Title Tema grada u poeziji Dragutina Tadijanovića
Title (english) The theme of the city in the poetry of Dragutin Tadijanović
Author Tonći Lazibat
Mentor Robert Bacalja (mentor) MBZ: 138786
Committee member Tihomil Maštrović (predsjednik povjerenstva) MBZ: 29730
Committee member Damir Matanović (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 225724
Committee member Katarina Ivon (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 289742
Granter University of Zadar Zadar
Defense date and country 2022-02-11, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 821.163.42 - Croatian literature
Abstract Dragutin Tadijanović je, u svom dugogodišnjem životu i stvaralaštvu napisao enorman broj pjesama. Iako su mu brojni kritičari pripisivali gotovo mitsku povezanost s Rastušjem, a samim time nepravedno ga svrstali u ruralne pjesnike, hipoteza je naše doktorske disertacije kako je on prvenstveno i zamjetno urbani pjesnik. Pišući detaljne podatke ispod velike većine svojih pjesama, često zapisuje i grad u kojemu su nastale, stoga grad postaje važnim urbanim motivom – bilo da se nalazi izvan teksta pjesama, kroz doslovno spominjanje vlastite imenice ili imenice koja upućuje na grad u tijelu pjesama. Kako bismo potvrdili svoju hipotezu, pošli do od općih znanstvenih spoznaja o prostoru, iz pozicije društvenih i humanističkih znanosti, prikazujući razvoj grada i ostvarivanje njegova identiteta kroz povijest, ali s velikim naglaskom na grad u hrvatskoj književnosti. Ukazavši da su Tadijanovićevi prethodnici (ne u smislu preuzimanja utjecaja nego ranije afirmacije motiva grada u pjesmama) upravo modernisti, interpretirali smo i analizirali njihove reprezentativne pjesme kako bismo u konačnici mogli vidjeti postoje li kakvi utjecaji na Tadijanovića. Iako je i nakon modernista, a za vrijeme Tadijanovićeva življenja postojalo onih koji su se (u poeziji ili prozi) bavili gradom (poput Krleže i sl.), Tadijanovićevo djelo, temeljeno na Sabranim pjesmama i Zelenom voću kao istraživačkom korpusu, pokazuje da je urbani motiv definitivno dominantan u njegovoj sveukupnoj poeziji te ga s pravom treba nazvati urbanim pjesnikom. Bilo da govori o hrvatskim ili europskim gradovima, ponaša se on poput urbanog antropologa, pokazujući razumijevanje mentaliteta stanovnika pojedinoga gradova i prepoznajući i one najsitnije urboglife, naizgled nevažne.
Abstract (english) Dragutin Tadijanović wrote an enormous number of poems during his long life and work. Even though many critics have been attributing him an almost mythical connection with Rastušje and have thus unfairly classified him as a rural poet, the hypothesis of our doctoral dissertation is that he is primarily and noticeably an urban poet. Not only did he use to write detailed information below most of his poems, but he also used to note down the city in which those poems were written. Thereby the city becomes an important urban motif – whether it is outside the text itself, through a literal mention of a proper noun or a common noun referring to the city in the body of the poem. In order to confirm our hypothesis, we started from general scientific knowledge about space, through the position of social sciences and humanities, showing the development of the city and the realization of its identity through history, but with great emphasis on the city in Croatian literature. Taking into consideration that Tadijanović's forerunners were modernists (not in the terms of taking over the influence, but rather in the sense of earlier affirmations of the city's motifs in the poems), their representative poems were interpreted and analysed so that it can be seen if there were any influences on Tadijanović. Although, even after the modernists, and during Tadijanović's lifetime, there were those who (in poetry or prose) dealt with the city (such as Krleža, etc.), Tadijanović's work, based on Collected Poems and Green Fruit as a research corpus, shows that the urban motif is definitely dominant in his overall poetry and that he should fairly be called an urban poet. Whether he talks about Croatian or European cities, he acts like an urban anthropologist, showing an understanding of the mentality of the inhabitants of individual cities and recognizing even the tiniest urbogliphs, seemingly unimportant.
urbani prostor
Dragutin Tadijanović
Sabrane pjesme
Zeleno voće
Keywords (english)
urban space
Dragutin Tadijanović
Collected Poems
Green Fruit
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:911848
Promotion 2022
Study programme Title: Humanities Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje filologija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje filologija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository University of Zadar Institutional Repository
Created on 2022-04-08 13:06:36