridošlom stanovništvu. Unutar agera teritorijalnih zajednica podižu se rustične vile unutar kojih se organizira proizvodnja različitih proizvoda namijenjenih lokalnim, ali i udaljenijim tržištima. Na temelju prikupljenih podataka, u radu se donose osnovni podatci o razmještaju rimske ruralne arhitekture na teritoriju agera kolonije Jader i municipalnih središta na području južne Liburnije u razdoblju od ranog Carstva do kasne antike. Unutar promatranog područja obrađeno je 260 lokaliteta s karakteristikama rimske ruralne arhitekture, različitog stupnja sačuvanosti. Odlučujuću ulogu u razmještaju, uz prirodnu osnovu, imala je i mreža dobro izgrađenih kopnenih komunikacija. U cilju dobivanja uvida u način života unutar vangradskih područja, uz ostatke rimske ruralne arhitekture, tehnika gradnje i unutarnjeg uređenja istih, u radu se obrađuju i ostali segmenti svakodnevnog života poput načina sahranjivanja i duhovnih vjerovanja. Tijekom 3. i 4. stoljeća na području Rimskog Carstva, kao neizravna posljedica čestih ratnih sukoba, dolazi do korjenitih promjena u političkom i ekonomskom pogledu koje se ogledaju i u promjenama izvornih funkcija ruralnih posjeda. Na temelju dosadašnjih spoznaja o ostatcima rimske ruralne arhitekture na području južne Liburnije ne mogu se donositi konkretniji zaključci o promjenama unutar ruralnih posjeda na promatranom području. No razvidno je da je veći broj objekata tijekom 5. i 6. stoljeća bio zahvaćen procesom kristijanizacije.
Abstract (english) Significant changes in the way of life of local peoples happened with the establishment of the Roman dominion on the Eastern Adriatic coast and they are evident in the increased urbanisation of settlements, application of new building techniques, strengthening of trade, changes in economy but also in the influx of large number of people from other parts of the Roman Empire. Territory of the southern Liburnian, the most urbanized region in the Eastern Adriatic, was an essential component of such changes. The first step after the pacification of the said territory was its administrative-legal organization and the resolution of property-legal issues between communities, which was of crucial importance in order to allocate land to newly-settled population. Rural villas were built within the ager of the territorial communities and production of various goods intended for local but also foreign markets was organized there. In this dissertation, on the basis of the collected data, basic information is brought forward on the distribution of Roman rural architecture in the ager of colonial Aider and municipal centres in the territory of southern Liburnian during the period from the Early Empire to the Late Antiquity. Two hundred and sixty sites, displaying characteristics of Roman rural architecture of varying state of preservation, have been studied within the analysed territory. Apart from the landscape, the network of well-built land communications had a decisive role in their distribution. In order to attain insight into the way of life in the territory outside of the urban areas, along with the remains of rural architecture, building techniques and their inner decorations, this paper deals with other segments of everyday life, like burial rituals and religious beliefs. During the 3rd and 4th centuries, as an indirect consequence of frequent war conflicts, fundamental political and economic changes arose in the Roman Empire, which reflected in the changes of essential functions of rural estates. More concrete conclusions on the changes within rural estates in the territory of southern Liburnian cannot be given based on the current state of research on the remains of Roman rural architecture in the said area. However, it is evident that numerous structures during the 5th and 6th centuries were under the influence of Christianization.
rimska ruralna arhitektura
južna Liburnija
organizacija teritorija
kasna antika
Keywords (english)
Roman rural architecture
southern Liburnian
territorial organization
Late Antiquity
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:629186
Promotion 2023
Study programme Title: Archaeology of the Eastern Adriatic Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje arheologija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje arheologija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository University of Zadar Institutional Repository
Created on 2023-03-21 08:29:05